Chapter 23

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As the first drop of the tequila touched her palate Sara wanted to throw up.

This is suicidal! She thought as she could feel the spirit going down her throat and somewhere else inside her body.

She never  had Tequila before as she had always been a wine sort of girl. She downed the little shot glass and  pour some more.

" Ma'am I think you should use the salt first", the bartender said to her.

She smiled at him and for him not to realized that she had no idea how to drink Tequila she told him  flirtatiously,
" I don't need all that , I like it raw, it's better!".

The young man looked at her and smiled shyly as he walked off to attend to the other clients.
Sara drank the other shot, and after the third one she started to feel alive and she was feeling the heat of the alcohol kicking inside her body. The music sounded so good that she wanted to dance and she poured another shot and downed it.

" Hi there pretty lady! Need some company?", a young man asked her.

She looked at him and thought, not as hot as my husband but he will do.

" Why not ?", Sara answered flirtatiously playing with her hair.

Fabian entered the bar, he walked over to Santiago who was waving at him.
" Where is she?",Fabian asked .

" You wouldn't like this ..", Santiago said pointing towards the bar.

Fabian saw Sara sitting at the bar and a man was whispering in her ears and she was laughing.
He stared at her ,from her shoes  ,her legs to her face  , that dress was surely short and very provocative, he thought as he walked towards her.

" Excuse me", Fabian said next to Sara and the man she was with.

They both turned and looked at him and then carried on with their conversation.

" Can you move away from my wife? Fabian told that guy with a threatening tone.

" Your wife!?", Sara answered laughing, she looked at him as she tried to get up from the stool.

" Sara let's go home now", Fabian said to her trying to keep his voice calm.

The man excused himself and whispered something to Sara before walking away and Fabian almost punched him in the face, Santiago had to restrain him.

" Sara we better leave right now!", Fabian said to her.

Sara tried to walk but she fell on Fabian who grabbed her by her waist.

" Great she is drunk!", Fabian said annoyingly and with one swift movement he picked her up and Santiago took her purse.

" Put me down Fabian King! Why don't you leave me alone and go to your lover, she must be in there somewhere because it's her house!", Sara shouted at him once they were outside.

The scene they were making surely got the attention of the people outside the bar.

" Sara that's enough ... let's get in the truck! Santi... please bring her Jeep tomorrow morning", Fabian said removing her keys from her purse and throwing it to Santiago.

" Oh no! Nobody is taking my Jeep... I didn't come here with you ,  nor you and I am not leaving with you", Sara said pointing towards Fabian and Santiago .

" I'll go find that young gentleman who didn't find me repulsive to take me home .. to my parent's ranch or maybe his house", Sara said to Fabian as she turned to go back inside the bar. Fabian grabbed her by her waist from behind and carried her to the truck as she kicked her legs.

" Let me down Fabian King!", Sara shouted .

Fabian put her in the front seat of his truck and hurried to get inside and locked all the doors .
He started the engine and sped away .Sara was upset, Fabian couldn't rule her life . He did what pleased him and had humiliated her so many times , why did he have to come get me?, she thought .

" I hate you Fabian.  I've always hated you .. you spend your time humiliating me ... I was taking care of Gabriel and you brought someone else as if I couldn't do my job.. you bring your lover to the bedroom we share and today I found her on top of you on the ranch... You kissed me and then you apologize... your humiliations , I've had enough!", Sara said finishing her sentence shouting loudly with an angry tone.

Fabian didn't say anything, she looked at him and then she laughed,

" I'm all dressed up and you didn't even noticed! But someone did .. Alain that's his name... he told me I have beautiful legs and my lips are so  beautiful that he wouldn't stop kissing me!", Sara said thinking about the young man in the bar.

" I will not have those sorts of compliments for the next three years since I had to marry this ruthless man!", Sara said looking at him .

Fabian stopped the truck suddenly and Sara nearly fell off the seat.

" You animal, I could have smashed my head against something!", Sara shouted at him.

Fabian turned and looked at her,
" What you did tonight , you only humiliated yourself and I probably saved you from going to bed with a complete stranger",Fabian said looking at Sara and she noticed that he was very upset.

Sara clapped her hands , " Bravo I have found myself a hero!", Sara said sarcastically and then she continue to speak.

" So you can do whatever it pleases you and when I do something I want ,I'm embarrassing myself!.. I've heard enough!", Sara said , noticing they were almost at his ranch she unlocked the door and got out closing it with a loud thud.

She tried to walk in her heels and with the effect of the tequila it was not easy at all. Fabian drove past her and parked his Jeep ,then he walked towards the house .Sara removed her shoes and tried to walk as straight as possible. He left the front door opened and she closed it locking it quietly behind her. She will not go upstairs tonight to sleep in the same bed as Fabian she thought as she walked to the guest room but only to find it was locked.

" Great!!", She said dropping her shoes on the floor.

" If I didn't need a shower , I would have slept down here on the sofa!", Sara said to herself as she slowly climbed the stairs. She opened the door to the bedroom and could hear the water running , Fabian was in the shower. She removed the dress letting it fall to the floor , she knew that tomorrow morning she would have a terrible headache but it was worth it she thought and smiled .

Fabian walked out from the bathroom and saw Sara half naked in the bedroom. She was trying to remove her bra and it reminded him of that day by the waterfall. He didn't make a noise as he listened to her speaking to herself and he was smiling.

" My wife!! What wife... a wife who was forced to marry you... a wife you keep humiliating.. maybe tonight I could have finally had the gut to become a woman !! ... I would have been so drunk that it wouldn't have remembered anything.. and it wouldn't have mattered because...", Sara froze when she turned around and saw Fabian standing there looking at her , with a frown on his face.

She turned her back from him as she grabbed her robe and put it on.
I wonder how long he had been standing there ?Sara asked herself as she walked past him and into the bathroom. She closed the door and locked it. She wanted to hit herself for being drunk now, since it made her say too much!

" Now he will definitely know I'm a Virgin !", Sara said looking at herself in the mirror.

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