Chapter one

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On a beautiful summer evening of July whilst the moon shined brightly on the  Carter's Ranch, a beautiful baby girl was born. Though Joe Carter would have wished for a son to take his place after he leaves this Earth he was happy with his second daughter. His first daughter was three years old and she was more of a boy than a girl. She was always nosing around the ranch and wanted to know everything that was going on. He will often bring her out into the fields to watch the cows grazing and that was surely a pure joy for Sara. Joe hoped that Sara will grow up with the same attitude, that she will love this ranch to bits and since she was his eldest daughter then the responsibility of taking care of the ranch after his death will be hers .

Days turned into months and months into years ,Joe's daughters grew up happily on the ranch where he had devoted all his youth to keep it going. He had some of the best breeds of horses, which had won "The Carter Ranch" several big prizes in the annual rodeo that the town had organized. They had the best livestock and their lands was the most fertile in the area making it worth a lot of money. But Joe Carter vowed never to sell his property to anyone.

At a very young age, Sara Carter fell in love with her parent's ranch and all of the animals. Unlike her, Veronica grew up with no interest in the ranch and she didn't want to help with the animals. She preferred to be well dressed, always keeping up with the latest fashion and making sure she always looked good. Sara didn't care much about that, she was nicknamed  "Smelly Sara" at school and she would be teased as soon as she stepped in class but Sara didn't take notice of their words.

Sara and Veronica always had big arguments because of her looks. Veronica didn't like to be seen with her though she loved her sister very much. She had often tried to help her sister to change her look but she was never able to convince Sara otherwise.
Once they were invited to the town barn dance and it was the first and the last time that Sara wore a dress. She had done so to please her sister since Veronica really wanted to go. Sara was 18 years old and Veronica was 15 years old. When they arrived at the barn where the dance was taking place they spotted the King's son Fabian King and his cousin Samuel.
Fabian had finished high school and his parents had forced him to take business school so that he could manage their ranch. He had been studying out of town and would come back to his home only during the holidays.

As soon as they entered Sara noticed everyone was looking at them and whispering.

" Now everyone will look at us because you are wearing a dress!", Veronica whispered to her.

" Let them be ! Like always , I don't care about what they think of me", Sara replied as they walked inside to were the dance was taking place.

" Hmm someone is showing some legs tonight!", someone said behind them and they turned to see who it was.

" Hmm, Fabian King. The biggest bully that the town had ever known", Sara said sarcastically.

" Sara!", Veronica hissed at her sister as she smiled at Fabian and Samuel.

" I apologize for my sister she means no harm", Veronica said still smiling at the two young men and she pulled on Sara's hand softly as if she was telling her to calm down.

" Well, your sister has always been nothing but a cold, smelly girl so she wouldn't understand a compliment", Fabian replied coldly as his dark brown eyes sized Sara up.

Sara was about to slap him but Veronica held her hand .

" Oh ! Did I offend you or the truth hurts? Why don't you go back to your stables, I'm sure your horses will want to dance with you since you  wouldn't find a man or a boy who would want to dance with you here Sara Carter !", Fabian said sarcastically and his words were really hurting Sara but she stood there and looked at Fabian with a smirk on her face. She couldn't let that bastard see that he was burning her with his venomous words.

" Well, Fabian, why are you bothering yourself talking to me then? Why don't you go find yourself a little busy body to entertain you because that's all you get .. cheap sluts! That's all you are worth!", Sara shouted at him.

Fabian smile faded away as anger filled his face. He was about to hit Sara but Samuel and another one of his friends stopped him.

" Yeah go on Fabian King.That's who you are , a bully and an abuser! You worthless animal!", Sara shouted at him.

At that time they had attracted quite a crowd and people were laughing. Sara ran outside the barn and Veronica followed her.Sara mounted her horse and Veronica stood there watching her sister in anger as tears tickled her eyes.

" Thank you for ruining my night, Sara!", Veronica shouted.

Sara looked at her sister and she didn't reply.
Veronica got on her horse as well and Sara could hear her crying. They rode in silence till they reached their home. Sara looked at her sister as she ran inside the house crying.

" I'm sure she will complain to mother", Sara said as she took Veronica's horse to the stable.

She didn't want to go in yet, she rode out into the fields. Her parent's land was one of the most beautiful land in that area and one or if not the most valuable property around . She had always told her father never to sell their lands to anyone and that she promise to help him look after the ranch .That's why she chose to study veterinary medicine ,more precisely farm animals . She wanted the ranch to stay in the Carter's family  and she will make sure that this place will stay in the family for generations to come. As she rode closer to the barrier that separated her parent's lands and that of the King's her thought went back to Fabian.She rode closer to the fence and with all her strength she shouted,

" I Hate you, Fabian King! With all my soul!".

Sara had never despised anyone the way she despised Fabian King. He might be the most handsome young man in town ,but Sara saw beyond his dashing good looks and charms. She always had this feeling that Veronica liked either Fabian or Samuel but she had never mentioned one word to her because she knew that Sara would be against her relationship with either one of them. Fabian was four years older than her and Samuel was two years older than Veronica. Their family didn't really socialize much with one another other, they met mostly when they had ranch owners meetings.
Sara noticed a tiny light coming in her direction, she panicked thinking that someone could have heard her shouting, she turned her horse around and prayed that the person who was coming in her direction didn't have a gun.

She hurried inside the stables and put " Duke" away. Duke was her favorite horse, he was a gift from her dad on her sweet sixteenth birthday. Duke had been hurt on another ranch and his owner wanted to put him down because he thought he would never recover. Her dad bought him and brought him home and they had nursed him back to health and now he was one of the most beautiful Appaloosa around.Duke was her very first patient.After she had closed the door to Duke's stall she stood there and patted him.
" At least my Duke loves me. Who cares about men! Right Duke?", Sara said whispering to her horse as she put her face close to his.
As if he understood and could feel her sadness Duke licked her face and Sara smiled as she hugged her horse.

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