Chapter Twenty

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The bus rides home don't seem quite as long now that Yoongi can count on Jimin and most times Hoseok waiting at his apartment for him.

He's learned to love he snow, not that he truly hated it before. It just wasn't something he ever felt the need to feel excited for. The holidays in general weren't something that meant much to him. Except Halloween, that's one he's learned to enjoy.

But then came Jimin and suddenly the sight of white flakes tumbling down made him feel warm inside as he remember the feel of his boyfriend's plush lips as they touched his for the first time. Or the way Jimin's nose and cheeks getting cutely red from the cold.

There again, it doesn't take much to remind him of his lover.

If only there isn't a slight dark cloud that is managing to loom over his thoughts.

Should he tell Jimin? It's not a secret that will tear them apart or anything. He just knows his boyfriend will worry about him when Jimin already has enough on his mind.

Yoongi sighs and decides just to enjoy watching the snow fall.

The bus stops and Yoongi steps outside, not bothering to pull his hood up, but lets his hair dampen. He even hums a little to himself as he walks.

Today is one of those days he's extra eager to hold Jimin.

He opens up his apartment door not prepared for the chaos inside. Jungkook is loudly playing a video game while Hoseok is pacing around the living room while singing to himself and tapping on the walls. Jimin, however, is sitting sleepily on the couch while doing his homework.

"Yoongi," Jimin excitedly says, getting up from the couch.

Yoongi meets him halfway with a kiss and a hair ruffle. "Hi baby."

"Gross," Jungkook comments.

"I'd be a little more respectful to your hyung, especially since you're playing my video game."

The younger only shrugs in response.

"And what is Hoseok doing?" Yoongi asks.

"I think I've finally come up with a good beat for Cypher," Hobi answers. "But now I think we need to change some of the lyrics."

"I thought we were giving up on Cypher."

Yoongi sighs and pulls a beer out from the fridge. Jimin wraps his arms around the back of his boyfriend and rests his chin on the other's shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Jiminie," he responds. "I just need to be a little tipsy if we have to babysit for the rest of the night."

"Hyung, they're not that bad."


They both chuckle, watching Hoseok now beating Jungkook with a pillow.

"Well, we're actually going to have fun tonight," Jimin declares. "You're going to help me decorate my Christmas tree while we drink hot chocolate and listen to Christmas music. Don't even start to complain."

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