Chapter 44

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Sara walked to the reception , she asked which room was Farrah admitted to.
Sara thanked the lady at the reception and looked at her watch, she had called Santiago to meet her at the hospital. She didn't want to go see Farrah by herself she wanted a witness to be there with her.
" Sorry Ma'am for running late!", Santiago said almost out of breath as he met her in the corridor.
" It's ok, ready ?!", She said and Santiago nodded yes.
They took the elevator to the floor that Farrah was admitted on. Sara and Santiago walked towards her room and knocked on the door . Someone from inside asked them to come in, they walked in and saw a nurse who was talking to Farrah.
As soon as she saw them she asked the nurse to leave her alone for a few minutes.
" Sara , how's Fabian?!", Farrah asked them anxiously.
Sara and Santiago looked at each other and then Sara looked at her, " he is alive... how could you have done this to him?! I know what you gave him Farrah.. tell us the whole truth now!", Sara said and Farrah looked away from them.
" Farrah if you don't speak up , I will have to go to the police!", Sara said threatening Farrah. She saw her face changed color and then she looked at them,
" Ok , ok I'll speak", Farrah said.
Sara crossed her arms and looked at Farrah who took a sip of water before she spoke.
" It was the idea of Edward your ex. We met each other the day you met him at the store, you and Fabian were talking outside. He saw me staring at you and Fabian.. kissing. He spoke to me and told me who he was and I agreed to meet him the same night at the bar.
He proposed that we break you guys up so that he could have you and Fabian's baby! He didn't like the idea of you sleeping with Fabian and wanted revenge on him as well. I agreed because I love Fabian but it was only to make him drowsy so I could pretend we slept together! I didn't mean to hurt him like that!", Farrah said and she had started to cry.
Sara looked at her , she didn't feel any pity towards her.
" And now where is your friend Edward?!", Sara asked .
Farrah wiped away her tears and told her which hotel room that he was staying in,
" I hope he is still there! Last night when I had the accident I called him to come help me ,he refused and said he was leaving town when he found out our plan failed ", Farrah said.
Sara and Santiago looked at each other ,
" We have to go to that hotel right away!", Santiago said . Sara agreed with him , she was about to walk out of the room , she turned and look at Farrah,
" Thank you for growing a conscience and for speaking up . Fabian will be fine and when he is better I'm sure he will have a word with you!", Sara said and Farrah bent her head.
Sara walked out and hurried to catch up with Santiago. She met him at the entrance of the hospital and she asked him to drive her Jeep,and that they will come retrieve the truck
They arrived at the small hotel that Edward was staying in. They walked up to the reception and asked for his room but they were told that he had already checked out.
Sara hit her fist on the reception desk and excused herself when the young receptionist looked at her surprisingly.
" Ma'am calm down. Now we know the truth! I don't think he will dare show his face around here again!", Santiago said as they got in the Jeep.
" Oh No Santiago this ain't over! I know how to hurt him .. I know where he is .. Edward will never practice as a vet again. After what he did he doesn't deserve that license", Sara said as she looked through her phone. She smiled when she found the number that she was looking for..and she dialed it "Hello professor", Sara said with a big smile on her face.

Sara drove Santiago  back to the hospital to retrieve the truck and as she parked in the parking  space she saw Dr. Martin going in. She told Santiago that she was going to speak with the Doctor and will see him later.
" Dr. Martin!", Sara shouted just before the Doctor stepped inside the elevator.
Dr. Martin turned and looked at her, he waited for her by the elevator.
" Hi Sara, you found out I brought Fabian in?", Dr. Martin asked her.
" No no I was here for something else. Is he ok Dr?", Sara asked anxiously.
" Yes , just wanted to have a few scans done just to be sure that the drug did not affect any of his organs. But everything looking good!", Dr. Martin said with a smile as they stepped inside the elevator.
" That's Great news! I can't wait to see him!", Sara said smiling.
The Doctor indicated to her which room that Fabian was in.
She thanked him and hurried to his room. She knocked on the door and opened it, Fabian was sleeping and his mother was there.
Sara didn't feel comfortable since their encounter wasn't a good one, but she smiled at her and told her to come in.
Fabian's mother hugged her and touched her tummy.
" Thank you Sara. Thank you for loving my Fabian!", his mother said and Sara smiled and hugged her.
" Isn't that a beautiful sight! The two most  important women in my life!", Fabian said .
Sara looked at him and walked up to his bed, she bent down and kissed him tenderly on the lips .
" How are you feeling?", she whispered.
" Much better", Fabian said lifting his hand and caressed her face, she noticed that he was still a bit weak.
His mother excused herself and told them she will be back later .
" I know he is in good hands", his mother said and Sara blushed.
Fabian and Sara stared at each other and smiled .
" I love you Sara", he whispered and smile at her.
" I love you too! ... Fabian we need to talk about something serious", Sara said holding his hand.
" Farrah drugged me!", Fabian said.
" Yes, but she didn't do it on her own. It was hers and Edward's plan to break us up! Edward gave her the drug. It's one we give to animals to calm them down...and last night Farrah had an accident", Sara said and Fabian looked at her.
" And How is she ?", Fabian asked .
" She's ok ... She asked me to come see her and she told me everything", Sara said .
Fabian squeezed her hand softly,
" Can't believe she will be so stupid to agree to something like that. And Edward where is he now?", Fabian asked and Sara could feel he was upset.
" Calm down Fabian, I already took care of Edward! He will never be able to practice as a vet again!", Sara said smiling at him.
" Now I need to get out of this bed so we can have that barn wedding!", Fabian said and kissed her hand that was in his.

Two months  later , close family members and close friends were gathered for the wedding of Sara and Fabian and Veronica and Sebastian.
The sisters agreed to have a double wedding celebration and Veronica liked the idea of a barn wedding as well.
The happy couples said "I do" as the crowd clapped and cheered.
Sara and Fabian hugged each other as they looked around them . Everyone they loved were gathered and this time they were both extremely happy.
The sisters hugged each other ,
" We finally happy with the man we love!", Veronica whispered to Sara and they looked at each other and smiled.

Fabian slowly removed her wedding dress caressing her back. He kissed her softly on her bare shoulder and then under her neck as he unhooked her bra. He turned her around and they stared at each other lovingly as he slowly brushed his lips over hers. They kissed each other slowly and then the kiss turned into a more demanding one, as they walked slowly backwards towards the bed. He laid her down and stared at her .
He lowered his body over hers and captured her lips once more as she wrapped her legs around him.
" Fabian", she giggled as he pulled down her panties.

The King's and the Carter's were finally joined together by love not by a business contract.

**The End***

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