Chapter 41

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Sara closed her clinic and walked back to the house. As she walked up towards the house she noticed a car coming up  their driveway and parking in their parking area.
She stood there with her hands in her pockets and looked at the person coming out from the driver's seat.
" Edward!?", she said quietly when she saw him coming towards her with a bouquet of roses in one hand and a smile on his face.
Sara didn't like him being there so she walked to meet him halfway.
" What are you doing here?!", Sara asked him.
" Hi Sara , is this how you will greet an old friend?", Edward asked as he got closer to her.
" You and I , we are not friends or anything. Would you please leave!", Sara said getting upset as she raised her a hand towards his car.
" No need to get upset Sara! I didn't get the chance to congratulate you properly on your pregnancy!", Edward said handing her the flowers.
" Edward stop being a hypocrite...leave and take your flowers as well!", Sara said raising her voice a bit.
" If that's what you want Sara. But you know a leopard never changes his spots , you will never  be happy with Fabian... by the way was it so easy for you to sleep with him ... and even to get you pregnant?! This should have been us Sara! Not that bastard!!", Edward said and Sara could feel the sarcasm in his voice.
" Its funny... you wouldn't let me touch you but that bastard did or maybe you love play boys!", Edward said pulling her closer.
Sara slapped him across the face hard  and Edward let go of her.
" You are shameless Edward!! I told you once we all know about Fabian he never hide his true self but you, you were  pretending to be a saint when you are nothing but a backstabber!", Sara shouted at him .
Edward looked at her and touched his face were she had hit him.
" Is everything ok Sara?", Sara heard her father said from behind her.
" Yes dad! Edward is leaving now!", Sara said staring at Edward who threw the roses at her and it fell on the ground.
Sara left the bouquet there on the ground and kept her gaze on him as he got inside his truck and drove off.
She walked towards her father ,
" What happened?!", Joe asked her.
" Nothing Dad, just let him be!", Sara said walking towards the house waving her hands.

Sara walked in her bedroom and sat down on her bed. She remembered her past, how she had fallen head over heels for Edward, he was her everything, her future husband and then she had found herself married to a man she hated so much and the man she loved had betrayed her.
She was amazed at how love could turned to hatred and hatred into love!
She grabbed her keys and some of her clothes and put them in a small suitcase and made her way downstairs.
" Ma, I'm going over to Fabian, I'll see you in the morning", Sara said kissing her mother's forehead, she was sitting on the porch knitting.
" Take care with this weather!", her mother said.
It had started to drizzle outside as Sara hurried to her Jeep. She waved goodbye to her father who was talking to some workers .
He waved back and Sara got in her Jeep and drove away.

Fabian had waited impatiently for Farrah to arrive, he had been pacing his office for about an hour. He was thinking if he should call Sara and tell her what was going on in case she showed up when Farrah was still here. He knew Sara's character quite well, she wouldn't want anything to do with him again if he lied to her or if he hides things from her.
" What do I do now?!", he said as he noticed Farrah's car in the parking and she was walking to the house in a dress that was surely not living much to any one's imagination!
He walked out to the living room and onto the porch, she smiled at him as he walked out.
Fabian looked at her with a serious look on his face , he was surely not there to smile at her when he felt that he could lose his new found happiness with Sara if Farrah was indeed pregnant!
Sara would rather break up with him and let him stay with Farrah to take care of his child than to be with her and their baby.
She had a strong character and a lot of pride as well.
" Hi Fabian, you don't look too happy to see me!", Farrah said walking up the stairs.
She closed her umbrella hanging it on the porch.
Fabian looked at the water droplets from the umbrella lost in his thoughts , it was only when Farrah kissed him on the cheek that he took his gaze away from the tiny water droplets and looked at her.
" Please Farrah, we are here to talk so no hugging or kissing!", he said walking inside the house towards his study .
Fabian sat at his desk and Farrah took the chair in front of his desk.
" So .. you are pregnant.. have you been to the Doctor?!", Fabian asked her , he noticed she didn't look at him when she answered no.
" Why not ?! Don't you think you should take a proper test to ascertain whether you are pregnant or not?!", Fabian said still staring at her .
Farrah looked at him and said , " Fabian those pregnancy tests from the pharmacies are also hundred percent accurate!".
Fabian noticed she was not comfortable,
" Are you ok? Do you want something to drink Farrah?!", Fabian asked .
" Yes.. may I have some water please?", Farrah replied.
Fabian got up to get it but Farrah stopped him and said she will do it herself.
She turned her back from Fabian , she looked around slowly and noticed that he was not looking at her , she hurried and put the drops from her bag in a glass of water .She poured herself a glass and carried the glasses to his desk.
Farrah handed him the glass that she had put the drops in and Fabian took the glass of water and drank it, Farrah sat opposite him looking at him as she sipped slowly on her water.
After a few minutes Fabian started feeling hot, it was like he needed air. He couldn't understand why his body was heating up like that. He started to sweat and he got up unbuttoning his shirt. He walked out of his office rushing upstairs he felt like going in the shower to cool himself down. He could hear Farrah behind him asking him what's wrong, he couldn't even speak as his mouth dried up , he opened the door to the bedroom and only made it to the bed as he passed out.
Farrah stood beside his bed and looked at him with a wicked smirk on her face.

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