Chapter 4

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A month later Veronica came back to the ranch. She had no choice but to come back home for the school summer holidays since the ranch was not making that much money to accommodate her going on expensive holiday trips, thanks to their father's gambling addiction.
" Sara what is going on here? How come nobody stopped dad from gambling our money away?!", Veronica asked Sara as she stormed inside her small clinic at the back of their house.
Sara look up from her papers and folded her arms,
" At least say  Good morning Sara, How are you Sara ? Before you start with your questioning!", Sara said to her as she got up from her desk to hug her sister.
" I missed you, even if you are annoying at times!", Sara said to Veronica as she stood back and looked at her little sister.
Veronica looked prettier, more than ever and she could see the city life was treating her well. They had almost the same hair color but Veronica's was a little lighter than hers and with her big blue eyes she must have broken so many hearts back in the city and in the many countries she had travelled to.
" Sara I can't understand why father had to gamble ! He has everything,  what more can he want?", Veronica said and Sara could hear in her voice that she was annoyed.
" I asked him that and he said to let him spend his money. He worked hard all his youth now he needs to " enjoy his money"!, Sara said mimicking her father's voice.
"Not fair! Right now I would have been cruising in Cuba with my friends", Veronica said angrily.
" Veronica is that all you think about? Do you ever think about doing some savings! Do you ever think about coming back home so we can manage this ranch together?! The way things are going we are heading for the worst!", Sara said as she went back to her desk.
" What?!", Veronica said putting her hands one on each side of her cheeks .
" I really don't know how to handle everything anymore Vero.Dad had fired most of the workers saying he was cutting down costs when actually he was finding ways to keep more money in his pockets for gambling",Sara said as she took a  blood sample and put it under the microscope.
" Well I better find myself a really rich man so he can give me everything",Veronica said twirling a strand of her hair and staring blankly out of space.
" Can you see that rich man up there Vero?", Sara asked amusingly.
" Well you never know! By the way have you seen Sam .., Alexander or Fabian around?", Veronica asked as she pulled a chair in front of Sara's desk.
Sara lifted her head from the microscope and looked at her sister with an annoyed look of her face.
"Don't you dare go after those guys Vero! They are nothing but a bunch of womanizers. Be careful niña", Sara said to her sister in a serious tone.
She didn't want her sister to get close to the Kings they will only use her like they were doing with all the girls in town.
" Sara , I know how to take care of myself", Veronica said before walking out of her clinic.
" That young lady will surely give me a heart attack before the end of her holidays", Sara said as she stared at the closed door.
That evening after Sara closed up her clinic ,she saw Veronica waiting for her on the front porch all dressed up. Her long hair was down and she wore a bare back top and her jeans. Sara looked at her and realized how her sister had grown into a woman.
Probably she is even more experienced with men than me, Sara thought as she looked at her sister and smiled .
" Sara, I need to borrow your Jeep. I'm meeting up with Alexis and Andrea", Veronica said .
Sara took out the key from her pocket and she paused momentarily before handing her the key.
" Be careful and stay away from the King's", Sara warned her little sister.
Veronica didn't answer she just kissed her sister on the cheek and walked to the Jeep.
" Don't wait up for me!", Veronica shouted as she got in the Jeep .

" Good morning everyone", Veronica said entering the dinning room.
" Veronica in case you haven't noticed, it's lunch time. Where did you go last night that you couldn't even wake up for breakfast?", her mother asked.
" Ma, I'm on holiday. You know how hard I work at Uni!", Veronica said as she picked up the bowl of beans putting some on her plate.
" And What about your sister Sara ?, she works hard as well but she doesn't sleep until past 12 in the afternoon!", her mother replied.
" Well Sara lives a boring life. Sleep work , sleep work", Veronica said .
" Talking about me as if I am not here Veronica.I do that to pay for your school and your lavish lifestyle! So be a little more grateful.And now you should consider coming back....", Sara was saying but Veronica interrupted her.
" Well Sara , let me bring a little excitement to this conversation", Veronica said to change the subject. Sara knew that her sister wanted to avoid the conversation of her coming back to help with the ranch.
" Guess who I was with last night", Veronica asked her sister as soon as their mother left the table.
" Vero, I don't have time for guessing games", Sara said annoyingly.
" I was with Fabian", Veronica said and her last word nearly made Sara chocked on her food.
"Sara are you ok?!", Veronica asked worryingly as she looked at her sister coughing.
Sara took a sip of water and took in a deep breath.
" What do you mean you were with Fabian!? Didn't I tell you to stay away from him!", Sara said angrily as she looked at her little sister who was taken aback by her anger.
" What is your issue with Fabian? He respected me ,though I would  have love to kiss his gorgeous lips and caressed that hot body!", Veronica said dreamily.
Sara had heard enough ,she got up from the table ,
" I have just lost my appetite", she said before walking away.
" Sara stop being jealous!", Veronica shouted behind her and then she heard her laughing.
" Me jealous.. of what .. that imbecile ?!", Sara said walking out to the stables.
She spotted her dad speaking to some men in a distance and one of them grabbed him by the collar and showed him a gun.
Sara ran towards her father and shouted at that man to leave her father alone.
" I told you to let go of my dad!", Sara shouted at that man who was still showing her father his gun.
" Young Miss Carter this has nothing to do with you.This is something between your dad and us", the man who had grabbed her father by his collar said.
" Let go of him before our men shoots all of you!", Sara shouted and the man looked at her and noticed that a few workers had joined her pointing guns at them.
The man slowly let go of her father and patted him on his left cheek and then whispered something that only her father heard.
Sara could see that her father was extremely upset as he ran a hand through his hair. He looked at her and smiled shyly then he walked away and got inside his truck and left.
Sara dismissed the workers and she stood there looking at her father's truck until it disappeared.
Now I wonder what did he get himself into!?Sara said to herself.

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