Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Seven: Facing the Past

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Hugo’s head snapped up in surprise as Cristiano stormed into his room, he swallowed at the fury in his brother’s eyes as a doctor followed after him trying to stop him.

“I warned you,” Cristiano snarled furiously as he tried to punch his brother, the doctor only just managing to stop him before he could hurt Hugo.

The footballer had refused to calm down when he had arrived and no one had been able to stop him from coming after Hugo; they were all shocked at how angry Cristiano was right now.

“I warned you to stay out of my life,” Cristiano shouted as he tried to grab a hold of Hugo, he wanted so badly to hurt his brother for everything and the only thing stopping him was the female doctor in his way.

Hugo swallowed as he looked at his younger brother, he hadn’t meant to upset Cristiano and he just wanted to talk to him; he hoped he hadn’t gotten Felisa into too much trouble.

“I won’t let you take her from me, not like you did with Luciana,” Cristiano continued as he tried to calm himself down, he wasn’t going to allow anyone to take Felisa from him.

The footballer glared at his older brother as Hugo asked the doctor to leave them alone, he felt anger pulsing through him and he couldn’t understand why his brother had come back into his life.

The doctor left the room with a small glance at Cristiano, she worried about leaving Hugo alone since he wasn’t well and she wasn’t sure just what Cristiano would do.

“Was she good?” Cristiano blurted out as he stared at his brother, he still couldn’t get the images of his girlfriend with other men out of his head.

Hugo looked at the footballer confused, he had no idea what his brother was talking about and he had a horrible feeling that Cristiano had done something that he would come to regret.

“Did you enjoy spending the day with my girlfriend while I looked after our daughter,” Cristiano said through gritted teeth, his mind was already pulling images from earlier up before him and he felt sick.

Hugo moved to sit down as he looked at his brother, he seriously didn’t think that Cristiano would be stupid enough to drag up that argument again; Felisa had always been faithful to him.

“Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you?” Cristiano said as tears burned his eyes, feared crept inside of him along with the anger that had driven him to come and see his brother.

Cristiano couldn’t bear the thought of losing Felisa and Thalia, they were the best things in his life and he didn’t want to lose them.

Hugo shook his head as he looked at his brother, he knew that Cristiano was going to owe Felisa one hell of an apology when he went home but first he had to apologise to him.

“Sinto muito… I have been such a horrible brother to you Cristiano, I never meant for any of this to happen,” Hugo said knowing that he had never really apologised for her affair with Luciana; no one had wanted to listen to him after Cristiano had disowned his brother.

The two brothers were silent for a moment as Hugo watched his brother, he wasn’t sure how this would go but he felt bad about everything that had happened.

“I only spoke with Felisa… we didn’t do anything, I swear,” Hugo said as he looked at his brother, he could still see that Cristiano was angry and he didn’t blame him.

Hugo had been trying to contact him for a while now to make things right and Cristiano didn’t want to hear it; they had fallen apart and Hugo wished to make things right.

“Why are you even in here?” Cristiano asked as he eyed his brother, his anger was running thin and he was a little confused about why they were currently in a rehab centre; the footballer knew that Hugo had to be in rehab for a reason.

Hugo looked away from Cristiano and down at his wrists, he was sure that this wasn’t going to change even when his brother learnt what had happened in the last year and a half.

“Alcohol addiction and suicide attempt,” Hugo said knowing that it didn’t matter anyway, he watched as the colour drained from Cristiano’s face at his admission.

The footballer stared at his brother shocked that Hugo had turned down that path, they had lost their father to the same addiction and Cristiano didn’t want this for his family again.

“Why would you do that?” Cristiano said as he felt tears burn his eyes, his brother might have been dead to him for nearly a year and a half now but he had never thought that Hugo would actually die.

The footballer was angry sure and he had every right to be, but he didn’t want to lose his brother like that; Hugo was the only brother that he had.

“I have nothing left,” Hugo whispered as he looked at his brother sadly, he wasn’t sure what else to say since it was true; he really had nothing now and no one even knew that he was in rehab before him.

Cristiano sat down as he stared at his brother, he knew the fallout to the affair being revealed and Hugo had lost pretty much everything when it came out.

“What about mãe? Did you even think of her?” Cristiano said as angry tears fell down his face, he couldn’t believe that his older brother would have done something so selfish; it would have killed Dolores if he would have succeeded and killed himself.

“No one speaks to me… it’s not as if anyone would miss me if I went,” Hugo said with a shrug of his shoulders, no one bothered to really check in with him and he was at a pretty low point in his life right now.

Cristiano stared at his brother helplessly as he tried to think of something to say, a year had really changed the two men and it scared him that he didn’t seem to know his older brother anymore.

“I just wanted to see you before it’s too late… that’s why Felisa was here,” Hugo said knowing he didn’t want his brother to lose the brunette, she was the best thing that had ever happened to Cristiano and they had a daughter together.

Cristiano stared at his brother, he really didn’t like the start of the sentence and it made his stomach roll at what Hugo could mean; he didn’t want Hugo doing something stupid.

“Time for your medication Mr Aveiro,” a nurse said as she walked into the room, Cristiano looked at her as he tried to work out what was going on.

Hugo had said that he was here for addiction and suicide but there was clearly more that he hadn’t been told; it made him wonder what was going on right now.

Hugo took the pills and swallowed as he looked at his brother, he didn’t want to give the bad news to his brother but he knew that he needed to speak to Cristiano about Alicia and Hugo; he wanted to look after his children no matter what.

“Hugo?” Cristiano said as he tried to ignore the feelings that seemed so confused right now, he didn’t like it and he wished that everything wasn’t happening right now.

Hugo sighed as he shook his head, he knew that his brother wasn’t going to leave until he knew; it wasn’t as bad as their father had been but it wasn’t far from it.

“I’m ill Cristiano like pai was,” Hugo said simply as he watched his brother, he could already see the footballer working it out and he was sure that this wasn’t how he wanted them to fix things.

Cristiano looked at his brother torn, he hated to think of losing another member of his family like he had lost their father; it was something he didn’t want to experience ever again. 


Author's Note:

There are only three chapters left x

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