Chapter 43

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Sara woke up to the sound of someone throwing up.
She looked at Fabian and saw Dr. Martin was in the room as well.
" Hi Dr, sorry I fell asleep", Sara said getting up from the bed and walking towards him where Fabian was throwing up.
He looked so weak as he tried to throw up and the smell reminded Sara of something.
She had smelled that odor before but from where ?she questioned herself , she couldn't stand the smell as she asked to be excused and hurried to the bathroom and she threw up as well. As she looked at herself in the mirror and washed her face it hit her where she had smelled that odor.
She walked quickly back in the bedroom,
" Doctor I know that smell ... I'm sure I've smelled it before .. Acepromazine a tranquilizer that we often give to animals to calm them down , it stops them from being aggressive by relaxing their muscles, Fabian was drugged and  ...", Sara was saying and then she got lost in her own thoughts.
" That's what she wanted to do... obviously.. Fabian wouldn't be able to move a muscle ... she gave him too much but where will she get such an idea.... Edward!!?", Sara thought her eyes widened, she thought of the only person she knew who could get access to that drug! She shook her head as she looked at the Doctor and Fabian who was staring at her.
" Sorry Doctor I got lost there! But I'm sure that smell is Acepromazine! Fabian babe don't speak just nod ok", Sara said looking at Fabian as the Doctor helped him to lay back on the bed.
" Do you remember drinking anything or eating anything before you passed out?", Sara asked him.
Fabian looking at her blankly like he was thinking hard and then he nodded yes.
" Great !!... do you remember where... bedroom?", Sara asked and Fabian nodded no, Sara wondered where, "your office?", Sara asked he nodded yes.
" Outside?", Sara asked he shook his head slowly indicating no.
" Inside office!", She said as she told them she was coming back and she left the room.
She walked in the sitting room and saw Santiago and the other workers were still there.
" Thank you everyone for helping Fabian, I'm most grateful to all of you!", Sara said smiling at them.
" How's the boss Ma'am ?!", Santiago asked coming to stand next to her.
" He will get better... like the Doctor said he needs to get rid of that chemical from his body. I think he was drugged with a tranquilizer ", Sara said and Santiago looked at her and shook his head.
".. Santiago I need a favor , take the men back they are tired and you need to keep an eye on the ranch with that weather. Something else go to Fabian's office the one inside the house. See if you find anything he ate or drink , save it for me. I think I know what was used that poisoned him , I will analyze what ever he ate or drink and if I'm right the presence of that drug will be in what he consumed!", Sara said and Santiago said he will do just that and will call her if he finds anything.He gave Sara his phone number and she stored it on her phone.
The men left and she thanked them again as she wished them all goodnight.
She walked back to the bedroom the maid had finished cleaning up the room and Fabian was sleeping.
Doctor Martin came inside the bedroom,
" Don't think he will be throwing up again, hopefully by tomorrow he will start to recover. Get some sleep Sara, you must be tired , everything that happened was a bit too much for you specially being pregnant ", Dr Martin said smiling at her.
She thanked the Doctor as he left them alone and she laid down on the other side of the bed putting a blanket over her . It was true she was so exhausted as she took one final look at Fabian and then she fell asleep.

Sara woke up and checked on Fabian, he was still sleeping and she walked to the bathroom and washed her face.
She grabbed her keys and walked out of the bedroom.
" Good morning Sara", Dr. Martin said to her as she walked through the sitting room.
" Good morning Doctor. I will come back later and bring his clothes. I have to go and do something urgently", Sara said to him.
" Not having breakfast with us?", he asked her.
Sara smiled and thanked him , " Thank you Doctor , I will grab something at home . I will come back soon. Have a good day", Sara said as she waved goodbye to him and walked out to her Jeep .
Sara took out her phone and dialed Santiago's number, after one ring he picked up,
" Hi Santiago sorry to disturb you early morning. Did you find anything for me?",she asked him.
Santiago told her about the two samples of water that he had put in in two different containers for her.
" Great! I'm on my way. I'll stop by and get them from you and take it to my clinic. Thanks again", Sara said hanging up the phone.

Sara was anxious to get those samples tested, and if her suspicion was correct she will get Farrah to speak up and if Edward was indeed in on what happened to Fabian she would make sure that he never worked  again as a veterinarian!
She stopped by the King's and Santiago gave
her the water samples.
" Ma'am I took this one from the glass that was on his side of the  desk , there was not much left in there", Santiago said handing her a smaller container. She hoped that it will be enough for her  to get a good result.
" Thanks Santiago! I will call you later", Sara said as she waved goodbye to her.

Sara parked her Jeep in the car park and instead of going inside the house she went straight to her clinic. She took out the small container first and took a drop of the water from there and put it under her microscope adding some other chemical to it. She left it for a little while and then after a few minutes she checked it again.
" Bingo!", She said thinking that she was right.
" Acepromazine!", She said as she removed her coat and grabbed her phone and called Santiago.
" Santiago, I was right. She gave him Acepromazine, we need to go see her! What ?! How?!", Sara said in surprise when Santiago told her that Farrah was admitted last night after she had an accident. She drove her car in a ditch and it overturned, she had to be transported to the hospital.
" Now, How will I know if Edward had something to do in all of this?!", Sara said as she hung up the phone.
Her phone rang and she picked up even if she didn't recognize the number.
" Hello, this is she", Sara answered when she was asked if it was Sara Carter speaking.
" Farrah !! Yes tell her I'll come see her!", Sara said anxiously as she walked quickly inside the house.
She needed to eat something , shower then she will be going to the hospital.

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