Chapter 11

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Veronica walked behind her sister. She felt bad for her because she knew her sister was not at all happy.She bent her head and prayed that Sara would somehow be happy in that relationship , At least let Fabian respect her, Veronica thought.
As she lifted her eyes she spotted Sebastian all dressed up in his tux . Their eyes met and she smiled but he turned and spoke to the blonde next to him and the blonde smiled looking at him like he was something she could eat.Veronica quickly looked straight in front of her , she was so angry with herself.

Why did I have to smile at him?, she thought .

The bride reached the groom and their father gave Sara away to Fabian. He whispered something to Fabian and she noticed that Sara didn't like what he said but she just forced a smile.

The ceremony began and Sara was not at ease , she didn't like the fact that Fabian had to hold her hand she prayed for the ceremony to be over.
" You May kiss the bride", the registrar said smiling.
Sara turned her right cheek to Fabian who turned her face and kissed her hard on the lips. It was surely not a romantic kiss or close to it , it was more like a " I hate you kiss", and their eyes were opened looking at each other. Sara didn't care if people noticed that, she just wanted this whole dramatic farce to be done so she could go back to her house.

People gathered to congratulate the bride and groom and Sara's face was tired of keeping up with the fake smile she had to put on.As the crowd left to go to the cocktail party she excused herself from the Kings saying she was going to find her sister . She crossed the garden and went straight to the parking, she was getting out of that ranch .

My family will make up an excuse when they will notice that I am no longer around, she said to herself.

Even if she had to walk back to her home she would gladly do so!

" Sara Carter , so this is where you are?", someone said and Sara froze at the sound of Edward's voice.

She slowly turned around , she looked at Edward who was looking at her with anger.

" Oh No! You have no right to look at me like that!", she said to Edward trying to keep her voice down .

Since that day she saw his ex in his bed half -naked she hasn't spoken to him. Though he had called nearly a thousand times there was no way Sara would ever forgive him.She was sure that Edward knows her feisty character and that one thing she hated was a dishonest person specially someone she had trusted with all her heart.

" So the first thing you do is run to Fabian King! Of all people!?", Edward said walking towards her.

" Well he is no different from you.At least he had always showed his true colors compared to you!", Sara hissed at him as she saw a man coming towards them .

Edward noticed him too and stopped talking , that man looked at them from a distance and then walked back towards the invited guests .

" Sara listen we need to talk.I need to explain what happened", Edward said with a pleading voice coming closer to her.

Fabian saw Santiago coming back, he had a bad feeling that Sara would leave the party and embarrassed him so he sent one of his man to look for her.He excused himself from his guests and walked towards Santiago .

" Did you find her?", Fabian asked.

" Yes boss.She's near the parking talking to a man... I think he is a veterinarian saw him a few times attending to the animals on Mrs. Alba's ranch", Santiago replied.

Like I thought the little witch wanted to escape, Fabian said to himself.

" What do you want me to do Sir?", Santiago asked.

" I'll take care of this , Santi", he replied as he downed his champagne handing his glass to Santiago.

Fabian walked towards the parking and stopped when he spotted Sara. The man she was talking to was trying to touch her and Sara didn't allow him to as she pushed his hands away. He quickly walked towards them.

" Edward stop touching me.I don't have any feelings for you!", Sara said.

" You have feelings for that animal Fabian.Isn't that what you used to call him!", Edward said angrily.

" We had a chance to talk ,but you had another woman in your bed.Sorry but I don't do threesomes!", Sara replied.

Edward grabbed her hand pulling her closer to him , Sara tried to pull away but Edward held her tightly as his lips found hers and he tried to kiss her.

"Get you'd hands off my wife!", Fabian shouted and they heard the sound of a gun cocking.

Edward released Sara who stumbled backwards. They turned to see Fabian standing with a gun in his hands and he had a dangerous look in his eyes.
He looked at Sara angrily then at Edward.

" Get off my property now veterinarian before I blow your head off",Fabian said with a threatening voice.
Edward looked at him and laughed,

" Sara I can't believe you hated that man and now you are married to him.And yet you can't forgive me", Edward said to Sara shaking his head.

" Edward just go please.We have nothing more to say to each other", Sara sternly said to him.

Edward looked at her then looked at Fabian ,he lifted his hat and then turned to walk away but he stopped and looked at Fabian.

" Maybe you will have better luck to put her in your bed", Edward said sarcastically and then walked away.

How dare he!, Sara said to herself as she looked at Fabian looking at her weirdly.

What did he mean by that?Does he mean that she never slept with him .., does he mean that I got myself a Virgin Wife!,he thought as he smiled.
Sara didn't like the look on Fabian's face.

" Whatever you are thinking forget it! Edward... just didn't know how to hurt me.. he just lied", Sara said but her mouth kept drying up making her stutter.

"I didn't say anything Sara King", Fabian said mockingly.

" Sara Carter !", Sara shouted.

"Shh! You want our guests to hear you?", Fabian hissed at her.

" If she doesn't want your surname, I will gladly take her place", someone said behind Sara and she turned to see Farrah standing behind her.

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