Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jimin wakes up before Yoongi. Is it bad that one of his favorite things is watching the other sleep? Being able to wake up with someone he loves holding him tightly is all he's ever wanted.

Tears sting his eyes a little as he stares at his boyfriend. For some reason, he's just feeling a little extra emotional this morning.

Still, he would be perfectly content to lay with his face buried in Yoongi's neck, except for the fact he really has to pee.

He slips out of his lover's long arms, earning a groan from the sleeping male, who seems to be reaching for Jimin. The younger chuckles and plants a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll be right back," he whispers.

He slides his shirt on just in case Hoseok got back home early.

Jimin finally feels some soreness as he moves across the room. However, he gets a little satisfaction knowing that he left long drags down Yoongi's back.

He slips into the bathroom. Unfortunately his eyes catch in the mirror.

No, not right now.

In the middle of his contentment, those thoughts are back again. He sighs, clutching onto the counter. It's moments like these that he wishes he could just slip out of his skin and be someone else.

He has to be somewhat wrong about himself. Yoongi has stayed with him for this long and doesn't seem like he has any plans of straying. Yoongi is the closest thing to perfect, especially when it comes to dealing with him. So why is there this shadow of doubt?

This isn't the time for him to get deeply lost in this cycle.

Jimin finishes up and walks back into Yoongi's room. He slides under the blankets and Yoongi moves back to cuddle him again.

He presses his nose against Jimin's cheek. It's rare to see the elder this affectionately needy.

It's all going to be okay, right?

Yoongi is so nervous. He and the rest of his and Jimin's friends all are as they sit in his and Hoseok's living room, waiting for Jimin to get there after his class finishes.

Yoongi even desperately googled ways to confront a person with an eating disorder-wow that word makes it sound even scarier-but it all just felt too clinical and wrong. He just knows he needs to do something before Jimin takes it too far, even if that means making the male hate him forever.

Yoongi is practically shaking at this point, remembering how he almost lost Jimin before when he reacted badly. However, he isn't the only one nervous. In fact, the whole room in uncharacteristically silent. A silence that Hoseok didn't even bother to attempt to break.

"Maybe this was a mistake," Yoongi mumbles.

Namjoon firmly shakes his head. "No. We are basically like a family. We spend so much time together and we all love each other like brothers. We need to help Jimin get passed this before it's too late. We love him."

Jungkook nods solemnly as Taehyung nervously plays with the younger's fingers. Jin murmurs an agreement before nuzzling back into Namjoon's side.

But that still doesn't ease Yoongi's nerves.

Hoseok moves over to him and puts his hands on the older male's shoulders and pulls him in for a back hug.

"It's going to be okay."

"Yeah," he whispers, but his voice is heavy with doubt.

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