Part One - Chapter Three: Preparing for Dinner

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“Bom dia,” Felisa called as she walked into the kitchen, she smiled at Cristiano who stopped eating his breakfast and stared at her; she chuckled as she moved to make some breakfast, she knew he was a little surprised that she spoke Portuguese because she didn’t tell anyone that she could.

“Bom dia how did you sleep?” Cristiano asked as he got over the surprise, he eyed the brunette who was still wearing her blue lush bloom chemise that she had worn to bed; he swallowed knowing that he had to stay focused if he was going to make this work.

Felisa made herself some toast, she grinned to herself as she thought about starting work; she always loved the first day of work and tonight she would be at her finest knowing that they had to convince his family that they were dating.

“I slept fine,” the brunette said as she moved to sit down at the dinner table, she flashed a smile at Cristiano; she nibbled on her toast as she watched him knowing that he was curious about her, but she wasn’t here to talk about herself.

The two ate in silence for a while as they thought about what was going to happen that night; it was going to be a long dinner and Cristiano knew that he was going to act like he cared for the brunette even though he knew nothing about her.

“Tell me about you,” Cristiano said as he sipped on his drink, his brown eyes watched her wondering why she was an escort; he didn’t understand why anyone would choose to come something like that.

The brunette paused as she looked at him, she knew better than to give out personal details about her life to a client and that was what Cristiano was; she shrugged knowing that she had to keep things vague.

“There’s not much to tell,” Felisa said as she nibbled on her toast, once she had finished working for him, she would walk out of his life and never see him again; it was better to stay unattached so that it would be easier when it came time to leave.

Cristiano raised an eyebrow at the brunette, he didn’t understand how she could be so mysterious; he had a feeling that there was more to her that met the eye, the brunette continued to eat her breakfast as she ignored the curious looks from Cristiano.

“You have a Madeiran accent when you speak Portuguese,” the footballer said making Felisa pause before she nodded her head, she was surprised that he had noticed that she had an accent since not a lot of people did; she often spoke with a Spanish accent because that was where she had spent most of her life.

Cristiano watched her as she finished her breakfast, he tilted her head as he wondered why she tried to cover up where she was from; he watched her as she moved to put her dish in the sink knowing that he wanted to learn more about her and why she was like this.


Felisa moved to check on her outfit for that night, she smoothed out the dress that she had chosen; she knew that she had to look perfect that night, she had to make sure that everyone believed that she was dating Cristiano.

“So what is the plan for tonight?” the brunette asked as the footballer stepped into her bedroom, she didn’t need to turn around and see him; she knew that he was there and she had a feeling he was going to ask more questions about her.

The footballer leant against the doorframe as he watched her, he could tell that she was trying to hide herself away from him; he knew it was probably for the best but that didn’t stop him from being curious about her, he wanted to know as much about her as he possible could since she was going to be his girlfriend for the next two weeks.

“It’s just a casual dinner for the immediate family,” Cristiano said shrugging as he stepped into the bedroom, he smiled as he eyed the dress that she had chosen for the dinner and he had to admit that it would come off well when they meet his family for the first time as a couple.

“So why is it you won’t tell me more about you?” Cristiano asked knowing that his family would be curious about her when they arrived at dinner; he wanted to be prepared for what they could ask.

The brunette stopped what she was doing and looked at him, she tilted her head as she looked at the footballer knowing that she was going to have to make sure that she didn’t say something that would allow him to track her down when they went their separate ways.

“It’s better that way… safer,” Felisa said as she crossed her arms, she needed to start getting ready soon for the dinner; she sighed knowing that she had to think of the two reasons back home that she was doing this for, she had to keep herself professional for them.

Cristiano furrowed his brow as Felisa smirked at him, she knew that he was going to keep asking but she just had to be strong; she had to be strong for those who needed her more than anything in the world because she was all they had left.

“Safer for who?” Cristiano asked as he carefully stepped towards the brunette, he watched her wondering why she was being so secretive; she made him want to learn more about her because he was interested in her, whether she liked it or not.


Cristiano bounced his knee as he waited for Felisa to appear, he frowned as he thought about what they were going to do; he hoped that it would work to convince them that he was in a happy relationship.

“So what do you think?” the brunette asked as she stepped into the living room, she was dressed in a red bardot lace mini dress paired with red platform heeled shoes; Felisa smiled as Cristiano turned to face her and his jaw dropped surprised as he looked at her, he had known what she was going to wear but he hadn’t known what to think when he had seen her.

The footballer swallowed as he looked at her, he carefully to his feet and stared at the brunette wondering how this was going to work; she looked amazing and he knew that it was for his benefit that she had dressed like this so she could impress his family.

Felisa smiled as she walked over to Cristiano and smoothed out his shirt, she knew that he was a little surprised but she had gone out and gotten a new wardrobe that she could use for this contract; she needed to look the part of a footballer’s girlfriend.

“You look nice,” Cristiano said as he watched her, his brown eyes blinked as he tried to remain calm, he knew that he couldn’t tense up while he was with Felisa in front of his family; they’d figure it out in a heartbeat that he wasn’t really dating the brunette.

Felisa trailed her hands calmly down his shoulders and smiled up at him, she was quite impressed that he seemed relaxed about this; she knew that he had to remain this way if they were to convince people.

“Remember stay relaxed… if we want this to work then you need to act like you at least like me,” Felisa said as she stepped back away from him, she grinned knowing that she was going to have to make this work if she wanted to get paid.

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