Part Two - Chapter Eight: An Interesting Reunion

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Felisa carefully bounced Thalia in her arms as she waited for Dolores to arrive, she wasn’t surprised that Cristiano’s mother had insisted on coming for lunch; she knew that she’d want to meet Thalia and see her again.

The brunette was wearing a navy lace yoke shirt and white high waist skinny jeans paired with black ankle boots, she had wanted to look nice for when she saw Dolores again; she knew that a lot could have changed in the past year.

The sound of the front door opening made her jump as she looked out of the family room, she shifted her hold on Thalia as she moved to sit down.

“Felisa,” Dolores gushed as she moved to greet the brunette, she couldn’t believe that she was finally seeing Felisa again after an entire year she had truly hadn’t thought that this would be happening.

Cristiano hung back slightly as he watched his mother with his girlfriend, he couldn’t help but smile as he watched the three most important women in his life together; he was glad that Dolores wasn’t angry with Felisa for what had happened.

“How have you been?” Dolores asked as she stepped back to look the brunette over, she had been worried about what state her son would find Felisa in when he finally found her.

There was no doubt in the Portuguese’s mind that things would have been difficult for Felisa especially since she had returned the cheque for £12,000; she knew that the brunette needed the money.

“I’ve been well,” Felisa said as she shifted her hold on Thalia, the infant growing fussy making Dolores look at her granddaughter and smile; she knew that everything could have turned out badly especially since she had Thalia to look after.

“And this must be Thalia,” Dolores cooed as she moved to take her granddaughter, she couldn’t believe that she was finally meeting the little girl; she had wanted this moment since Cristiano had told her about the three month old.

Felisa carefully handed Thalia over to Dolores knowing that there was no way that the older woman wouldn’t want to hold her granddaughter.

Cristiano moved to sit beside Felisa and smiled as he watched his mother with his daughter, it was amazing to see his daughter growing each and every day; he wouldn’t change a moment of it for the world.

“Thalia?” Dolores asked curiously wondering why Felisa had chosen to name her daughter that, she tilted her head as she held the infant close knowing that there was no way that she was going to put her down.

Felisa tilted her head as she felt Cristiano take her hand, she was a little surprised that Dolores had asked her about her choice in name.

“The Greek muse of idyllic poetry and comedy,” the brunette admitted as she glanced at her boyfriend, she had just liked the name and she couldn’t help but think it sort of suited her daughter perfectly.

Dolores nodded her head before she turned her attention back to cooing at Thalia, she couldn’t believe how adorable the infant was; the picture Cristiano had shown her hadn’t done her justice.


Watching Cristiano take Thalia to their bedroom for a nap, Felisa smiled knowing that there was nothing that he wouldn’t do for that little girl; it made her heart warm how things had turned out.

The brunette turned her attention to Dolores who was sipping on her drink, she’d only let go of Thalia because Cristiano had insisted that it was nap time for the little girl.

“It must have been difficult,” Dolores said knowing that she would have never coped in the situation that Felisa had been in; the brunette could have easily given away Thalia to save herself so many problems but she hadn’t.

That was something that Dolores had to admire about Felisa, she had struggled with two younger siblings and a newborn; she had done something that had made her life so hard and yet she looked stronger for it.

“It was at times… still is with Rhea but Thalia was worth it,” the brunette said with a small smile, she didn’t know what was going on her sister right now; Rhea had been far from welcoming to Cristiano and she had been the one to bring the footballer back into her life and now she couldn’t stand the sight of him.

Dolores nodded her head knowing that teenagers were far from easy, Felisa had been deprived of her own and wouldn’t know what her sister was going through.

“If I ever becomes too much… I’m willing to help,” Dolores offered knowing that Felisa and Cristiano would have enough on their plates with their daughter and Fabio; they wouldn’t need Rhea causing them problems.

Cristiano had told her about his talk with the teenager and his worries, Dolores knew that Rhea wasn’t going to warm to Cristiano anytime soon because of this thing with Irina; but it wasn’t something that he could legally walk away from without any problems.

“Obrigada,” Felisa said with a small smile, she was grateful for the offer that Dolores had given her; she didn’t know what to do if her sister continued to meddle with things that she didn’t understand.

Sure Felisa was grateful for what Rhea had done with Cristiano but this thing with Irina wasn’t something to mess with and while she might not be happy with it, Felisa understood that she was the only woman that Cristiano wanted.


Rhea chewed on her lip as she walked into the café, she knew that she shouldn’t be doing this and that her sister would be mad at her for what she was about to do; but she couldn’t allow Cristiano to be around Irina.

The brunette didn’t trust her for a moment and she worried that her sister was going to get hurt; she had seen pictures of the Russian model and the footballer, they seemed pretty close and it worried her what would happen.

“Señorita Pereira,” said a man making Rhea nod her head, she felt her stomach knot and she hoped that no one would find out what she was going to do; the brunette hated to think what Felisa would do when she discovered this.

Rhea sat down across from the man, she had asked to meet him here since she knew that there was no way that anyone would know who she was nor would the journalist be recognised; she wanted to get this over and down with.

“So you said you had a story about Cristiano Ronaldo,” the journalist said making Rhea nod her head, she moved to take the picture that she had stolen from the living room that had been taken last summer.

Rhea stared at it for a moment before she handed the picture, she was sure that she was doing the right thing and Felisa would never know that it was her.

“This is my sister and him last summer… they are dating and have a little girl together,” Rhea said as she handed the picture to the journalist, she watched as a smile formed on his face; she watched him as he stared at the picture knowing that she was doing the right thing.

Rhea wasn’t going to allow some Russian to ruin her sister’s life, she deserved better and she was determined to make Felisa happy; she didn’t care what it took, she was going to make this right for her sister. 

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