Chapter 28

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" Why are you back at this time of the day?", Veronica asked her sister as she saw her getting out of her Jeep.

" Work", Sara answered looking at her sister all dressed up.

" And you meeting up with Sebastian?", Sara asked.

" I wish , he had to cancel because of work on the ranch. Fabian will kill him with work!", Veronica answered.

" I still haven't met the famous Sebastian", Sara said taking the blood samples from the Jeep.

" I'm going out with Matthew, my friend from University. He is in town and invited me to dinner", Veronica said applying some more lipgloss.

" And did you tell Sebastian? Don't want him to hear that his little girl was out in town with another man", Sara asked her sister .

" I tried calling him but his phone was out of reach so I texted him ...anyways no more questions, can I borrow your Jeep then since you will be working for quite a while", Veronica asked Sara looking at the pile of things in her hands.

" There.., bring it back in one piece", Sara said giving Veronica the keys to her Jeep.

" Like always ...and Matthew is my girl friend if you know what I mean", Veronica said rolling her eyes as she got in the Jeep.

Sara smiled and walked to her office,
" I don't have my Jeep, so I'm staying here tonight !", Sara said smiling thinking her sister going out was a blessing to her.

Fabian sat down on the porch, he looked at the spot where Sara usually parked.

" She is avoiding me! That's why she wanted to work till late", Fabian said quietly with an annoyed tone as he picked up his phone.

He hesitated before calling her number but before it rang , he hung up.

" I'll go to her parent's ranch", Fabian said as he got up and told Maria that he was going out.

Fabian pulled up outside the Carter's Ranch and saw Joe walking towards his house. Joe stopped and looked at him as he approached him .

" Good evening Mr. Carter, I'm looking for Sara . I don't see her Jeep here", Fabian said looking around hoping that Sara was not out repeating what happened the last time.

" Hi son, she is in her clinic. Veronica took her Jeep", Joe answered showing him where Sara's clinic was.
He thanked his father -in -law and walked towards the small building at the back of the house.

Sara sat down at her working desk analyzing the samples that Paolo gave her. She closed her eyes as she stretched her arms, moving her head to the sides . She was really exhausted after an eventful day but she had to finish this work and then head to bed.
As she opened her eyes she gave out a little shout ,

" Will you stop doing that! Creeping on me like that!", Sara said as she stared at Fabian standing in the doorway.

Fabian smiled as he approached her looking around her small clinic.

" Nice place, very comfortable ", Fabian said .

" Thanks , small but it's my sanctuary", Sara said looking around and smiling as she looked back at him , he was staring at her graduation photo on the wall. She had forgotten that she took the picture with Edward and her parents, the look on his face told her that he wasn't happy with that photo but he didn't say anything.

" Have you been able to analyze the samples?", Fabian asked still looking around .

Sara smiled as he looked like a child snooping around, he could be cute when he wants too! Sara said to herself.

"Yes , What I can see it was something genetics . The blood samples shows the genetic defect called protoporphyria. It is quite popular amongst the limousin breeds", Sara said and explained to Fabian the genetic disorder in full details.

" I think it will be for the best to test all the other cattle that have not been tested yet and the workers should be very attentive to the first signs specially in calves", Sara said and Fabian just sat there and stared at her with a smile on his face.

" Why are you smiling?", Sara asked him.

" I'm so amazed how you are so committed to your work", Fabian said and Sara smiled her cheeks blushing .

She piled up her findings and recommendations put them in an envelope and handed them to Fabian.
She yawn and covered her mouth ,

" Sorry , I'm so tired", Sara said smiling.

" Ready to go?", Fabian asked.

" Oh umm, yes I'll just lock up", Sara said as she switched off the lights.

Guess I have no choice but to go with him,Sara said to herself.

When they were nearly to the ranch Fabian looked at her , she was sitting quietly looking outside.

" Sara did I say or do something to hurt you?", Fabian asked her calmly .

Sara looked at him frowning, she certainly didn't want to have this conversation with him not at that moment, she just wanted to have a bath and go to bed but then the thought of Farrah smiling at her this morning crossed her mind and the anger resurfaced.

" Did you Fabian?", Sara answered coldly.

She could see his face scrunched up in frustration as he said , " don't answer my question with another question Sara!?", his tone indicated he was annoyed with her .

" Well then Fabian if you didn't do anything don't ask me stupid questions",Sara answered with the same tone.

" You know something Sara.... get out!", Fabian said stopping his truck.

Sara looked outside they were a few meters from his ranch and it was quite dark .
" I will ,gladly.. it's not the first time", Sara answered removing her seatbelt, she unlocked the door ,walked out of his truck and walked away.

Fabian got out as well and walked behind her and pulled arm, " You are a strange woman Sara! One minute you are sweet the next you are sour . If I did something stop being a child and talk to me about it!", Fabian shouted at her.

Sara was getting really upset and his grip was hurting her. She pulled her arm away and looked at Fabian,

" I'm a child?! Look who's talking ... Listen Fabian I don't have to tell you anything you and I ...we are nothing! We had sex so what ?I was just tired of being a ...Virgin so I slept with you! Did you care... no you didn't... like any other man , you just enjoyed it and if last night left a sour taste in your mouth then you should know the feeling is mutual!", Sara said staring at him in anger.

Sara walked away from Fabian who stood there looking at her in anger,
" I'll go find myself a real woman, you cold piece of ice!", Fabian shouted behind her thinking she would turn around and say something instead she just kept walking.
Sara couldn't turned around to look at Fabian or insult him back as she was crying uncontrollably.
" I hate you Fabian ...", Sara said in between sobs as she approached the ranch. She looked back he was not behind her , he really left to go to his "real woman", Sara thought as her heart broke into a thousand pieces.

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