Chapter 5

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Sara and Edward sat down on the grass watching the sunset. She felt so happy in his arms as he slowly caressed her hair .
" Your hair looks beautiful in the sunset", Edward whispered to her.
Sara looked at him and smiled , she was glad he came to visit. He was just what she needed after today's events. Between her sister running after the men from the King's family and her dad who almost got killed by some men she had never seen before, she surely had enough for one day.She felt at peace , being here far away from the worries of the ranch and that of her family.
" It's getting late.. remember I am leaving for the city tomorrow morning", Edward said .
" Please don't remind me. One year ...! Did you have to do your Masters now!?", Sara said in a sad tone.
Edward stood up and took her hands pulling her to her feet . They hugged each other as the last ray of the sunset disappeared.
" I have no choice darling. It is for our future!", Edward said as they kissed.

As they rode back to the ranch , Sara noticed Fabian King and some of his workers standing close to the thick wooden barriers which separated the King's land from the Carter's land. Fabian lifted his hat at them as they strode by. Sara didn't even wave back she just turned and looked in front of her wondering why they were taking down some of the barriers.

When she walked inside the house she saw everyone were well dressed as if going to a party. She couldn't remember the family being invited to any party or that it was anyone's birthday.
" Wow! Look at you people all dressed up. And where are you all going ?", Sara asked as she stood leaning against the door living room door.
" Sara we have been waiting for you! Hurry get change we are going to a party!", Veronica said excitedly .
" I noticed that, but who's party ?", Sara asked.
" Your favorite neighbor.. the King's!", Veronica said smiling.
" What?! Hell no! I'm not going there! Goodnight folks enjoy the party", Sara said walking away ,she froze when her dad shouted at her , " Sara Carter go upstairs and get change into something nice you are coming with us! And that's an order!", her father said with a commanding tone.
Sara turned and looked at him in surprise, he was looking very anxious as he pulled on his tie.
" I said I am not stepping foot on that ranch father", Sara said looking at her father.
Joe walked up to Sara and held her by her right wrist tightly.
She was surprised because her father had never behaved as such with her before specially since she was now an adult.
" Sara go get change right now!", her father said to her and Sara saw that look in his eyes that she had seen earlier , desperation.
He let go of her wrist and she looked at her mother who stood quietly not saying anything.
She always thought that her mother was too soft of a person. She didn't like to reprimand their father and probably that's why now no one could stop him from his gambling addiction.
Her mother's words were " a happy home is one without quarrels and bickering!", but Sara had always thought otherwise. She never wanted to be like her mother hence her strong character.
Sara walked out of the living room as everyone stood there in silence.
She got ready wearing a simple black dress and put her hair up in a bun. She couldn't be bothered to wear any makeup . She put on her shoes and made her way downstairs.
" Finally she's here! You took all these time to look like that!?", Veronica asked looking at her from head to toe.
" What is your problem Veronica? I am not going to be walking on a runway, I'm just going because I was ordered to!", Sara said looking from his sister to his father who got up from his chair and walked towards the door.
Joe  and his wife went in his truck and Sara and Veronica took the Jeep.
" Since when do we attend those people's parties?!", Sara asked.
" Gosh Sara just calm down and enjoy your life for once! Your boyfriend never told you that you are one boring woman!", Veronica said , she was annoyed with the way Sara always nagged whenever they had to go somewhere.
" Well I don't get to sleep until 12 like some people! Maybe I should stop being boring, I'll pack my bag and go with Edward to London!", Sara said angrily, she didn't like the fact that her sister called her a boring woman.
" Then we will see who will take care of the ranch for one year and where you will get the money to finish your last semester .So you will have to stay here and help out one way or another!", Sara said firmly and Veronica suddenly was quiet.
Sara turned and looked at her sister briefly and then smiled .
" Can you watch the road?", Veronica said annoyingly when she noticed her sister looking at her .
Sara knew that what she had just said would keep her little sister quiet and she kept smiling all the way to the King's Ranch .
" Wow so many cars!", Veronica said as they tried to find a parking.
Their parents were waiting for them and Sara was so upset with her father for dragging her at the King's that she would certainly not be speaking to him tonight.
" Good evening the Carter's!", Mr. King said happily hugging her father and Sara found his behavior  towards her father a bit weird , it was as if they were old friends.
" So you must be the beautiful Sara!", Mr. King said taking Veronica's hand.
" No , I'm Veronica this is my sister Sara", Veronica said and Sara noticed that Mr. King was a bit embarrassed when he shook her hands.
Sara  noticed that Mrs. King was looking at her weirdly but she didn't bother herself.
" Something to drink?", Mrs. King asked as a waiter   passed by with some drinks.
" No thank you", Sara said in a hurry and her dad gave  her a disapproval look as he took a glass of champagne for her mother and Veronica.
" Now where is my handsome son!", Mrs. King said and Sara wanted to leave before she came face to face with Fabian.
" I'll go get him... Mr. Carter I'll meet you in my study", Mr. King said as he walked away.
Sara felt that Mr. King was ordering her father to meet him in his study, she was even more surprised when he asked her to join them.
" Me why?!", Sara asked with a serious tone.
" Stop behaving like that Sara! Now come with me!", her father said as he grabbed her hand .
Veronica stood there wondering what was going on as her mother remained quiet just staring at her daughter walking away.
" Mum What is going on?!", Veronica whispered to her mother.
" We will find out soon Vero, soon", her mother replied.
Veronica was excited when she spotted Fabian in the crowd of people gathered in the garden. She was about to go to him when she noticed that his father was talking to him and they walked away towards the house.
" Anyways I will see him later", Veronica said to herself as she walked into the garden staring at the beautiful pond in front of the house.
She didn't looked where she was going and she nearly fell into the pond, she felt a pair of hands grabbing her to stop her from falling.
" Be careful there Miss!", a male voice said to her .
She looked up to see a handsome  man holding her arm.
" Thank you!", Veronica said as her knight is shining armor helped her to stand up .
" Not a place for high heels", the young man said still holding her arm.
Veronica suddenly forgot about Fabian as she looked at this handsome man next to her.
" So are you one of the relatives of the King's, I've never seen you around?", Veronica asked .
The man laughed and his laugh sounded like music to her ears.
" No Ma'am I'm the head foreman here, I'm Sebastian", he said.
" Oh ok .. you are still holding my arm I have  to get back to the party", Veronica said in a hurry.
Sebastian let go of her arm and Veronica hurried back to the party.
" Foreman! Why?! He is too good looking he should be a millionaire!", Veronica said to herself .
She briefly turned and saw that he was looking at her and she saw him shook his head.
" Now what is he thinking about me! Well I don't care ... I don't belong to his class!", Veronica said as she went to stand by her mother's side.

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