"Did you forget how to dress yourself Breck? Jesus Christ! Matt and I have to get the furniture out of there sometime tonight." I heard Jake yell from the kitchen.

"EFF OFF Jake!" I said. This made Jimmy laugh. "eff yourself!" he whispered in his Denise voice. "No time for that right now, Jimmy." I smiled though. I opened my bedroom window and motioned for Jimmy to slip out of it. "Why am I sneaking out of the window? Aren't I a little old to be doing that?" He looked confused. 

"Listen here Brecks! You don't wanna mess with this okay?" Just as Jimmy stuck one of his legs out of my window, Jake came bursting through my door. "You mess with the bull, you get the... Whoa! What the fuck?" 

Too late. Guess they had to find out sooner or later.

"Who the fuck is this Breck?" Jake said in the doorway. I slowly turned around and looked at my brother. Jimmy still had his back to Jake and one leg out the window. "Jakers, calm down. Remember that New Yorker we were talking about? The one you were making fun of? Well, this is him. Jake, this is Jimmy." I put my hand on Jimmy's shoulder and he let out a chuckle. He slowly pulled his leg back into the house and slowly turned around.

"Jimmy Fallon. So, you were making fun of me huh?" he held out his hand. 

"Yeah, he did a horrible New York accent and everything." I laughed. 

"Really? Well, I'm known to do that myself from time to time." Jimmy said. He couldn't help but giggle. 

Jake stood back and put his hands up "What the fuck Breckyn? You didn't tell me you were talking to Jimmy FUCKING Fallon! Sorry, Mr. Fallon, I'm just caught off guard. And, had I known, I would not have made fun of you. I promise."  He grabbed Jimmy's hand and shook it. 

"Don't worry about it, pal. I make fun of myself from time to time." He grabbed Jake on the shoulder. "Please, just call me Jimmy."  he said as he walked back over to me and put his arm around me. 

Jake shook his head and sat on the bed. "Breck, you've got a lot of explaining to do. Start talking." Jimmy laughed at me and sat down on the recliner that sat in the corner of my room. "Do you want to explain it or me?" I looked over at him. Jimmy gestured his hands towards me. "Please, be my guest." he chuckled and bit his lip.  "Thank you for the support." I said as I started pacing the room.

"Well, Jake, you know how I went to New York." I started. "Yeah, to see the Tonight Show and get away from fuckhead, yeah I know." he said.  "Jakers, Dude, mom is right, watch your language." 

"He is a fuckhead though.." Jimmy muttered under his breath. "Not helping, James." I said as I glanced back at him. He smiled at me and bit his lip again. God damn it, I cant help but smile at him. 

"Anyways... I went to the taping and was trying to get a high five from him, long story short, I fell down the stairs and Jimmy caught me. I passed out and then he took me to the hospital for my stitches. Anyways, I had to stay with him for a couple days so he could observe me. Which, was really nice of him, by the way." I looked back at him and smiled. When I looked back I saw that Jimmy's face was bright red and he wouldn't look at me. Hmm. That's weird. Why would he be embarrassed about that story? I looked back at Jake "Anyways, we got to know each other better and I told him about Mike and everything.  He supported me and I don't know, Jake, I just..  Well, one thing led to another and here he is." I looked up at Jake and he looked confused. 

"So you're telling me you two are sleeping together? Isn't he married? Aren't you married? Breck, are you having an affair with HIM? How dare you bring my sister in to be your tabloid cover! Don't you think she's been through enough! " Jake pointed behind me at Jimmy and stood up to walk over to him. Jimmy shifted nervously in the chair. I stood in front of him. "Whoa, Jake, you CANT talk to him like that. You cant talk to me like that either. I'm your sister." I said, putting my hands on Jake's chest to keep him away from Jimmy. "No, Breck! He can't just make you another notch on his bedpost to get some headlines and get away with it!"  

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