Chapter 30

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Sara paced the sitting room and kept looking outside. She expected Fabian at least to come back home early, but he didn't.
She checked her watch and saw it was past 1 in the morning and she was tired of biting on her nails and looking outside as if she was the caretaker of the King's ranch. She made her way upstairs with a heavy heart and got in bed. Part of her wanted to blame herself for letting Fabian go but a part of her reminded her that Fabian was a womanizer and a leopard never changes its spots.
" I have to get over this stupidity and remind myself that Fabian and I ,we are just a business deal nothing more. So he can do whatever he wants!", Sara said before she closed her eyes and slept.
Fabian sat down at the "Ponchita" bar along with Santiago and two other men from his ranch. They had drank their second bottle of whiskey and were laughing at the jokes that they were cracking amongst themselves.
Farrah came and joined them after she finished her show and she sat on Fabian's lap. His workers were not too happy with her presence since they liked Sara but they couldn't say anything since Fabian was their boss.
" I guess I'm not the only one who needs a drink!", Sebastian said pulling a chair close to their table.
" What happened to you, you look like you just got your heart broken!", Fabian said and they all laughed.
" Well we will speak about that later , now pass me that bottle!", Sebastian said and they handed him the whiskey bottle and then he ordered another one .
By the time they finished their third bottle they were all drunk. The workers were dancing, Fabian and Sebastian were sitting down and watching them.
" Come on I'll take you boys home", Farrah said to them.
Sebastian said he was ok to drive since he didn't live far and Fabian told Farrah that he will stay at her house . Sebastian shot him a look but he didn't say anything since Fabian will not see any sense in the state that he was in.
" That guy is married, he should go home tomorrow the whole town will be gossiping about him sleeping at Farrah's house!", Sebastian said looking at Fabian as he got in his truck and drove away.
Farrah was happy that Fabian was spending the night at her place though it wasn't the first time .Her house had often been their hideaway specially when they had just started seeing each other.
" I'll put the kettle on so you can have a hot cup of coffee", Farrah said as he sat down in her sitting room.
He was too tired to even think why he came to Farrah's place instead of going back to Sara.
" That woman is so capricious!", Fabian said to himself referring to Sara as he thought about their conversation from earlier.
He couldn't understand why she behaved as such , one minute she was in his arms and the next she was acting as if she regretted what happened between them.
" Whatever Sara!", Fabian said angrily and noticed that Farrah had walked in the sitting room carrying two cups of coffee.
" What she calling you?", Farrah asked since she heard when he mentioned Sara's name.
" No it's nothing", Fabian said sipping on the black coffee.
" You should have seen her face earlier when I was at the ranch!", Farrah said laughing.
Fabian stopped blowing on his coffee and looked up at her.
" You came to the ranch?", Fabian asked in surprise.
" Yeah, I didn't see you because Santiago said you were to busy to receive visitors", Farrah said.
Fabian put his cup down, now he understood why Sara was acting like that.
" Damn!", he said to himself as he got up. He looked at Farrah who was drinking her coffee and then he asked her to take him back to his truck.
" But Fabian you cannot drive in that state!", she told him.
" I'm ok now... I have so much work to do in the morning. I'll come see you tonight", he said not to make Farrah feel bad.
As she dropped him back at the bar, he kissed her on her forehead and got in his truck.
Fabian could see when she drove away that Farrah was upset but he was upset with her as well for going to the ranch when he told her not to do that anymore. His parents had questioned him so many times about his relationship with that " bar singer" as they would referred to her. He really liked being with Farrah but he knew that she wasn't the type of woman that he could fall in love with . He knew that Farrah will never understand that as she had often told him that she was in love with him and eventually he will feel the same way about her.
Fabian parked his truck outside in his usual parking space and made his way to his house. He unlocked the door and got in, it was almost five in the morning.
