Dwight chuckled for a minute as he rubbed his chin.
"You're really so temperamental. I like that."

Victoria couldn't believe what she heard. The compliment he gave
her was kinda cute. She smiled to herself. Dwight saw her sneaky smile and smiled to himself too.

"Thanks for the compliment."
"No am being serious. You're so bossy. Not even Hazel can pull that one off."

Victoria flinched at those words especially after hearing the name Hazel.

She let out a tiny chuckle.
"Whenever you're around me don't bring that name up."

"Why does it bug you so much? I mean Hazel is beautiful and all but I must admit she's a pain in the ass." Dwight knew he was getting on her nerves.

"Wow..you really are something. I just told you not to mention Hazel when you're with me and you just did that intentionally. Why?" Victoria was mad.

"I'm sorry. I won't say her name again in front of you. But I just don't get why you guys hate each other so much when you barely know her. I mean you just joined Los Calabasas."

"I guess it takes a bitch to know a bitch." Victoria replied.

Dwight was puzzled.

Victoria was not exactly what he expected. She was the better version of Hazel but in a good way. She was the guardian angel Hazel. Dwight enjoyed her company and he noticed that Victoria enjoyed his company too.

"Its only a few days to the maths test." Dwight said throwing sand pebbles to the shore.

" Yes I know." Victoria answered calmly.

"Did you study for it?" Dwight asked as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Yes. You?" She turned to face him. He sighed.

"Because I don't see any reason as to why I should study for it when I know am just gonna mess up."

"So what you're trying to say is that you're not good at maths?"

"Exactly." Dwight nodded.

Victoria gazed at him for a while. She then put her hair side ways and said,"Its okay. I can help you study for it."

"Really?" Dwight was perplexed to hear that from her.

"Yes trust me. Back in Scotland they call me the mathematician Princess." Victoria said in a smile waiting for Dwight's reaction.

"Princess? Why Princess?" Dwight was confused.

Uh oh.

Victoria had just let out her biggest secret that she was intending to hide. But either way sooner or later the truth about her being a Princess would be discovered.

"Yes Princess." She said.
"How come?"

She let out a deep sigh then shrugged her shoulders and said,"There's something you should know about me Dwight."

"Am all ears." Dwight said attentively.

Victoria kept a lock of her hair behind her right ear then said,"I'm a Princess. For real. My father was a King. He was Scotland's previous King." She saw how Dwight's face reacted and the way his eyebrows furrowed demanding for more explanations.

"I still don't get it." He said shaking his head.

"My father just died a month ago. I am his heir. I am his only child. But am still underage. Still 17. I can't control the Kingdom. That's why my mum decided that it was best to move here in California. I am supposed to be the next Queen of Scotland and I literally don't know what to do."

Dwight took a couple of minutes to process the whole information it was...so surreal yet unbelievable that he was sitting next to a Royal. The next Queen of Scotland.


"Wow!" He breathed in after hearing all that."No wonder you're so bossy."he added with a giggle.

Victoria laughed it off.

"You can read my wikipedia if you want to but I am not a social median fan. Its not my thing."

"So what's your thing?" Dwight asked in a smile.

She then held a lump of sand and threw it at him.

"This is my thing." She then laughed hysterically.

Dwight threw sand at her too.

"Naughty Princess." He commented. Victoria smiled.

"So when will we study together for the test?" Dwight asked her.

"I don't know. You tell me when you're free." Victoria replied.

"How about now?" Dwight suggested.

Victoria was puzzled but she loved the idea and most of all she enjoyed Dwight's presence.

There was moment of silence since Victoria seemed to be thinking.

"Okay let's go to my home." She said.
"Okay." Said Dwight in another smile as they both stood up and walked to Victoria's home happily with shy smiles and glares.



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