Chapter 6

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Sara stood by the window in Mr King's office with her arms crossed over her chest, even if her father had asked her to sit down several times. She had no clue  why her father brought her in here , she felt as if she was in a suspense movie and anytime something will pop out from somewhere in that office. She heard some people speaking loudly outside the door to the office and she looked towards the door when it slowly opened. In walked Mr and Mrs King and the one person who Sara didn't want to see, Fabian.
" Oh not this one!", Fabian said angrily pointing towards her.
Sara looked at him and frowned , What did he mean by that!?,Sara asked herself.
" Well whatever is going on my feeling is mutual!", Sara said to Fabian.
" You didn't tell her anything?", Mr. King asked her father .
Sara looked at her father , he seemed very uncomfortable.
" No ...let me just speak to her and then you can come back", Joe said to the Kings.
"And I need to speak to you dad!?", Fabian said to his father.
After the Kings had left, Sara turned to her father , " Now Joe Carter can you please enlighten me on what is going on?", Sara asked her father .
" The thing is Sara... the thing is ... you have to marry Fabian!", her father blurted out the last words .
" What?!!", Sara shouted so loud that everyone outside could probably hear her.
" Marry Fabian me ... hahahha... thanks for the joke ... are we being filmed dad?... me marry that animal!? Never?! I don't know what you got yourself into but selling me to that animal will never happen!", Sara said to her father and her tone implied that she was not joking in anyway.
Sara looked at her father she felt so deceived by this man that she use to look upon as her hero.She was so hurt right now that she just wanted to run out of that office  and go cry her eyes out.
" Darling you don't understand, I am in trouble and so are you , your sister and your mother. It's my fault I know ... you don't know how I regret getting myself in that hell and there is no excuse for that", her father said desperately.
" Dad , of course there is no excuse! We tried to get you out but you never listened. Now look at this big mess!", Sara said.
" That's why you should marry Fabian.They will buy part of our  land and I will resolve my problems and I  promise that everything will go back like before", Her father said trying to hold her hands but Sara didn't let him , she moved further away from him.
" But if they want to buy the land... what does marrying me and Fabian have to do with this?Why don't you marry Veronica? She wants a rich husband..and you are well aware that I am in a relationship with Edward?!", Sara told her father still in a serious tone .
Seeing her father desperation didn't move anything inside her she had become colder than ever.
" I can't marry Veronica because she is not my eldest.. in his will my father specified that if ever I was to sell part of the land the buyer will have to be someone willing to marry my eldest daughter if she is still single and alive... so that the land will still stay in the family! Think Sara .., I never wanted to sell my lands but due to my stupidness I have no choice...And Fabian is a handsome young man.. I'm not selling it to anyone but someone we both know .. our neighbors!", Her father said standing up .
Sara couldn't believe her ears , she was being sacrificed to keep the land in the family.
How could my grandpa do that to me!,Sara thought as she turned her back to her father.
" Well just pretend I am dead .., because that's how I feel like now.. I wish I could just disappear.. I can't believe what is happening.. and I will not accept it!" Sara said turning to look at her father .
" Sara listened... it's either you agree to this or you will have the blood of your mother and sister on your hands! You will regret not saving all of us! Then the lands will go in the wrong hands and they will destroy everything all that we have built ... and you will be the one to get the blame because you didn't accept this marriage.. you are to stay in this marriage for three years then you can get a divorce and claim part of your land back.Please Sara!!", her father begged.

" I can't believe you are playing mind games with me dad! I really don't like people doing that with me... if there is someone to put the blame on do it on yourself!", Sara shouted .

" Ok fine... I call them back in and told them the deal  is off!", Sara's father said angrily.

Fabian took his father to his room. He couldn't believe that they were asking him to marry the wild one, Sara! She was not the type of woman he wanted to sleep next to every night, she was not as pretty as the other one , Veronica.

" Dad , I cant marry that girl", Fabian said to his father.

" Son , she is not that bad... I find her pretty.. not like the younger one but she there's something special about her", His father replied.

" Yeah of course , she has a big mouth and a wild character just like the animals she attends to", Fabian said.

" Son think of the lands and expanding the businesses . They have the best lands for our livestock . Three years , have a child then you can get a divorce", his father said.

" Three years !? I don't even want to spend a few seconds with her !", Fabian replied walking to the windows of his bedroom. He spotted Veronica in the crowd talking to Sam .

That's the kind of  woman I wouldn't mind marrying, he said to himself. Taking a deep breath he turned towards his father.

" Anyways ...  since it's strictly business then let's do it", Fabian said to his father.

" That's more like it. Business and a child", his father replied smiling patting him on the back.

"My child will stay with me after the divorce and I have other conditions that I will like to put forth after all they need us more than we need them", Fabian  firmly said.

" Whatever you say my son", Mr. King replied.

" Now I wonder if that stubborn mule would accept?", Fabian asked his father.

" Well with the situation her father is in she has no other choice", Mr. King replied smiling as they walked out of the bedroom.

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