Part Two - Chapter Nine: Front Page News

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“What are your plans today?” Cristiano asked as he pulled on his top, his brown eyes watching Felisa with their daughter as she feed Thalia her breakfast; the couple enjoyed the morning quiet before they were forced to deal with Rhea.

The brunette looked back at her boyfriend, she had the day off and Cristiano was pleased that she didn’t work all the time; the last thing that he wanted was for Felisa touching another man.

“Nothing much,” Felisa mused as she shifted her hold on Thalia, she looked down at her daughter knowing that Cristiano would prefer if she gave up her day job; he wanted to support his family with her.

The brunette nibbled on her lip, she didn’t want to give up her job she’d always had one and she didn’t want Cristiano paying for everything; she wanted to help out as much as possible.

“Good,” Cristiano mused as he moved behind Felisa and brushed some hair from her neck, he kissed it softly knowing that for once everything seemed to be going so well for them; he wasn’t sure that anything could break them apart now.

Felisa smiled as she felt him nibble on her neck, he didn’t have training that morning and it was nice that they didn’t rush around; she focused her attention on Thalia as she finished feeding her.

Cristiano sighed as he moved to pick up his daughter, he was glad he had time with his girlfriend and daughter; the last week had been stressful and Rhea was only making things harder for them.

“What about you?” Felisa asked as she allowed Cristiano to hold their four month old, she couldn’t believe that it had been three weeks since Cristiano had come back into her life; it was something that she felt thankful for every day.


Jorge Mendes pursed his lips as he stormed into the apartment, he couldn’t believe that he was being forced to deal with this right now; he had been promised that this wouldn’t happen.

“Does someone want to explain this to me?” Jorge snapped as he walked into the kitchen, he was glad that everyone was inside since it was directed at all of them; he slammed several newspapers onto the table as Cristiano handed Thalia to his girlfriend wondering what his agent was talking about.

Jorge looked at the couple furious that this had happened, his client had a contract that he was tied to and this wasn’t going to end well now that this had come out.

Felisa looked at her boyfriend concerned as she followed him cautiously over to the table where Jorge had slammed down the newspapers; she paled at the headlines wondering what was going on.

“Fabio go to your room,” Felisa said as she glanced at her younger brother, he didn’t need to hear any of this and she felt sick as she realised that this was now out in public.

Fabio looked at his sister concerned before he nodded his head, collecting his breakfast he hurried out of the room; he glanced at Rhea who hadn’t glanced up from where she was texting on her phone.

“Meu Deus,” Felisa whispered in horror as she wondered who had discovered her revealed her relationship with Cristiano, she felt her stomach churn at the headlines and she knew what they were saying wasn’t going to be pleasant.

“Ronaldo dating former female escort, Ronaldo cheating on Shayk, Ronaldo fathers lovechild,” Jorge said as he read the headlines, someone had made a lot of money from this and the press had discovered everything about Felisa and her past.

Cristiano sighed as he wrapped his arms around Felisa and held her close to him, he couldn’t believe that this was happening; he knew that this was only the beginning and Felisa wouldn’t be able to leave the apartment.

“There’s nothing I can do to stop this… it is only going to get worse,” Jorge said knowing that this was the family’s worst nightmare, he could tell by the look on Felisa’s face that she had known nothing about this.

The brunette was all too aware of the backlash that she would suffer now that this was out in public, she rested her head carefully against Thalia’s; this was the worst thing that could happen right now.

Rhea looked up curiously as she watched her sister, she didn’t know why Felisa was so upset with what had happened; she didn’t have to hide anymore and it wasn’t as if she was a bad person.

“What can I do?” Cristiano asked as he held his girlfriend to him, he looked down at her and Thalia knowing that he would do anything to protect them.

Jorge ran a hand through his hair, he knew that they would need to do damage control; whoever had done this hadn’t put any thought into what would happen afterwards to the family.

“We’ll have to focus on covering up as much of Felisa’s past as possible,” Jorge said as he tried to think of what he could do, a lot of people that the brunette had been with would come forward now and there would be no way to fix this.

Rhea frowned as she glared at the sports agent, she didn’t understand why they had to cover anything up; Felisa had been an escort to look after her and Fabio, she hadn’t done anything bad.

“Why don’t you just be honest?” Rhea snapped making the three adults look at her, she crossed her arms annoyed as realisation formed on Felisa’s face; she really hoped that it wasn’t her sister that had done this to them.

“Cris… take Thalia into another room,” Felisa said as she handed their daughter to her father, she stared at her sister hoping that her sister hadn’t done anything stupid; the footballer eyed his girlfriend concerned knowing that she wasn’t going to be happy.

Rhea stared at her sister, she wasn’t ashamed with what she had done; she had done it so Felisa could he happy.

“Por favor tell me you didn’t,” Felisa said as she eyed the newspapers, they all had the same picture and it was one that had been taken last summer after she had fallen in love with Cristiano; the only copy of that picture sat in the living room.

Rhea nodded her head, she wasn’t going to deny that she had been the one to reveal that her sister was the one who was really dating Cristiano; she glanced at Jorge who looked disgusted at what she had done.

“Rhea do you have any idea what you have done?” Felisa shouted, she had never thought her sister would do something so stupid; she had been warned about what would happen, she had been told about the backlash that would occur.

Rhea rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms, she thought that her sister should be thanking her for what she had done; she wouldn’t have to put up with Irina anymore.

“Not only have you put Cristiano in serious legal trouble but I will now be forced to hide away, my life will be dragged through the mud as will Cristiano’s reputation,” Felisa ranted, she had thought that Rhea had learnt her lesson about meddling after last time; she had asked her not to do something like this and she had gone and done it anyway.

Rhea blinked at Felisa’s angry words, she hadn’t thought that she would be this upset about this, she had thought they’d have another chat; she had never seen Felisa this angry about anything.

“Go to your room… I will deal with you later,” Felisa said as she ran a hand through her hair, she knew that she would have to do something about her sister this time. 

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