Chapter 26

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Sara got out of her Jeep and saw her sister grinning at her.

" Don't tell me you heard about my little show last night!?", Sara asked Veronica when she was closer to her.

" Oh yes! You are the news of the day... "the angel turned into the devil!", Veronica said and burst into laughter.

Sara looked at her and shook her head, " Gosh when mum finds out about it, I wonder what she will do?", Sara said as they walked towards her clinic.

" Ma'am!", someone shouted from behind her.

She turned and saw one of the workers coming towards her and he looked at her with a sad face.

" Hi, what's wrong?", Sara asked  seeing the look on his face.

" Ma'am it's Duke... I think he is ... is dead ", the man said in a sad voice because all the workers knew how important Duke was to Sara.

Sara ran towards the stable where Duke's stall was , she saw her horse lying down and not moving.

" Duke!!", Sara shouted as she kneeled down next to him tears streaming down her cheeks.

She hugged her horse tightly and kissed him.
" My Duke ... I love you and you will always be in my heart", Sara said softly touching his mane.

" He was old Sara.. he was tired..after everything he had been through.. don't be sad", Veronica said kneeling down next to her.

Sara hugged her sister and cried, she will surely miss her horse. She felt bad since the past few days she had not been spending much time with him and she didn't have time to even move him to Fabian's ranch.

" Savio get the men ready , I want to give him a proper burial... close to the waterfall where his spirit will be happy ... it was his favorite place", Sara sadly said.

Savio did as Sara asked and gathered some men to help with Duke's burial. Sara went to Junior and hugged her and the horse licked her face, " I'm glad I have you Junior, you are part of him and now you need to have a little one as well !", Sara said smiling and Junior neighed.

Fabian sat down in his office and thought about the news that Santiago gave him this morning.
They found out one  of the cow was sick and they are scared that it  could have transferred the disease to the others. They couldn't understand how it could have been infected, he needed to get another vet to help check all the other cows.

I will ask Sara to help for today then I'll hire someone else,Fabian thought as he picked up his phone to call Sara.

" Hello", Veronica said answering Sara's phone.

" Hi... uhm who is speaking please?", Fabian asked since the person didn't sound like Sara .

" It's Veronica, Sara's sister", Veronica answered.

" Hi , Veronica, it's Fabian ,may I speak with Sara please?", Fabian asked.

" Hi Fabian, sorry Sara is not here , her horse died  and she is burying it", Veronica said.

" Where?", Fabian asked anxiously as he left his office walking to the stable to ask the workers to prepare a horse for him.

" Hmm .. Fabian looking for my sister.. Now I really want to know what happened last night", Veronica said as she put Sara's phone down.

Fabian rode out into the fields towards the waterfalls , he remembered the day he met Sara out in the field , her horse had ended up on his land and he was about to shoot it.Fabian remembered the look in Sara's eyes she could have defended that horse with her own life.

Sara sat by Duke's grave  , she had planted some wild flowers on there so that soon his tomb will be covered with flowers as beautiful as he was. Someone touched her on her shoulder and she looked up surprised to see it was Fabian. She stood up and hugged him and Fabian hugged her tightly kissing her on her forehead.

" I'm sorry, he meant a lot to you", Fabian said softly.

" Yes, a lot", Sara answered still sobbing.

They walked down to the waterfall hand in hand and sat down on a rock, they didn't speak for a while as they just enjoyed the beautiful sight of the cascade.

" I never got the chance to ask you , the story about Gabriel and you", Sara said breaking the silence.

" Gabriel... that's the name of the boy that my mother was going to have before I was born, but my mother got a high fever and unfortunately she lost the baby. After I heard about that when I was much older I decided to call my first horse Gabriel. I always wished I had a brother or a sister but my mother couldn't have anymore children", Fabian said and Sara kissed him on his forehead.

" Now you can have your own children and give your parents loads of grandchildren!", Sara said then she saw Fabian looking at her with a serious look.

Maybe I said too much, Sara thought.

" I will love to have children , but when I am ready and be able to dedicate enough time to them", Fabian said looking away from her.

What is he trying to say ... he doesn't want to have children with me , why couldn't he look at me?Maybe he is thinking about having children with Farrah or another woman... gosh would you just stop over thinking  !, Sara said to herself as she got up patting her jeans.

" I have to get back to the ranch", she said .

" I wanted to ask you a favor", Fabian said getting up as well.

He told Sara about what Santiago had told him and Sara listened attentively.She couldn't understand how the cow could have been infected as well since they always keep their surroundings free of hazardous materials which could harm the animals.

" We need to run some tests on it and then we can figure out if it's something that it consumed or something else", Sara answered.

"I need to get back to my parent's ranch ,pick up a few things and I'll meet you at your ranch in 30mins", Sara said walking away when Fabian stopped her.

" Are you ok?", he asked .

" Yes", she answered as she walked away and Fabian looked at her thinking why she suddenly started being cold towards him.

" Back to the old Sara", Fabian said walking towards his horse.

As he rode back to the ranch he thought about their conversation regarding having children and he wondered if that what made her quiet . Does she want to have children with me? Is she thinking about the child that we suppose to have as per her grandfather's will?She said she doesn't want a child as well.. one minute  she can be as hot as a fire and the next second as cold as ice..,Fabian thought as he wondered if Sara and him could ever have a proper relationship or the reason they got married will always be at the back of their mind.

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