He made his way upstairs to his bedroom and went straight to the shower . He needed to freshen up after the three bottles of whiskey he needed a good shower. He grabbed two pills from his bathroom cabinet and swallowed them. He walked out drying his hair and noticed that Sara was not in bed.
" I swear when I walked in she was there!", he said to himself.
He heard her talking downstairs and walked out of the bedroom and made his way downstairs.
Sara was on her phone and she was talking outside on the porch.
" Who will be calling her so early in the morning?!", Fabian asked himself.
Sara walked back inside and took one look at him and then walked to the kitchen.
She put the kettle on and grabbed a cup, Fabian walked in the kitchen.
" Can I have some... if you are making coffee", Fabian said.
" You can make you own coffee Fabian", Sara replied.
" Ok, I'll tell Maria to make me some", Fabian said walking out.
" Maria is not here, she just called she had to stay with a sick friend at the hospital since last night, but you were not here so you wouldn't know!", Sara said with a little bit of sarcasm in her voice.
" Well I'll wait here for you to finish if you don't mind", Fabian said smiling since he liked making her upset.
" It's your house Mr. King", she replied as she pour the water in her cup ,stirred her coffee in and added the sugar. She liked her coffee in the morning to be black with two teaspoon of sugar.
As she turned to put the spoon in the sink she heard Fabian said, " I'll have that , Thank you", Sara turned and saw him drinking her coffee, he looked at her with a smirk on his face as he blew the coffee.
" I don't mind sharing!", Fabian said amusingly seeing that she was upset.
" No thank you, unlike you I don't like to share!", Sara said walking out of the kitchen into the sitting room.
Fabian put the cup down and hurried behind her, " did I say something to make you upset?", Fabian asked behind her still smiling , he wiped the smile off his face when she turned and looked at him,
" Gosh why are you following me everywhere! I'm sure you were well taken care of last night so now leave me in peace!", Sara said to him angrily.
" And if I don't want to leave you alone .. what will you do?", Fabian asked looking at her and smiling.
Sara looked at him and then said , " Just let me be Fabian , what Farrah was no fun now you have to come and annoy me!", Sara said looking at him.
" Are you jealous of Farrah and the fun that we could have had last night?", Fabian asked and he noticed that Sara was uncomfortable with what he said and she looked at him angrily.
" Jealous! Who are you calling jealous .. last night I slept like a baby , I didn't care where you were or who you were with!", Sara said lying as she remembered how last night she had waited up for him wishing he could come back home.
" That's good, at least I have a good wife!", Fabian replied walking towards her , he could see jealousy written all over her face and he reached out and grabbed her by her waist.
Sara pushed him back but he held on tightly to her,
" Come here my jealous little wife", he said with a smirk on his face as he lowered his head towards hers, he paused and looked at her before he captured her lips and kissed her softly.
Sara didn't want Fabian to take her for a fool anymore, she felt something for him and was scared to open that door to her heart again , " he will only torture you more!", her conscience said to her.
" Fabian stop.. ", Sara said softly putting her hands to his chest and pushing him away , "You and I we shouldn't be doing this.. ever again. We are nothing but a business deal and it should stay that way!", Sara said and Fabian stopped kissing her under her neck and looked at her .
She could see that he was not happy with what she just said but then he just let go of her and turned away from her.
" You are right.. it's only a business deal", Fabian said and he walked away from her.
Sara felt her heart was broken , she ran upstairs and locked herself in the bathroom as she started to cry.
Her relationship with Fabian should have remained the way it was the first day she walked into his house, " I have three years to do this ,for the sake of my family's good name", Sara reminded herself again.
She went downstairs and saw him coming upstairs probably going to sleep off his night of enjoyment since it was still early in the morning.
" May I borrow one of the workers truck, I lent my Jeep to Veronica last night ", Sara asked him , he didn't stop to answer her, he kept walking to the bedroom and told her to take one of the keys in his study.
" Thanks, I'll get someone to drop it later...", she was saying but he didn't pay any attention to her as he walked in the bedroom and shut the door.

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