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It's been a year since the beautiful boy across the hall moved in. Yoongi marked the day on a post-it and shoved it on his song writing book. It's not like he was sentimental or anything, but somehow he knew that everything was going to change after that. So he made a note just in case he was right.

His room, the place he hide away in for years, is now oddly barren. His posters are off the walls and clothes packed away. Even most of the boxes that everything is in are gone.

This place had been his home for so long, but for the good majority of it, it simply felt like his own personal hell. A place that helped isolate him from the world. The place that made him few even more alone.

The only company he got was Hoseok when he insisted on coming over despite Yoongi's complaints and random one night stands he occasionally brought back. Neither of those were often occurrences.

It's only within this past year that he has good memories of this place. Living with Hobi, of course, made it feel a lot more like a home. When he had all six of the males he's grown to care for, the apartment would feel cozy. Waking up in his bed with Jimin lazily sprawled out on top of him made him warm on the inside. It's those moments that made this place have some beautiful memories.

Even with them, he's not sad to be moving out really because he still will get to have all those things, except living with Hoseok.

He wasn't happy about living his friend, but the other male is definitely taking it worse.

"Hobi, if you don't stop crying I'm never talking to you again," Yoongi threatens, but the distraught male doesn't even seem to hear him.

He looks up with blotchy eyes and an odd looking frown. Odd because it's not often that a frown is present. Even when he's annoyed, the hint of a smile can still be brought back.

Yoongi sighs and sits down next to him on the couch. He puts his arm around his friend and leans his head against the other's.

"You know nothing is going to change," he tells Hoseok.

"That's not true," the other snaps, taking a moment to wipe his eyes with the tissue Yoongi handed to him. "Everything is going to change. You're not going to be a part of my life anymore."

"You know you're being over dramatic? I'm always going to be your best friend."

Hoseok takes a deep breath. "But you're leaving me."

"I'm not leaving you." Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"You're moving out!"

"Across the hall. I'm literally only going to be two feet from you. Beside, aren't I allowed to move in with my boyfriend?"

"No." He laughs a little at himself. "I just really liked living with you."

Yoongi can't help cracking a soft smile. "I really liked living with you too, brother. We've definitely had some fun times together. And we'll have more."

Hoseok gives him a watery smile and pulls him in for a tight hug. Yoongi will never admit it, but his eyes water a little too.

They eventually let go. Yoongi pulls up the corners of Hobi's mouth to make him smile and eventually he actually ends up grinning from the action, making both of them laugh.

"Alright, well we should keep moving my stuff. We need to finish soon since Jimin and I have plans to celebrate us moving in together."

The other nods and they get up to continue moving boxes across the hall. Yoongi feels bad for cluttering up his boyfriend's perfectly organized apartment with his assortment of crap, not that Jimin will say anything about it.

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