Chapter Seventeen

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Yoongi is addicted to Jimin in more dangerous ways than one.

Yoongi can't get enough of his soft lips, of holding his hand, of holding him tightly, and of just being around him. He appreciated Jimin before, but now he found it so hard to hold anything back.

He doesn't want to hold back too much, but he doesn't want to push Jimin away either. Jimin is truly the best part of his life.

So for now he mostly let's the younger call the shots.

Right now, they're bodies are tangled together in every possible way on Jimin's couch. Jimin's head rests on top of Yoongi's chest peacefully as he watches the movie they decided on. Yoongi, however, has hardly paid any attention to it, too fixated on the ethereal boy in his arms.

"Jimin," he whispers. "Jiminie."

"Yes hyung?"

He moves his head so he can look up at Yoongi. Right now, the older can't help leaning to give the other a peck.

But Jimin grabs onto the front of Yoongi's shirt, deepening the kiss. He smirks, weaving his fingers through the younger's hair and tugging a little. As much as he'd love to let his hands drop and find their way under Jimin's shirt, he resists. He does, however, pull on Jimin's lower lip lightly with his teeth, earning a small groan.

Not fair.

He runs his hands down Jimin's back as they continue to kiss. Through the thin fabric of the younger's t-shirt, he still enjoys the sensation of Yoongi's large hands moving along his spine, stopping at the top of his jeans.

Yoongi tastes sweet and minty, like the gum he usually chews. Jimin has learned to love that taste.

There's so much more of Yoongi he's learned to love, yet he knows he hasn't even figured out the half of it yet. Were they going to though?

Jimin suddenly pulls away from Yoongi, leaving the other male confused and a little flustered.

"What's wrong baby?"

That name still brings a blush to Jimin's cheeks. He avoids Yoongi's eyes though.

"Jimin, what's wrong?" Yoongi asks more seriously.

He pushes Jimin's chin up with his hand lightly so their eyes will meet each other again.

The younger feels his heart pounding in his chest.

He was stupid to have just kissed Yoongi on the streets. Yes, that's what happens in the movies and books, but you don't just jumped into a relationship and everything falls into place. That's not how real life works. There are so much that is still undefined with them.

"I don't know how to ask this without sounding stupid," he admits.

"Just tell me what's on your mind."

Jimin looks in Yoongi's gentle eyes. He's noticed that they're softer when they look at him.

"Are we still just friends?" he asks.

Yoongi's heart falters a little. "Is that what you want is to be?"

Jimin's eyes fall back down to his hands. "No. I want us to be together. Like a couple. You're mine and I'm yours."

"You're adorable," Yoongi chuckles. "And I want that too."



Jimin moves into for another warm kiss.

"So you're my boyfriend," he says happily.

"It seems so."

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