Chapter Four

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Warning ⚠️ this chapter contains a description of a panic attack that might be trigger to others

Also, I recommend listening to Outro:Tear while reading this chapter

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Maybe I've finally gone crazy

Yoongi left the confines of his apartment for once. It was just getting too small. He couldn't breathe. The walls, the ugly cream walls were suffocating him so he stumbled out into the city.

But that was a mistake.

If anything, he feels more trapped by the large buildings towering over him and the masses of people pushing past him.

Tears burn, stubbornly trying to roll out, but something inside of him won't let him cry. It won't ever cry even when he really just needs to, even wants to. Right now, he'd give anything to just let them flow.

The air is cold, but Yoongi's skin is covered in a slick layer of sweat. That's the least of his problems. He can hardly pay attention to where he's walking, stumbling over his own feet and bumping into others.

With the wild eyes and the struggle to simple walk, others must think he's on something.

I wish.

There's a huge weight on top of his chest, keeping him from being able to breathe. Keeping him from being able to feel anything except for pure panic.

His body doesn't even seem to be under his control anymore. His hands quivering as if he's experiencing his own personal earthquake. Even his teeth are chattering, but he sound is lost under the noise of the city.

His thoughts are the worst of all. A raging cycle of painful memories and dark fears his brain keeps reminding him of.

Life somehow moves in slow motion in front of Yoongi while he is moving far too fast.

His shoulder slams into someone. "Watch it," they mutter.

He tries to say that he's sorry, but the words get stuck in his throat and his lips feel too heavy to move.

He doesn't even know where he is in the city. A part of him wants to go back to his apartment and hide but the other wants to run through the city screaming at the top of his lungs until it all stops.

But neither seems possible because he's lost and dizzy in the middle of the city where no one even notices him stumbling around, trying to cry.

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