Chapter 33

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After a few weeks Fabian's and Sara's marriage was annulled. She didn't go to his place to sign the final documents as she preferred for his lawyer to bring them to her. She had been spending a lot of her time in the city with her sister who was extremely happy to have over.
She had fallen ill once when she was in the city and had found out that she was expecting a baby. At first she was extremely devastated and thought about terminating her pregnancy but Veronica persuaded her to reconsider her  decision. She told her that even if it was Fabian's baby , the baby was innocent and she or he will be the best gift that life would have offered her.
After hearing her baby's heartbeat for the first time , Sara had completely erased the thought of not loving this baby and be happy. She had fallen in love with the tiny being in her tummy . Sara often thought of Fabian and she was carrying a piece of him.

" I'm going to miss you Sara and my little munchkin!", Veronica said as she was saying goodbye to Sara who was going back to the ranch.
" The little munchkin cannot even hear you!", Sara said laughing as she placed a hand on her tummy.
" Oh Sara I can't wait!! I'm counting the days to see her!", Veronica said .
She had gone for her test and the Doctor had told her that she will have a daughter.
Sara was overjoyed, she couldn't wait to see her as well. She was four months pregnant and she couldn't wait to break the news to her family that she will have a little girl running around though her dad would have wished for a boy. They had been very discreet regarding her pregnancy since it had been her wish.
Her father had been very supportive and she had put aside their differences , now they were working together on the ranch to ensure the continuity of their business.
She had to hire a new veterinarian to take care of the animals since she couldn't work much with the pregnancy.
" I'll see you in two weeks after your graduation! Miss barrister!", Sara said hugging her little sister.
" Thank you !", Veronica said bowing to her and they both laughed .
" I love you", Sara said.
" I love the both of you very much!", Veronica replied kissing her sister and touching her tummy softly.
Sara said goodbye as they were announcing her flight was boarding .
A final kiss and she was on her way.

" Excuse me!", Veronica said as she accidentally bumped into someone as she was still busy saying goodbye to Sara.
" It's ok...", the person said and then they looked at each other as the young man removed his sunglasses.
" You...!!", Veronica said surprised to see the person who was standing in front of her.
" Veronica!?", Sebastian said smiling.
Veronica looked at him and then she smiled , since she didn't have anything against him anymore.
" How are ...", Veronica was about to ask when a brunette came up to Sebastian and kissed him on the cheek.
" I've found it !", She said showing him what looked like a leaflet.
" Sorry , I should be on my way", Veronica said and she walked away.
" Stupid ... so much for I will come look for you blah blah blah... he even found himself a new girlfriend !", Veronica said annoyingly as she remembered Sebastian's words.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she was startled when someone touched her on her back, she turned and she was surprised to see Sebastian.
He handed her a piece of paper and then blew her a kiss and ran back to the young lady who was waiting for him , she didn't look happy that Sebastian left her to come running after Veronica.
Veronica turned around and put the paper in her bag as if she couldn't be bothered to read it. As soon as she knew she was out of sight she removed the piece of paper excitedly and opened it, " Meet me at my hotel tonight", she read the note slowly over and over again and she smiled.She knew the hotel it was not far from where she was staying .
" Should I?  What should I wear, if I decide to go see him... that is...I'll buy something new, just Incase I decide to go", Veronica said as she got  in her car heading for the mall with a big smile on her face.

It was past eight in the evening and Veronica had not made up her mind if she should go or not! She was all dressed in a mini black lace dress , she looked at herself in the mirror she looked perfect but she didn't know if it was perfect enough to go see Sebastian.
" And that girl he was with!?", Veronica said quietly biting on her bottom lip.
He was looking more handsome that  the last time they met.
" Veronica just go!", she said to herself and nodded yes as she grabbed her bag and hurried out to the elevator.
She didn't have to take her car since the hotel was just opposite where she was staying.
She arrived at the hotel and went to the reception and asked for the room of Mr. Sebastian Vellar.
" Miss Veronica. He has been waiting for you for quite a while . I'll check if he is still there", the receptionist said to her and she felt her heart was beating faster.
Was she wrong to make him wait?, she asked herself as the receptionist looked at her after making the call twice.
" Sorry Ma'am but looks like he already left his room", the lady said with a sympathetic look.
" It's ok, thank you", Veronica said walking back towards the exit door as sadness circled around her . As the door opened and she was about to walk out she heard someone said ," I thought you will never come!", she turned around smiling as she saw Sebastian standing behind her.
She smiled at him as he took her hand and they walked outside.
" I was thinking about it, if I should come or not", Veronica answered.
" And now?!", Sebastian asked as he looked at her .
" I'm glad I did", Veronica said still smiling.
" You look beautiful!", Sebastian said taking her hand and twirled her around.
Veronica smiled shyly and thanked him for the compliment, glad that she bought the new dress!
" Should we have dinner? I waited for you , I'm so hungry", Sebastian said smiling and Veronica felt bad that he had not had dinner because of her.
" Of course I'm starving too!", she replied.
" Then we can have desert in my room", Sebastian said but his words came out as if he was telling her he could be the dessert and Veronica wanted to tell him to skip dinner and go straight to the dessert as she felt her cheeks turning red from what she was thinking .
" I wonder what were you thinking of ?", he asked when he noticed her face was blushing.
Veronica just smiled , he slowly took her hand and they walked to the table .
Sebastian pulled the chair for her to sit and she thanked him.
" So how have you been?", Sebastian asked after they were given the menu.
" I've been good, I finished my degree , you are looking at a new barrister with a first degree!", Veronica said proudly.
" So this deserves a good celebration, more than dessert what do you think?", Sebastian asked her flirtatiously .
Veronica looked at him for a second they just stared at each other and the waiter interrupted them when he brought their drink.
" How's Sara?", Sebastian asked sipping on his whiskey.
" Sara is happy specially now that she ...", Veronica started to say but then held her tongue, Sebastian was Fabian's friend and he might repeat what she was about to tell him.
" Specially now that .. what she's getting married or something?", Sebastian asked curiously.
" No.. no she , you know her happy with her animals.. she got a new colt and it's keeping her busy", Veronica answered trying to make up a lie looking at her wine glass so that Sebastian couldn't notice that she was lying.
She was glad that dinner was served so the conversation was changed.
" Shall we go up to my room?", Sebastian asked after dinner.
" For the dessert and a drink", Sebastian suggested.
" I would love too!", Veronica answered as he came around to help her up.
He held her hands , he bent and brushed his lips over hers.
Veronica looked up at Sebastian,
" We have a lot to talk about", Veronica said , he came closer to her and whispered " can we do that tomorrow morning".
Veronica took his hand , they couldn't stop staring at each other in the elevator and when he closed the door to his bedroom, two lovers started making up for the lost times.

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