"You alright? Was that painful?" He called out as I heard him put the shirt down. "I'm good. That was a lot easier than trying to change earlier. Thanks!"

"No problem! Shirt or shorts first?" Jimmy said. "Shirt." I called back. "Ok. This is where it gets tricky. I am going to hold the shirt out so you can put your arms and head through, but I am going to close my eyes so I wont see anything." Just open the curtain when ready.

"Your eyes are closed?"  I said.

"Yep, cant see anything." He laughed.

I held out my hand and put up three fingers. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"I don't know. Three?" he laughed.

"Close em." I said.

"Breckyn, trust me, they are closed. Im just a good guesser."

I bit my lip for a second. "Here goes nothing." I said. I flung open the curtain. Jimmy had his eyes closed and his arms out with the shirt. "Told you." He said. "yeah, yeah." I put my arms through the shirt and then put my head through. Jimmy pulled the shirt down and covered his eyes. "Shorts now." He reached blindly for them. I led him to the pants. Jimmy turned back around with his eyes shut. He held out the shorts and I placed my good arm on his shoulder for support and stepped into the shorts one leg at a time and he pulled them up. "You good?" He said with his eyes still closed.

"Yep, you can open your eyes now. Thanks for helping me. It was really nice. Thanks for being a gentleman as well." He opened his eyes and grinned. "No problem, that's just who I am. Jimmy Fallon, Gentleman." He tightened up an imaginary tie and grinned. "You clean up good. If it weren't for the bandages, you would not be able to tell you were hurt." I blushed at his comment. "Why, thank you." I chuckled. "You on the other hand, look like you were the one that got hurt." I looked at him. He was still wearing his undershirt and suit pants covered in my blood.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that. I guess it's my turn to change." He walked out of the bathroom in front of me and picked up his bag. He threw out a part of gym shorts, some black socks, and an white t shirt. I placed my dirty clothes in my laundry bag on the closet door and sat on the bed. Jimmy walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

I grabbed my cellphone out of my purse and checked the time. 2 am. I had a few text messages from my best friends asking how the show was. I thought about the time difference. It would be 1 am there. They might be awake but I decided to tell them all about the show and my disaster that followed tomorrow morning instead. I don't have the energy to explain anything right now anyways. A few minutes later, Jimmy walked out with his suit pants, dress shoes, socks and undershirt in his hands. "Is it okay if I put my clothes in with yours? I'll take them to the drycleaners tomorrow. I forgot my garment bag." He said as he walked out. "Yeah, sure. I can pay for the drycleaning though since its my fault there is blood on them." I said as he sat down in a chair across from the bed I was sitting on. "Nonsense. I'll cover it. I still feel bad this happened to you." He ran his hand through his hair and leaned back, stretching. I couldn't help but stare. I was so used to just seeing Jimmy on tv or in photographs. I had never seen him in sleeping clothes or even out of his suit or nice plaid shirts. I guess I was so used to the celebrity part of him. He really was very attractive and really just a normal person like everyone else. He yawned and crossed his legs. He was barefoot. I was mesmerized by him. I couldn't stop looking. He caught my eye mid yawn and smiled. "What? You never seen anyone yawn before?" he laughed.

I quickly looked away and could feel my cheeks turning hot from blushing. "No, I have. Just never expected to be in a situation like this. I mean, Jimmy Fallon is in my room. In pjs. Barefoot." I looked back up. He was leaning forward with his hands on his legs and glancing up at me with a smile. "I'm just a normal guy you know? I just so happen to be on tv telling jokes. I'm no different than you. I'm just lucky." He leaned back again. "Besides, get used to it. I gotta watch over you for the next few days at least. This is what I look like out of work." He motioned his arm down his body. I followed his arm. That's when I noticed the blood.

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