Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It's not often that Yoongi wakes up and feels complete bliss. It only takes him a second to be excited that Jimin is back with him.

He rolls over and reaches for the male, but instead he just find an empty space as his hand hits the sheets.

His sleepy eyes widen and he looks over to indeed find that there is no Jimin next to him. That can't be right. He was there in the older's arms as they fell asleep.

"Minnie," he mumbles, looking around the room.

He quickly stumbles out of the bed and throws on a shirt. Jimin's clothes from last night are still on the floor.

Yoongi pushes the door open and sees Jimin in the kitchen in a baggy hoodie and his adorable Christmas pajama pants.

He comes up behind the male, rest his chin on the younger's shoulder and resting his large hands on the other's nice waist.

"You scared me," Jimin complains.

Yoongi plants a kiss on his neck. "And you scared me when I woke up without you there. I thought I dreamt the whole thing."

"Sorry hyung." He pulls down the collar of his hoodie to reveal a long strip of dark bruises along his collarbone. "Don't think you could've dreamed that one up." He winks.

Yoongi flips him around so they're face to face. He lets his hands press against the counter on either side of Jimin.

"Yoongi," Jimin softly murmurs.

"I missed you."

He smiles slyly. "Really? I couldn't tell last night."

Yoongi lets his hands fall and he squeezes the other's firm ass, earning a breathy gasp. "Don't tease me," he growls.

"I'm sorry oppa."

Yoongi's eyes widen and he leans back. "Oppa?"

"Sorry," the younger mumbles, looking down from his eyes.

"No, I like it."

As much as the two want to get lost in each other again, Jimin has plans for the day.

"Yoongi," he mumbles. "Will go to Busan with me to see my family?"

Jimin hasn't been back home in years. He may not have left on the best of terms with his parents, but it didn't bother him like it did Yoongi with his parents. He's very happy with his life and he feels like he has a new family of his own.

He's doesn't want to go back for acceptance necessarily. He just knows that Yoongi is the one and even if they don't make it, there won't be anyone else he would want to bring back home. He also wants to see him doing well.

"Are you sure you want me to come with you?" Yoongi cautiously asks. "I might make things worse considering what you've told me."

"I want to bring you. They'll feel the same way about me anyways. I'm still gay with or without my boyfriend with me."

"Okay. Although you do know I suck with parents."

Jimin chuckles. "You'll be fine."

Yoongi leans up to peck Jimin before the younger slides back off the counter.

"It's Christmas and I want you to open your present," he happily says.

"Jimin, you didn't have-"

"Be quiet. I wanted to."

Yoongi smiles and follows Jimin to the Christmas tree. He hands him a small package.

"Open it," he eagerly encourages him.

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