Some Changes

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Sorry to give false hope of a chapter update although one will be coming soon.

First, I wanted to say that I'm going to be changing the name of the story from The Boy Across the Hall to The Best of Us sometime soon. I have several reasons why:

A) I honestly have kind of come to hate the name. It's long and I just don't think it's very good

B) I'm going to change the cover and it's pretty annoying to have that long of a title and generally makes life hard

C) I feel like I ended up making this story a lot oriented around the themes of Love Yourself: Her and I really like the idea of have the title sort of reflect that

D) I can't really get into right now but you'll understand my most important reason for changing it very soon ;)

Also, a couple other things I want to address.

Wattpad is just not being my friend lately. I can only edit my stories. I can't view them as a reader or even reply to comments which pisses me off. I really enjoy interacting/responding to readers so that's annoying. But yes, I'm still reading comments and enjoying them. I just can't respond to them right now for some reason.

Also, the next chapter is officially the last chapter and then there's the epilogue :") + an important announcement.

Again, sorry for the annoying announcement, but I felt this was necessary to inform people of.

Thanks for reading my story this far. I really appreciate the support.

Stay healthy and well 💜

The Best Of Us (Yoonmin) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now