Chapter 10

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Sara heard Junior neighing and she knew there was something wrong she turned around and almost had a heart attack when she saw Fabian King sitting and looking at her .She remembered she was topless and she swam the other side where the water was  deeper so he couldn't see her bare chest .When she approached him she noticed that he had her clothes in his hands except for her white top.

" Fabian King.How dare you!? You pervert! Put my clothes back where you found them and leave! You are trespassing!", Sara shouted.

" Well your clothes are here Sara Carter you have to get out and get them", Fabian shouted back.

Fabian knew that she will never do that regardless how brave she pretended to be.

" If you don't leave I will scream so loud that your men will hear then I'll accuse you of trying to rape me", Sara shouted at him and he laughed.

" As if I would force myself on a cold woman like you.Even if you were naked in front me Sara Carter , I wouldn't be interested", Fabian shouted back.

She felt it in his voice that he was serious he meant every words he said. She suddenly felt cold , she didn't know if it was the water or his cold words .

Am I not desirable?,she asked herself.
I better get out... seeing me topless will not bother him since he doesn't find me attractive, Sara said to herself as she swam towards him .

Fabian couldn't believe that Sara was actually coming out of the water without her bra. He watched her as she walked out of the water towards him, she used her long hair to cover her bare chest but still Fabian could see the roundness of her breasts and her erected nipples from the  water. Well I have to admit , she has a beautiful body,Fabian thought as he looked away from her, he couldn't believe he was thinking like that about Sara Carter. Sara opened her hands and he threw her clothes at her.

" Savage!", Sara softly said.

Sara turned her back towards him and tried to put on her bra. She didn't know why her hands were trembling and she couldn't hooked her bra.She had never been half- naked in front of another man except Edward.Fabian took the time to admire her derrière , he noticed she had a small tattoo on her back. He couldn't resist as he looked at her trying futilely to hook her bra on , he walked up to her , he slowly pushed her hair out of the way exposing her back . He felt her body trembling and he smiled . He removed her hands and hooked the bra for her. He just wanted to tease her a bit more ,he ran his fingers over her back and over the small horse tattooed on her back, he noticed her body became tensed.He didn't stop until his hands reached her knickers and he slowly ran his fingers on her buttocks . She suddenly turned around and was about to slap him but he reacted fast and grabbed her hand.

" Get your filthy paws off me Fabian! And don't you dare ever get close to me again like that!", she said in anger.

" I was actually checking if ever I could be attracted to you.Well...Never", he said laughing then he turned and walked back up to his horse.

He mounted his horse looked at her and lifted his hat, " See you soon my wife to be", he said laughing as he rode of.

" I hate you Fabian!", Sara shouted loudly and she was sure he heard her.

One week later Sara sat in front of her mirror in her bedroom. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She wore a beautiful bridal dress which her mother chose for her. She couldn't be bothered about any of the wedding arrangements as she went about with her daily tasks and let her mother and sister do all the necessaries.Every woman dreams of walking down the aisle in a beautiful gown , wear a beautiful ring and dance with her husband to their bride and groom dance , kissing as they cut their cake and live happily ever after ,but the wedding taking place on that day would be nothing as such. Sara vowed to herself as she looked in the mirror that she would make the life of Fabian King so impossible that he will not be able to stand her for three years!

" Let's get this business over with!", She said as her mother and sister entered the room.

They both looked at her with tears and their eyes.

" Come one now you guys are not going to cry over this fake wedding?", Sara annoyingly said .

" It's just ,you look so breath taking!", Veronica said.

" Well my husband to be doesn't think that way about me and I am glad", Sara said as she looked back at her reflection in the mirror and she noticed that her mother was looking at her with a frown.

They walked downstairs and her father was waiting for them. Sara saw her father wiping tears from his eyes and he walked out to wait for them outside.
Sara's heart tore into pieces as she watched him leave the room, it hurt her that she was not talking to her father but she couldn't bring herself to interact with him after what he had done to her , selling her to Fabian King! She didn't even want him to walk her down the aisle but because there will be important guests at the wedding she had to agree with her mother.

As they arrived at the King's Ranch they noticed that there were a lot of people who had already arrived.
" I told Fabian that I wanted a small reception not this, as if it's a royal wedding!", Sara said with an angry tone.
" Calm down Sara. Even the mayor is here so just be on your best behavior", Veronica said as her eyes roamed through the crowd.

" Well I don't think he will be invited!", Veronica said quietly when she didn't see Sebastian.
Sara heard her and squeezed her hand.
" He must be around somewhere", she whispered back as she knew that her sister must he referring to that Sebastian . The two sisters looked at each other . They shared a great bond one that they hope nothing and no one could ever break.

The music started for the bridal march and Sara turned and looked at her sister who smiled at her.
Sara wanted to ran out of that place and she started to tremble when she saw Fabian standing in front of her . Her father held her arm and she forced a smile just for the eyes of the hundred of guests who were present to see her marrying the one man she hated the most!

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