Chapter 8

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Veronica walked up to were Sebastian was talking to two young women and they seemed to be enjoying his company as she heard them laughing.
When she got closer Veronica noticed that it was the De Marco sisters.
Hmm them talking to a foreman!He must really be some kind of special foreman,Veronica said to herself as she put on her best smile.

" Helena and Alana.So good to see you ladies", Veronica said standing in front of Sebastian.

" Oh hi Veronica", Helena said not really happy that she interrupted their conversation with Sebastian .

" Anyways ladies I have to leave you, it was a pleasure to meet both of you. At least you were not afraid of a foreman", Sebastian said finishing his sentence by whispering his last words in Veronica's ear.

Veronica got goosebumps when she felt his breath on her skin. Sebastian then walked away , Veronica knew that the last part of his sentence he was referring to her. She excused herself from the De Marco sisters who looked at her weirdly as she walked away.

" She came here to interrupt our conversation with Sebastian then walked away.Can't believe it ...Attention seeker!", Helena said annoyingly.

Veronica walked fast to catch up with Sebastian.

" Excuse me , foreman...",she said aloud when they were in close proximity.

Sebastian turned and looked back at her and he had a smirk on his face.

" Are you talking to me ma'am?", he asked empathizing on the ma'am.

" Yeah , can you please drive me home .. well if you have a car that is!", Veronica said.

" Well I  do own a truck but I'm not anyone's driver here remember I'm the foreman, I take care of this place", Sebastian replied pointing towards the ranch.

Huh how dare he speaks to me like that!, Veronica said to herself.

" Well you have to obey orders given to you , foreman!", Veronica said .

" Only the orders from my boss ma'am", Sebastian replied enjoying the look of annoyance on her face.

" Whatever!", Veronica replied , she was starting to get infuriated from the way Sebastian was answering her,so she turned to walk away quickly only for one of her heels to get stuck in the ground.

" Great! More embarrassment!", she said softly.
Sebastian walked up to her and looked at her trying to pull her heels out, he bent and gentle put his hand around her ankle and gently pulled out her shoe.
He then slowly rubbed his fingertips along her ankle and up her leg ,Veronica gasped. His touch was so soft and he knew she was enjoying it as he went further up until he was touching her knee and then he stopped and stood up.Veronica looked at him , she surely didn't want him to stop.
Sebastian came closer to her and whispered in her ear in a sexy tone, " Even a foreman can make you tremble!".
Veronica closed her eyes breathing in the sweet sound of his voice. As she opened them he was gone. She looked around and noticed him walking back towards the De Marco sisters.
" Damn that guy! How dare he leave me like this!", she said looking at him , her turned looked in her direction and she felt goosebumps just with his gaze.
" Just go find your parents Veronica before they leave you here!", she said to herself as she walked back towards the house.

Sara drove all the way to Edward's apartment. She had to talk to him before he leaves the next day. She couldn't keep what was going on from him.She didn't know how he will react ,maybe he could come up with a solution to get her out of that complicated situation.
She knocked on the door of his apartment, she waited and he didn't open the door. She banged louder but still no answer , " That's weird", she said to herself and she checked outside his Jeep was parked in his usual parking spot .
She heard laughter coming from the other apartment close by and she thought maybe he was at the neighbors but at that time of the night Edward will usually be in bed. She knocked again on his door and Sara could hear him speaking.
" I'm coming!", she heard him shout.
He opened the door and looked at her , he looked shocked to see her standing in front of him.
" Hi Edward! I know it's late but we need to talk urgently !", Sara said walking straight past him and into his sitting room.
" Something happened that we need to talk...", Sara was saying when she suddenly stopped talking when she spotted a pair of woman shoes and a dress on the floor .
They certainly didn't look like her things and she looked at Edward who was really uncomfortable.
" What is going on here!?", Sara asked as she stormed into his bedroom and saw a woman lying half- naked in his bed.
" What is the meaning of all this!?", Sara shouted and she woke up the person in Edward's bed.
It was when that person switched on the light that she recognized who it was.
"Melanie! Your ex... what is she doing here!?", Sara asked Edward. She couldn't believe that the only man she trusted will betray her as such.
" You know what... no need to explain , I've had enough for one night, sorry to have disturbed you!", Sara said running out of the apartment.
Edward tried to stop her but she got in her Jeep and drove off.
She didn't know where to go , or who to turn to! She barely had time for friends since she spent most of her time working.
She drove up to the viewpoint and parked her Jeep. She got out and stood close to the edge of the cliff and shouted with all of her strength as she broke down in tears.
" We all have one of those days we want to scream and let everything out!", someone said and Sara was startled as she hurried to dry her eyes. She thought she was completely alone. She saw an old man sitting down on a rock looking at her . She suddenly got scared and ran back to her Jeep but then she stopped and looked at the old man.
" What are you doing here so late?", she asked him.
" Well I don't have anywhere else to go .. so I walk around until I found a spot that I want to sleep tonight and tomorrow if I wake up , then that will be another day, another adventure !", he replied calmly as he looked up at the sky.
" It's a beautiful night isn't it?!", he asked.
" I wouldn't say so... this is the worst night of my life!", she replied sadly.
" Well my dear ... no one said our pages of life would be easy! Sometimes we will laugh but sometimes we will shed tears.. no one can live  the perfect life!", the old man said.
Sara felt comfortable talking to the old man as she sat on a rock next to him.
She looked at his face in the dimmed light of the moon and saw that he had pain written all over his face.
" What do you say I take you back home and you will get a hot meal and somewhere comfortable to sleep tonight!", Sara asked the old man who turned and looked at her.
" Young lady ... thank you, not many people who will come here will offer a complete stranger such a luxury but I will not accept it. My home is here and there , I want to live the rest of my life like this!", he said smiling at her.
" Then you don't mind me staying here with you!", She said smiling back at him.
" Feel free you are home here!", he said laughing and they both laughed .
Sara got in her Jeep and took out a blanket and offered it to the old man and she took one for herself. They sat there talking . Sometimes life brings you people who will be there to comfort you and bring a smile on your rainy days and that night the old man was Sara's ray of sunshine.

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