Chapter 18

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Sara sat down next to Gabriel, he was still in pain though she had given him the second dose of pain killers.

I will stay with him tonight, Sara said to herself.
Her priority was making sure that Gabriel gets better , not because it was Fabian's horse but because Gabriel reminded her of Duke when he first came to the ranch . She loves her Duke, even if he was getting old , he still held a special place in her heart. She didn't want the King's to put him down because of the wound, she promised herself that she will nurse Gabriel back to health and he will be as fit as before .

As if the poor animal understood her , he licked her hands. Sara bent and whispered to him , " You will be just fine".She gave him some more antibiotics and soon Gabriel was asleep from the painkillers.
She was so tired and hungry , she got up and washed her face from the tap that was inside the stable. She checked on Gabriel then she walked out of the stables making her way towards the house , she had to eat something have a shower then come back. She had blood on Veronica's dress and now she had to buy her sister a brand new one.

" Good evening ma'am", Maria said as she sat on the porch removing her boots.

" Oh Hi Maria.How's the boss?", Sara asked and Maria looked at her weirdly.

" You mean your husband...  I gave him his dinner , went back to check up on him and he was asleep", Maria said smiling.

" Thank you Ma'am for what you did .. you are really brave!", Maria said and Sara smiled at her .

" It's nothing ... it's part of my job what I love to do, save lives", Sara said with a soft smile as she stood up and walked inside the house.

" When you are ready ,I will put your dinner on the table ", Maria said and Sara thanked her as she made her way upstairs and walked inside the house .It seemed like she had finally won the heart of the middle aged woman and Sara smiled as she made her way upstairs taking a deep breath as she got closer to Fabian's bedroom .

She walked in the room quietly and saw Fabian sleeping. He looked so handsome , his face was so relaxed and some of his hair had fallen on his face. She wanted to walk up to him and brush the strand of hair away from his face but instead she turned and hurried to the bathroom . Sara removed that stained dress putting it in the bathroom waste bin and opened the tap in the shower . She let the warm water from the rain shower to cascade over her hair . She scrubbed the blood off her arms and legs . She thought about today , the way Fabian had look so helpless ,
Well at least he has some compassionate feelings towards his horse! I wonder what is the story between him and Gabriel?,Sara asked herself as she closed the tap.

She took her towel and put it around her and walked to the walk- in wardrobe, she dropped her towel not finding a necessity to closed the door since Fabian was asleep. She put her knickers and bra , grabbed a pair of jeans ,a T-shirt and a blanket since she will be going back to the stable to spend the night with Gabriel.She sat down in front of the dressing table and combed her hair letting it down to dry.She walked back in the room and walked past Fabian and  when she noticed that he was still sleeping, she put the blanket on a chair and sat next to him . She gently placed a hand to his forehead.

" No fever", she whispered as she slowly moved over to check the wound on his left arm. The bandages were clean indicating that the wound was well stitched up no blood was oozing out.When she moved back and looked at him ,she was startled when she saw that his eyes were opened and he was looking directly at her.

" Sorry... I was just checking your wound", Sara said shyly as she moved away from him.

Fabian just looked at her and didn't answer. She got up to go but he grabbed her hand tightly with his left hand , Sara looked at his hand over hers and then looked at him.

" How's Gabriel?", Fabian asked in a sleepy tone and he cleared his throat.

" He is still in pain ,but by the day after tomorrow the medicine will start to take effect. Giving him some strong antibiotics and it he has to take it for the next two weeks at least ", Sara answered and he slowly released his grip on her hand and she walked to the chair and grabbed her blanket , Fabian looked at her.Sara was about to walk out when she heard him said in a faint voice,

" I don't want my dad to put him down, it was my fault".

Sara stopped and turned around , she looked at him and saw the sad look on his face as he looked at her. She walked back to him and sat down on the edge of bed next to him, even if she hated that man ,right now he was different, it was the second time today that she saw Fabian King vulnerable.

" I promise Fabian that I will not let anyone put Gabriel down! I am totally against that , he is a fighter and he will be fine . The wound will heal and I can personally give him the therapy that he will need to be the old Gabriel", Sara said in a reassuring voice and she couldn't believe her ears when he said,

" I trust you".

Sara looked at him and she hesitated before touching his forehead to check if he didn't have any fever since he said he trusted her.

" Why did you touch my face ?", Fabian asked.

" I thought you were boiling with fever... and you were confused about who was sitting next to you. Thought you were hallucinating or something ", Sara said looking at him.

Fabian stared at her and smiled faintly, Sara smiled back for a moment they had this connection as they stared at each other. Sara hesitated again as she brushed the strand of hair away from his face and without thinking she kissed him on his forehead. When she realized what she had done, she quickly stood up like the touch of her lips on his forehead had electrocuted her. She turned to walk away but once more he grabbed her hand and she looked down at him.

" Can you help me with my pillows , I need to sit up... please", Fabian said and she smiled when he added the please .

She sat back down and helped him up putting his pillows behind his back and his head . She had to put her hands behind his head to fix the pillow for him to rest his head on . He looked at her , his face was inches away from hers. She's so beautiful, he said to himself as he looked at his wife.
When she started to move away from him he stopped her , Sara looked at his hand on her arm and then she looked at him with a frown as she wondered if she had done something wrong. Fabian moves his hand up to her neck, tangling his fingers through her wet hair until they reached the back of her head and pulled her towards his face and he gently kissed her. At first he felt she was surprised and tried to stop him but when he kissed her softly again , she slowly opened her mouth and started kissing him back . Her kisses were soft and sweet the sort of kisses that he usually wouldn't settle for but at that moment that was exactly what he needed, a kiss that could heal the soul and cure the wounds.

" Ma'am you cant go in there!", Maria said behind them and Sara opened her eyes and moved backwards as Farrah stormed inside the bedroom.

" Sorry Sir I told her she couldn't come in", Maria anxiously said .

" Fabian what's going on in here!?", Farrah asked angrily.

Sara looked at Fabian and he looked from her to Farrah but he didn't say anything.Sara got up quickly ,grabbed her blanket and walked out of the bedroom without giving Fabian another glance , Maria followed her behind. As she walked downstairs ,  the door to Fabian's bedroom closed with a loud thud.

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