Chapter Three

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Jimin looks across the hall at Yoongi's door. He can still picture the peaceful expression on the elder's face from last night. His eyes eventually became sleepy from a couple glasses of wine and his hair a little too messy. He laughed a deep laugh at Jimin's friends.  There was even a point where Yoongi's legs kept bumping into Jimin's

It was oddly perfect.

Jimin now stares at the door, wondering if Yoongi was going to shut him out again or if things had truly changed between them.

He is temped to knock on the door, just to say hello. But Yoongi is probably still asleep and Jimin has to get to class.

He scrawls something on a piece of paper and slips it under Yoongi's door.

He jogs down the steps and rushes outside to make sure he doesn't miss his bus.

He jumps on just in the nick of time. Although he's not hungover, if anything still a little buzzed, he's not in the right state for class. But it's not the alcohol that's making his mind too fuzzy.

His cheeks deepen a little at the thought of it being because of the boy across the hall. After all, he hardly knows him.

Still, that's where his kind lingers throughout the duration of his bus ride until he gets off where a wild eyed Taehyung is waiting for him.

"Jungkook hasn't talked to me since last night and won't answer any of my texts," he blurts out.

"He didn't talk to you last night?" Jimin asks confused. "But he was sitting next to you."

"Not once that stupid Hoe guy came." He practically growls.

"Hoseok," Jimin corrects.

"Like that's any better," he scoffs. "And then Lisa got mad at me because I wasn't paying attention to her. Everything's a disaster."

"Aish, stopping being dramatic."

"Easy for you to say. You spent last night flirting with Yoonie-"



Jimin sighs. "Maybe Jungkook has been ignoring you because that's what you've been doing to him ever since you started dating Lisa. You should apologize to him. He adores you."

"You're right hyung," Tae mutters.

"Of course I am. And maybe you should reconsider dating Lisa."

"Not you too. Why does everyone hate her?"

"We don't hate her. We just can do better." Jimin nods, that's probably the best way to word it.

Jimin sits in class, waiting for the lecture to start. He goes through some pictures from last night and decides to post one.

parkjiminie tagged you in a post

Yoongi stares at his phone confused. His head doesn't feel quite right. Maybe he misread it. But when he looks again, it says the same thing.

He opens the notification and sees a picture he doesn't quite remember taking:

He opens the notification and sees a picture he doesn't quite remember taking:

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