Chapter Twenty-One

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[if you're not a fan of the other ships in this story or reading about the rest of Bangtan in this story, feel free to skip this chapter. thanks]

Jimin feels Taehyung's abnormally large finger jab him on the side of the neck.

"Jimin has a hickey!" he announces, earning a glare from the other.

"What?" Jin exclaims, immediately rushing over to see where Tae is pointing.

Sure enough, there is a a dark purple mark formed.

"Will you all leave me alone?" Jimin mutters. "It's not like you guys haven't done worse. Especially you and Namjoon." He shoots a glare at the eldest.

"Aish," Jin tries to respond, but is too flustered to finish his thought. "You don't know what you're talking about."

Yoongi unknowingly walks into the kitchen to grab another beer when he feels all of their eyes on him.

"What?" he asks.

"Nothing," Jimin quickly says, only making him more suspicious.

"We were just talking about that sizable hickey you've left on little Jimin here," Taehyung says.

Yoongi shrugs with a new beer in hand. "Just marking what's mine," he responds with a wink before lightly squeezing Jimin's butt as he walks by.

"Yoongi!" he squeals, feeling his cheeks go red.

Yoongi only hears the laughter of the others as he walks back into the living room where Namjoon is trying to calm a freaked out Hobi.

"He's a half hour late," Hoseok sighs. "He's obviously not coming. To make matters worse, he stood me up. He had to completely embarrass me."

"There was an accident," Namjoon interjects. "He's probably backed up in traffic."

"Nope, he's just not coming."

"Whoever this guy is, he better come before I kill myself," Jungkook mutters.

All his hyungs glare at him.

"What? At least you guys can get drunk. I have to soberly listening to him complain about his boyfriend standing him up."

"He's not my boyfriend," Hoseok snaps.

"I wonder why," Jungkook responds sarcastically.

"Why are you crabby?" Namjoon asks. "I thought things were going well between you and Tae."

"This is our first official thing out together and I've hardly got to talk to him or anything."

Jungkook pathetically glances at Taehyung, who is throwing fruit at Jin.

"So you're nervous," Yoongi says bluntly.

The younger only rolls his eyes in response.

It's only been thirty minutes or so since everyone showed up and it's already a mess. Everyone is loudly talking and shouting over the music. Namjoon already broke one of the figurines Jimin had out for decoration. Taehyung spilled his drink, luckily on the kitchen tile. So everything is basically right on schedule.

There's a knock on the door that makes Hoseok nearly jump out of his skin.

"Ding dong," Jungkook sings, making everyone, even nervously Hoseok laugh.

Jimin walks over to open the door, seeing an attractive dark haired male.

Jimin walks over to open the door, seeing an attractive dark haired male

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