Part One - Epilogue: The Last Piece

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Cristiano glared at Angelica Gomez as he sat across from her in her office, he wanted answers and he didn’t know why she wasn’t giving them to him; it had been nine months since he had last seen Felisa and he still couldn’t find her.

“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Angelica said as she took off her glasses and stared at the footballer, she had promised Felisa that she wouldn’t help him find her and she was still annoyed that she had lost a pay check over all of this.

The brunette no longer worked for Angelica and had quit shortly after her return to Madrid, she hadn’t said anything about why she had done so only that she couldn’t be an escort anymore.

“I want you to tell me where to find Felisa,” Cristiano said as he crossed his arms, he hadn’t stopped searching for his ex-girlfriend since he had arrived back in Madrid but as the months passed he slowly started to wonder if he would ever find her.

Angelica was his last hope and she still refused to give him any details on where to find Felisa, something that was slowly grating on his nerves.

“I’m afraid that isn’t possible… I don’t keep records for former employees,” Angelica said as she pursed her lips, she didn’t know why he was so desperate to find her; she only knew that Felisa had fallen for the man before her and the brunette had ended up getting hurt.

Cristiano blinked clearly confused, he had heard this from a couple of other people and it made his stomach contract at the thought that maybe Felisa wasn’t going to be ever found.

“What do you mean former employee?” Cristiano said gritted his teeth, his hand clenched as he tried to calm himself; if Felisa wasn’t working for Angelica anymore then he was at a dead end.

“Felisa doesn’t work here anymore… she hasn’t worked here in six months,” Angelica informed him, she had kept her promise to the brunette only because Felisa was a close friend of her daughter’s and she knew that Felisa had her reasons for not wanting the footballer to find her.

Cristiano felt anger pulse through his body, he had been here several times in the last six months and Angelica hadn’t told him this before; he knew that this meant that Felisa could be anywhere now.

“Where is she?” Cristiano demanded as he felt himself stand without meaning to, nine months he had searched for Felisa and now to hear that she wasn’t even working as an escort anymore; it made something inside of him snap.

Losing Felisa had just been the start in the massive changes of his life, the footballer had cut Hugo completely out of his life and had stopped spending so much to with Katia who was furious about what was going on.

“Siento Cristiano… I have no idea where Felisa is now,” Angelica said as she looked at the footballer, she knew that what was going on was wrong but this was Felisa’s choice.


Rhea smiled as she stepped into the hospital room carrying a balloon behind her, she had been waiting for this day since her sister had told her; she knew that this was the last piece of Cristiano that Felisa now had.

“How’s my sobrina?” Rhea asked as Fabio followed her into the room, she couldn’t believe that this was what her sister had come back with after what had happened between her and Cristiano; Felisa hadn’t even known until three months after she had come back home.

The brunette smiled at her siblings as she shifted the small bundle in her arms, she couldn’t believe how perfect this was; there was nothing in her life that she was trade for what now lay in her arms after nine long months.

“She’s perfect… say Olá Thalia,” Felisa whispered as she carefully moved the blanket that was wrapped around her new born daughter, so that her siblings could see; she might have only been a few hours old but she was perfect in Felisa’s eyes.

Rhea chuckled as she placed the balloon at the end of the bed and moved to greet her niece, she could understand why Felisa didn’t want Cristiano to know; the brunette didn’t want to be branded a gold-digger.

Fabio bounced over to his sister’s side and smiled down at his niece, he cooed at her as much as Rhea did knowing that while the last few months had been hard on them all; Thalia was going to make it worth it.

“Thalia Mia dos Santos Pereira,” Felisa whispered her daughter’s full name, she knew that no one would ever guess that she was the daughter of a footballer; she just hoped that everything would be okay.

Once the brunette had found out that she was expecting her first child, she had gone and spoken to Angelica about quitting her job; she knew that she couldn’t continue being an escort and she was lucky that her boss understood what she was going through.

Angelica had helped Felisa get another job that would continue to support her siblings and now her daughter; she didn’t get paid as much but the brunette was just glad that it paid for their two bedroom apartment.

“Do you think he’ll ever know?” Rhea asked as she watched her sister, she knew that Felisa was trying to move on from Cristiano but she worried what the footballer might do when he discovered that she had given birth to his child.

Rhea feared that he would lash out and steal her niece away in an attempt to hurt Felisa when all the brunette was doing was protecting her daughter.

“He will… I just worry what he’ll do when he learns the truth,” Felisa said as she glanced at her sister before she looked down at Thalia, she didn’t know what her future held now; she only knew that this was just the beginning.



Author's Note:

Check an eye out for Part Two coming soon.

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