Chapter Twenty-Five

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Dear Jiminie,

I'll cut the bullshit. I miss you a lot already. It's so weird not seeing you everyday. When I walk in the apartment from work or whenever I go over to water your plant, I somehow expect to see you there. It's so weird.

Not much is happening with me, so I won't have a lot to write about.

Hoseok and I did come to a compromise with the dog. We named him Mickey. The idiot has already bought a ton of clothes for it. Mickey's decent company I have to admit. Speaking of pets, apparently Jin spontaneously adopted two sugar gliders. I guess that makes him and Namjoon dads.

Hoseok, Namjoon, and I are all working on a rap together. It's going pretty well. I hope it's done by the time you get back. I'm also working on another song that has absolutely nothing to do with you and is no way about you. I have no idea when I'll finish it honestly.

I hope you're doing well. I'm sure you'll make friends. Just don't make too good of friends with anyone, yeah?

I miss you so much Jimin. I can't wait to see you again.

But if you come back happy and well, it will all be worth it. Then we can get started on our happier days.

I love you. Truly.


Dear Yoongi,

You should stop lying to yourself. You like Mickey. But just remember that I'm always your baby.

And you're right. I made two friends so far: BamBam and Lisa. Yes, Lisa, as in Tae's ex. Weird, right? She's actually not that bad. I think we just all disliked her because we wanted Taekook to be a thing so badly. Don't tell Jungkook I said that though. 

Also, don't worry. BamBam is madly in love with his boyfriend Jackson and as far as Lisa goes, in case you didn't notice, I'm pretty gay. Besides, she thinks you and I make a cute couple.

I'm also really excited to hear the rap and the song about me. I really like Euphoria though. That song will always be number one in my heart.

Aish, I miss you all day long, but I think I miss you most at night when I can't sleep. I wish I could just cuddle with you and let you play with my hair. I definitely could use that right now. Surprisingly, I miss eating with you too. Not the actually eating part because that was hard for me, but you always are so pleased when you're having a meal. You get this sleepy look on your face and it's adorable.

I know I sound like the lovesick movies you don't care for. I also feel like one.

It's hard here, but I like it in a way. I feel safe because I'm with a bunch of people like me and I know my doctor's have good intentions.

Still, I can't wait to come back home to you.

All my love,
Jimin xx

Dear Jiminie,

So I watched that Christmas movie you're always talking about, Elf or whatever. It's really stupid, but it kind of made me feel like you were with me. I knew which parts you probably laughed at and I could hear you saying some of the quotes that you often repeat. So it was still worthwhile.

And don't worry baby, you're always my number one ;)

Your last letter was beautiful. As much as I'm not one who wants to admit it, I cried Minnie. Mostly out of happiness because I feel so lucky to have you. To have you missing me. Of course, there's sadness there too because I'd rather you were here instead of trying to hear your voice in my head while I read these letters.

I'm sorry I don't have much else to say. It's been crazy lately. We got a bunch of new artists recording albums for the new year at the studio. Namjoon and I have been working overtime, but it's worth it. We're having a lot of fun.

Glad you're making friends. Oh and about keep that thing about Lisa a secret...well Jungkook kind of read that letter because he went through my things. He might be a little pissed off, but he'll get over it. It's not Lisa's fault that Taehyung couldn't make up his mind.

I hope things continue to go well for you with this treatment. I'm so proud of you. You could be complaining and I wouldn't blame you. I would be complaining, but you're just so bright and sunny. Another reason I love you. Don't forget that everything will be okay. I'm going to keep reminding you of that, even if you get sick of it. I can't wait to see you again soon love.


Dear Yoongi,

Thank you for the flowers. They're beautiful. I love them. Also, where did you find a stuffed mochi?

For the record,Elf is a great movie, you're just stubborn. I'll make you watch it again when I get back. It will be better this time, I promise. We can have popcorn and cuddle up under a blanket.

As far as treatment is going, I've gained weight! I'm actually happy about it. Everyone keeps telling me that I'm looking really good and I think I believe it.

This whole thing is still weird honestly, but it's not what I expected. There are still hard parts about it. I mostly miss not being able to dance. Well, and you obviously. But I always find something good that happens during the day. Your letters really keep me going

All your support means the world to me. If I didn't have it, I know I'd be feeling a lot differently right now.

I do have some sad news though. I don't think I'll be able to make it back for Christmas unfortunately. Promise me though that you'll still go to Namjoon's and Seokjin's Christmas Eve party. It's always a fun time and Jin gets extra tipsy due to the holiday, which is always amusing. I really don't want you to be alone during the holiday.

I think I might be back in time to get a New Year Eve kiss though (;

Jimin xx

Dear Jin,

Thank you for your last letter. It brought a smile to my face.

I'm doing good here. I feel like I'm actually making progress. I just really miss being around all of you guys. E

I do have a favor to ask you though...

[i changed this up to fill the time gap while Jimin is away. sorry this was short, but i really liked writing these letters. next chapter will be back to the normal format.]

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