Mom looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "Well, if anyone could get through this and have a bright life ahead of them on the other side, its you. You are the strongest woman I know." She wrapped her arms around me as we walked out of the airport.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I reached in and grabbed it out. I had two text messages. One from Jimmy and one from Drew. I decided to wait to read these when I had some privacy. The last thing I have energy to deal with right now is explain to my mother and my brother why I am kissing Jimmy Fallon.

"Well, Brecks, I think we are going to go home and relax. Tomorrow we can go to your old place and grab all your stuff. I am coming with you, whether you like it or not. I'm bringing Matt too." Jake said to me as he sat my bag behind the backseat of our truck. "Before you protest, I don't really care. We are going to be there, just in case. You need someone there with you in case dipshit decides he wants to come back home."

Matt is Drew's fiancé. He is also a Marine. I guess if I am forced to have bodyguards with me, I couldn't really beat the two men that were going to be there with me. I would have good protection. I couldn't help but wish that Jimmy was going to be with me as well though. Sure, Jake and Matt would be good protection, but Jimmy was really good at the emotional support. Jimmy somewhat knew what I was experiencing. He knew what it was like to have to pick up your life and move on, when you never thought you would have to.

Jake helped me into the backseat and I stretched out across it. I used my purse as a pillow. We had a two hour drive back to our hometown. "Just relax, Brecks." I heard Jake say. "We will get you taken care of. We won't let anything happen to you and we will get you out of that hellhole, once and for all. I swear, if that piece of shit comes within 100 feet of you, he won't have to worry about going back to prison. I'll take care of him then and there."

"Language, Jake. I didn't raise you like that." I heard my mom say from the passenger seat as we were rolling down the road. "Sorry, Mom, but he is a piece of shit." Jake grinned as he said it to her again.

"Be that as it may Jake Thomas Jones, we don't stoop to their level." My mother said as she reached behind her seat and patted my hand. "We will just make sure that your sister is taken care of and leave it at that."

I smiled as my brother started to protest my mother. It wasn't going to work with her. "He's not worth it anyways, Jakers." I said from the backseat. "He may not be worth it, but it would be my honor to put him in his place. He wouldn't be returning to that prison in one whole piece anyways."

"I know Jake. Thank you but I would prefer we handle this without violence, if we can get away with that." I pulled my jacket over my eyes. "Can you do me a favor and turn the radio on, I need some sort of music to listen to."

"For you, Brecks, anything." Jake looked back at me and smiled. He turned the radio on.

I know people make promises all the time and then they turn right around and break them. Someone cuts your heart open with a knife and you bleed yeah. But you know I can be that guy to heal it overtime and I wont stop until you believe it, cause baby you are worth it.

"Hell no. I hate this fucking song." I heard Jake say. "Jake Thomas! What did I say about language?" I heard mom smack Jake's hand.

"Jake, no. Leave it please. I love this song." I said from the backseat. "Alright, fine. Only for you though."

The truth is, the song reminded me of Jimmy. It reminded me of our first night together. I could almost hear him singing it right now. If I closed my eyes, it was almost like he was here with me. It was then that I remembered that he text me. I pulled out my phone and pushed on his name.

"Call me as soon as you land"- Jimmy. He must be worried about me landing safely. I couldn't really call him right now. Not with Jake and Mom in the car. I decided I would call him when I got home when I had a little more privacy.

I sat there and looked at the background of my phone. Just seeing the picture of us kissing made my heart skip a beat. What was this man doing to me? I put my jacket over my face to hide my smile. I had been snoozing for a while when I felt my phone vibrate again. Must be Jimmy.

I pushed the jacket off my face. Nope, it was Drew. I forgot to check her message earlier. She is quite persistent when it came to me contacting her back. I smiled as I opened the message. That smile quickly faded.

"What the fuck? Anything you forgot to tell me? Would you like to tell me now?" A youtube video link was attached. I clicked on it.

I saw someone running down an airport terminal.. and I knew. I felt dizzy. I felt the color rush out of my face. I watched the whole scene go down. Jimmy turned me around and I saw our lips connect.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled. "Breckyn Nicholle! Not you too!" My mom yelled.

I felt like I was going to be sick.

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