Chapter 32

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" But he can't do that , I mean wasn't it stated in grandpa's will, the marriage has to be for three years or he loses the land! And you are not even pregnant!?", Veronica said as she stood up trying to say anything to console her big sister.
" Yes... but maybe it's for the best Veronica and if we lose the land it doesn't matter.. ", Sara said with a sad tone as she got up and kissed her sister on her forehead and left.

As she arrived at the house Sara could hear Fabian speaking to someone , she didn't make any noise and stood there quietly by the door.
" Yes, I am going to divorce her. One way or another . I cannot have a woman in my life who was forced to be with me", Fabian said.
" Maybe I'll get married again, who knows...", Fabian said laughing walking towards the porch and he saw Sara standing there by the door listening to his conversation . She tried to walk away but she noticed Fabian had already seen her ,she walked inside quietly and sat down in the sitting area.
" Yeah , I'll speak to you later. Maybe we can meet up tonight since I don't have anything planned", Fabian said keeping his eyes on Sara who bent her head playing with her wedding ring. Fabian saw her removing her ring and placed it on the coffee table in the sitting room.
" Sara, I need you to come with me", he said walking  towards his office.
Sara looked at the ring on the table and left it there, she followed Fabian in his study.
He asked her to sit and handed her some documents, she opened the file and read the documents. She looked at Fabian who was staring  at her and then she looked at the pen next to her on the table. She grabbed the pen  quickly and without a second thought she quickly signed the documents. She didn't look at Fabian who had gotten up from his desk and was talking softly on the phone with someone , she left the documents on his desk  and walked quickly out of his office and out of the house .

Sara ran inside the stable and once inside she bursted into tears , she never knew that it would hurt so much not saying anything to him and to just walked out of his life.
But he wasn't sad or anything he was going on like it was a normal business issue that he had to deal with, guess I really wasn't that important to him just the woman who was forced to be with him!, Sara said to herself.
She heard a horse neighing and saw Gabriel in his stall, he was looking at her .
" Hey boy!", Sara said wiping away her tears.
Gabriel neighed and licked her as she hugged him.
" I've come to say goodbye, I will miss you, but I'll try and come visit if Fabian allows me too", Sara said sadly.
She kissed the horse and made her way to the house to packed her suitcase, he wanted a divorce she will not stay on his property for another minute!
As she stepped out of the stable she saw Fabian talking to Farrah , they were laughing and he looked so happy with her. Sara hid behind the stable door and peeped out watching as they walked away towards her car. She hurried out and went inside, she noticed that the ring was no longer on the coffee table.
"He must have picked it up", Sara said quietly.
She made her way upstairs and grabbed her suitcases and started to pack her belongings.
She sat down on the bed and she remembered what was written in those documents that Fabian handed her. The documents were from his lawyer stating that Fabian wanted a divorce and they will like if it was done in an amicably way . She had also agreed to let his lawyer challenged the content of her grandfather's will and that all the lands that was bought by the King's family will stay in their possession.
She didn't see a reason not to sign those documents and now she had to get away from this house . She had to speak to her father about what was going on and she knew that he would have no choice but to accept the land now belongs to the King's thanks to his gambling addiction!
As she made her way downstairs carrying her suitcases Fabian walked in talking with Santiago. They both looked at her and Santiago greeted her , she greeted him back and they made their way to his study.
" Fabian", she said and he stopped and looked at her.
" Can you get one of the man to come get your truck, I will leave the key on the table", she said and he just nodded and walked to his office.
Sara walked to her Jeep and put her suitcases in there and got in the front seat. She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, as she opened them she noticed Fabian was standing on the porch and looking in her direction.
Sara started the engine and reversed her Jeep, without a final glanced over at the house she drove away.

" Goodbye Sara", Fabian whispered on the porch and he went back inside calling his lawyer to inform him that Sara had signed the documents without any arguments.
He was hurt that she didn't even talked to him , except to tell him about the truck, she gave him the total silence treatment regarding their divorce, but he didn't expect anything more from Sara.
He had picked up her ring on the coffee table , he opened the drawer in his desk and took out the tiny ring and threw it in the office waste bin. Then he got back to work . Every now  and then his gaze fell on the ring and he got up and angrily he kicked at the waste bin. He could hear the ring falling somewhere but he couldn't be bothered to look for it. He left the office and went to the stables. He asked one of the worker to saddle up a horse for him since Gabriel was still not well enough to take him out in the fields. He just needed to get away for a while he felt like he was suffocating in that house.
He mounted the horse and hurried out into the fields .

Sara got to her house and her mother who was sitting on the porch knitting was surprised to see her daughter removing her suitcases from the Jeep. She stood up and looked at Sara as she approached the house .
" Sara are you ok my love.. what happened?!", her mother asked anxiously.
" Nothing mother, I'm coming back home . Fabian and I ,we are getting a divorce!", Sara said.
" But Sara the lands?!", her mother asked.
" Ma , my happiness is more important right! I was not happy there... We were both not happy .. I had to do this because of father!", Sara said to her mother almost shouting. She couldn't let her mother see that she was hurting . She never meant to fall for Fabian and she did and now she was suffering. She left her suitcases on the porch and ran to the stable . She saddled up Junior and put on her boots.
" Come on boy... let's go for a good ride", Sara said patting Junior.
When she reached the fields ,she noticed  that Fabian had almost finish fencing the part of the lands that her father lost . She got off her horse and she started to kick at those fences furiously cursing Fabian under her breath.
She heard a horse neighing and she looked up and saw Fabian staring at her angrily.
" What do you think you are doing Miss. Carter!?", Fabian shouted at her getting off his horse.
Sara looked at him coming over and she ran towards her horse and she tried to get on fast but slipped and fall hitting her head on the ground.
"Sara", Fabian shouted worryingly as he jumped over the fence and kneeled down next to her.
Sara opened her eyes and even if her head was hurting she didn't want Fabian next to her.
" Get away from me Fabian. You are trespassing on my land now!", she shouted getting up.
" Look who's talking , you were damaging my property a minute ago! Serves you right to fall off trying to ran away from your action!", Fabian shouted back at her .
He couldn't believe that he jumped over the fence to try and help this cold woman.
" I'm glad I don't have to see you anymore in my house Sara , no wonder you are alone! You are such a ... ", Fabian said but he didn't finish his sentence as he looked at Sara who couldn't hold it in anymore, she had started to cry.
Fabian didn't know what to do.. he tried to approach her but  she told him to go away.
Fabian did just that he jumped back over the fence and mounted his horse , he looked at Sara who had her back turned from him and she was leaning her head on her horse.
" Come on boy , let's go", Fabian said .
Sara turned and looked at Fabian as he rode away , she wiped her tears and said,
" I will get over you Fabian , I hated you once and I will do it again!".

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