Chapter Twenty-Six

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Living without Jimin for the past couple of weeks has been like turning a tv on just to discover there's no sound. So a person is left sitting there watching a show go on without knowing what's truly happening. That's exactly how Yoongi's life feels.

He still has parts about his day he enjoys like working on Cypher with Hoseok and Namjoon. But for the most part, it's all very flat. Hoseok is out with Baekhyun most of the time and Taehyung has been keeping Jungkook busy, so the apartment is mostly empty except for the company of Mickey.

Now it's Christmas Eve. Usually, he quite frankly wouldn't give a shit. However, this year is different because he can only keep imagining how warm and happy this night would be if Jimin was here with him.

He knows Jimin would be cuddling with him on the couch, under one of Yoongi's sweaters, that he managed to steal, that is too long for his arms. A Christmas movie would be playing in the background. Yoongi would be snuggly thinking about the gift he got the younger and feeling proud.

But right now Jimin is at a place where he is getting helped and feels safe. That's what truly matters. Not Yoongi being pouty and missing his boyfriend.

Yoongi scratches Mickey behind the ear and glances up at the clock. It's already 6:30 and Jin's party is at 7. Maybe he'll just skip it.

No, he can't just skip the party. It would definitely upset Jin. Besides, he has grown quite fond of the unusual group of obnoxious and quirky males. He'd even gotten them all gifts that fit their interests or personalities.

Yoongi sighs pulling on a thick flannel over his t-shirt. He glances in the mirror. He's given up on bleaching his hair and his dark roots are starting to grow out. Maybe he'll just let it go back to black.

He shoves all the gifts into his bag and heads outside into the chilly winter air. It hardly seems dark outside from the lights stringed along balconies and edges of buildings. A soft small comes into his face. Why hasn't he ever appreciated it before?

The way the cold bites against his cheeks is nice, makes him feel awake for the first time in weeks of not being able to get a decent night of sleep.

He reaches the street of Namjoon and Jin's place. The outside of the flat is overly decorated, which makes him laugh a little. This displays the eccentric personalities of both males perfectly.

He knocks on the door and it is opened by an already red cheeked Jin.


He pulls the younger in for a hug. Jin has been extra kind to him after that rough car ride after dropping Jimin off. He'd cried his eyes out on the other's wide shoulders.

"Merry Christmas Eve," Jin happily things.

"Merry Christmas Eve," Yoongi repeats back, not wanting to kill the male's Christmas spirit. Or maybe he was just tipsy.

Whatever it is, Jin is clearly extra chipper tonight.

Yoongi walks inside and the rest of his friends immediately and happily greet him like they haven't seen him in years. Even Jungkook, who is wearing a Santa hat, is fairly respectful to him.

They all settle in the overly festive den. Jin offers spiked eggnog.

"Pass," Yoongi groans. "Can I just gave something normal to drink?"

"You can get drunk off normal liquor any other time of the year," Jin argues, so in the end Yoongi excepts the disgusting eggnog because he knows he can't survive this night sober.

The only thing is that Jimin's presence is quite noticeably lacking. No one can make up for it and it's definitely felt by all.

Even though Yoongi didn't have his Jimin with him tonight, he knew things could be a lot worse.

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