Chapter 34

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" Sara", Joe called her daughter.
Sara looked out from the window of her bedroom ,
" Come there's a surprise for you!", her father said excitedly.
She wondered what it was all about as she slowly made her way downstairs.
She walked to the stable where her father was standing , smiling at her. She couldn't believe her eyes when he moved aside and out walked a beautiful foal which looked exactly like Duke.
" Dad where did you get it?", She said excitedly.
" I bought it for the little one!", her father replied.
Sara hugged her dad tightly, it had been quite a while since she had done that and it felt really good.Joe slowly caressed his daughter's hair reminding him when she use to be small.
" Dad is it a boy or girl?", Sara asked.
" It's a girl", he said.
" Then we shall call her ... Duchess!", Sara said and she went up to the beautiful filly and slowly rubbed her hands on her coat.
The little filly reminded her of Duke and she felt like going to his grave since it's been a while since she had last visited him ,
" I'm going over to Duke's grave", Sara said walking towards her Jeep. She couldn't ride anymore and she missed spending time with Junior but in due time she will be able to ride out in the fields with her baby.
Until now she had not been scared of meeting Fabian since he had been busy taking over his father's businesses ,keeping away from the fields and more into paper work .She heard that he was seeing his bar singer officially and his parents had no choice but to accept his decision .She met Maria in town once a while back when she was buying medicines for the animals and she filled her in with the little gossips, thought she tried hard not to find out anything about him but it was inevitable as long as she stayed in town.
One more reason she preferred going to the city for a while.
Sara stopped the Jeep and looked at the fences that the Kings had put up . She got out of her Jeep and walked to Dukes grave , the wild flowers had covered his grave beautifully.
" Hi Duke", Sara said sitting down on his grave , she spoke to her horse telling him about the baby.
" I miss you!", She said plucking one of the wild flowers and put it behind her ears.
She looked down at the waterfall, the water looked beautiful and she decided to go in for little while since it was a hot afternoon.
Sara removed her blouse and her jeans and put them on the rock , the water was the right temperature , she dived in and it was so refreshing.
She swirled around happily thinking about when she will come here with her baby.
She heard a horse neighing loudly and she noticed a beautiful brown horse close to Duke's grave. She slowly swam across the river and got out and the horse came nearer to her.
She looked closely at the horse and then she smiled," Gabriel my boy!", Sara shouted as she hugged the horse . Gabriel licked her face as if he was happy to see her too!
She stood there hugging and kissing the horse that she didn't noticed someone else was standing there looking at her from the back.
Fabian stood there and just stared at Sara, he had not seen her in such a long time , the only thing he knew was that she was spending most of her time in the city.
She looked beautiful standing there in her panties and bra hugging Gabriel. The horse still remembered that Sara saved his life just like he did each time he looked at the scar on his arm.
Looking at her there reminded him of the first time he saw Sara swimming and he played a joke on her . He smiled when he remembered that look on her face when she saw that he had taken her clothes .
As Gabriel moved and she turned around Fabian was shocked to see her small tummy and she was rubbing her hand over it and talking to Gabriel.
" Sara is pregnant!", he said almost shouting as he put a hand over his mouth.
" My baby!? Could it be my baby?!", Fabian asked himself thinking that he will have to confront her.
If Sara was carrying his child then he had to know and on that very day.
Sara walked over to her clothes still talking to Gabriel,
" How did you get here boy? Don't tell me you escape like my dear old Duke did once!", Sara said to Gabriel. As she buttoned her blouse she felt a pair of hands circled her tummy and she panicked as she shivered with fear.
" Shhh..It's me!", a familiar voice said in her ear.
Sara couldn't relax when his hands were still on her tummy.
" Fabian... please remove you hands!", Sara said to him almost pleading.
His touch was hurting her not physically but emotionally, specially since he was touching her tummy, his daughter .
Fabian slowly turned her around and Sara closed her eyes blinking away tears.
" Is it mine?", Fabian asked  and Sara could feel the excitement in his voice.
" What do I do? I can't tell him the truth ... he is with someone else... I have to lie to him... but what if he finds out the truth ... just don't answer him Sara!", she was having a battle with her conscience and she didn't know what to do .
" Sara ! I've asked you a question of which I have every right to know!", Fabian said and this time he sounded upset .
Sara didn't want to answer as she thought of a way to get away from him. She walked slowly backwards as Fabian kept looking at her.
She thought that she will get in the water and swam to the other side .
She turned and ran towards the river and dived into the water swimming to the other side.
" So you think you can get away like that?!", Fabian shouted as he hurriedly removed his T-shirt and his jeans and jumped in the water as well swimming fast to catch up with her . As she looked behind her she couldn't see Fabian on the river bank she smiled but then her smiled disappeared when Fabian popped up from under the water next to her and grabbed her.
She opened her mouth to shout but Fabian silenced her with a kiss. He pulled her closer as he hugged her and kissed her passionately.
Sara tried to push him away but when he kissed her on her neck Sara couldn't fight it anymore. She hugged him tightly and brought his mouth to her waiting lips, they kissed each other hungrily as if they couldn't get enough of each other . Sara couldn't believe she had allowed him to penetrate that wall that over the months she had built around her to protect herself from him.
She started to feel the heat flooding inside her as he sucked softly under her neck, she had to stop him she couldn't allow this madness to go any further, but did she have the strength to say no when her whole body wanted him to make her his once more.
They swam back to the river bank and  he helped her out of the water holding her hands tightly .
As he unbuttoned her blouse slowly he looked at her and smiled, she smiled at him as she rubbed her fingers over his chest. She could see a look of hunger in his eyes and had felt it in his touch and his kiss.
He looked at her caressing her tummy , Sara looked at his hands as he touched her , she wanted to tell him it was  his baby but a part of her was saying to wait.
He looked at her and caressed her face,
" Fabian we shouldn't be doing this!", Sara said softly.
" You have someone else and we are nothing to each other now....", Sara said looking at him.
" Are we Sara? Are you still going to deny your feelings for me?!", Fabian asked and he sounded annoyed with her.
"Fabian", she said holding his hands,
" Let's make a deal... I'll invite you over to my house and we can have a friendly dinner and talk without getting like we are now .. do you agree?", Sara asked him.
Fabian agreed as he got changed and she did the same.
" So do I expect you tonight or tomorrow at 7 for dinner?", Sara asked buttoning her jeans.
" Tonight at 6.30 but at my house", Fabian said walking away from her and taking Gabriel with him.
Sara stood and watched him walking away, "Did he just say his house instead of mine!? He is still arrogant !people still have to do what he wants .., anyways I have to go since I brought up the idea of an amicable dinner",  she said walking towards her Jeep.
" Good boy!", Fabian said to Gabriel as he watched Sara drove off.
" If it wasn't for you I wouldn't find Sara and my baby!", he said happily as he mounted his other horse and putting a rope around Gabriel's neck to take him back home. He had gotten out over a broken fence which the men were waiting for him to fix.
Fabian wondered if Sara will actually show up for dinner or that was just a ruse for her to get away from him?!

Love Barrierजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें