Part Two - Chapter Eleven: Stubborn Brat

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“You can’t kick me out,” Rhea shouted as she looked at Felisa in shock, she really hadn’t thought that her older sister would do something like this to her; she frowned wondering what Felisa hoped to achieve with this.

Felisa crossed her arms as she watched her younger sister, she had said nothing about throwing Rhea out only that she wouldn’t be staying in the apartment anymore.

“I didn’t say that,” Felisa said calmly, she had put a lot of thought into this over the past few days and she knew that this was the only option; she couldn’t trust her sister anymore and because of that, she couldn’t have her staying in the apartment anymore.

Rhea huffed as she glanced over at Cristiano, the footballer was conveniently standing just out of the way with Thalia in his arms; she knew that he was watching in case things got out of hand.

“Where am I supposed to go? Your boyfriend sold our old apartment,” Rhea said as she crossed her arms, she couldn’t believe that her sister was doing this to her; things weren’t that bad and she knew that everything would get better soon.

Cristiano rolled his eyes knowing what Rhea was trying to do, she wanted Felisa to just give in and let her stay; however the couple had talked about what they would do with Rhea after what she had done.

“My mãe has agreed to take you in,” Cristiano said knowing that if anyone could handle Rhea’s attitude right now then it would be his mother; she had raised four children and was more than equipped to deal with the teenager than the couple were.

Felisa and Cristiano were just finding a rhythm to raise Thalia and she was only four months old plus they now had to deal with the backlash that Rhea had caused.

Already there were people coming out of the woodwork that had hired Felisa in the past; they were getting their five minutes of fame and causing more damage.

Cristiano walked over to his girlfriend and handed her Thalia, he knew that she was upset about what had happened and there was no going back now; they were going to have to stay strong.

“You’ll be living with her back in Portugal,” Cristiano said as he looked at Rhea, he didn’t trust her not to make things worse than they already where; he needed to be able to focus on Felisa and Thalia, he could handle Fabio since he was still young but Rhea had become impossible to deal with.

Felisa nodded her head as she looked at her sister, she knew that this was the only way to keep everyone happy especially after what had happened.

“You can’t make me,” Rhea said defiantly, she wasn’t going to live with a woman that she didn’t know; she knew that if she caused enough of a problem for them, then they would be forced to let her stay.

Cristiano glared at the seventeen year old, he wasn’t going to allow her to cause them more trouble; she had no idea of the real mess that she had caused.

“Yes I can,” Felisa said as she looked at her sister, she didn’t know why Rhea was being so problematic; she didn’t seem to understand that this wasn’t optional, she was in trouble and this was her punishment for what she had done.

Rhea rolled her eyes as she glared at the couple, she didn’t know why they were making such a big deal over this; it wasn’t as if she had done drugs or gotten arrested, she had just told the truth.

“You aren’t my mãe, you can’t tell me what to do,” Rhea snapped as she looked at Felisa, she smirked a little at the flinch that her sister gave knowing that she had hit a sore spot with the brunette; Cristiano frowned knowing that Rhea had done that on purpose.

“You are going Rhea and that is final,” Cristiano said knowing that Felisa wouldn’t forgive him if he launched her sister from their apartment; he took a deep breath knowing that Rhea was only doing this because she thought that she could get away with it.

Rhea glared at the footballer before she huffed and walked away, she didn’t care what he said; she wasn’t going to be leaving and she knew that Felisa would snap and let her stay.

The slamming of Rhea’s bedroom door made Felisa sigh as she looked at Cristiano, who looked far from pleased with how her sister was acting; Felisa had done everything for her and now she was just taking advantage.

“It’ll be okay,” Cristiano said as he moved to sit down next to his girlfriend, he smiled down at Thalia hoping that when she was that age that she wouldn’t be that much trouble; he adored his daughter and he hated to think what might happen.

Felisa nodded her head as she flashed a small smile at her boyfriend, she knew that they were doing the right thing; Dolores had insisted that she would be able to look after Rhea, she could see that the couple were struggling and she could deal with the unruly teenager.


Dolores pursed her lips as she made sure that Rhea had everything so that they could leave, she had come early that afternoon to help the teenager pack; she knew that the teenager was going to cause trouble.

Rhea muttered annoyed as she glared at the woman that she was going to live with, she was surprised that this was actually happening since Felisa had never done anything like this before.

“Obrigada for doing this,” Felisa said as she smiled softly at Dolores, she was truly grateful that the woman was doing this for her; she wasn’t sure what to do with Rhea anymore and her sister clearly didn’t understand that she had done anything wrong.

Dolores smiled as she nodded her head, she knew that the couple had enough on their plate right now; they had a daughter and now a massive media backlash to deal with, they didn’t need Rhea making things worse.

Cristiano offered his mother a small smile, he had managed to distract Fabio with a new videogame since the twelve year old didn’t need to see this; he crossed his arms as he leant against the wall knowing that the sooner Rhea was out of the apartment the better.

“We better be going, our flight leaves soon,” Dolores said as she looked at Rhea, she wasn’t going to allow the teenager to think that she could do what she wanted; this was punishment for telling the press.

Felisa nodded her head, she had said everything that she had needed to say and she wasn’t going to waste her breath now; she knew that Rhea would only say something hurtful to get under her skin about being sent to Portugal.

Cristiano wrapped his arms around Felisa as Dolores led Rhea from the apartment, he hoped that some time with his mother would be good for the teenager; she had done bad things even if she didn’t understand.

Felisa closed her eyes as she hugged her boyfriend’s midsection, she knew that this was a complete mess and there was little that could be done now to fix it.

“I love you,” Cristiano said as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, he knew that this wasn’t going to be easy; he was already dreading the first match of the season since he knew someone would say something about Felisa to annoy him and get him to lash out.

“I love you too,” the brunette said as she smiled up at him knowing that the future was going to be far from easy for them; they were going to have to deal with this fall out for a while now. 

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