Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Three: Feeling Confused

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Felisa sipped on her coffee as she sat at the breakfast table, her mind still whirling with the knowledge that the man that had killed both of her parents had been found.

The brunette had barely slept that night and she couldn’t help but wonder how everything would change now that her parents would get justice.

“Isa?” Cristiano murmured tiredly as he padded into the kitchen in just his sweats that hung low on his hips, he had been waiting for his girlfriend to come to bed and had been a little disappointed that she hadn’t.

Felisa closed her eyes as she felt the footballer wrap his arms around her, she knew that he had done this for her but now that she knew who the man was she just couldn’t get it all out of her mind.

“Come to bed amor,” Cristiano whispered as he kissed down his girlfriend’s neck, he could see that she was relieved that she would finally get answers but he wasn’t sure how she would feel to have her personal life splattered across the news.

The footballer could just see how difficult things were going to be, he would do anything to protect his family and he hoped that Pascal Fernandez wasn’t going to cause them too much trouble.

“I’m not tired,” Felisa said as she opened her blue eyes and turned to look at her boyfriend of five months, she just couldn’t bring herself to sleep right now and she couldn’t help but think about the night that she had lost her parents.

Cristiano sighed as he rested his head against her shoulder, he had known that he had been taking a risk in telling her about her parents’ killer but he had been so sure that it was the right thing to do for her.

“You need to sleep Isa,” Cristiano said as he tried to convince his girlfriend to come to bed, he knew Thalia was fussy right now and she’d need both her parents at full strength now that she was seven months old.

“I know… I’m just not tired,” Felisa said as she shook her head, she stared up at her boyfriend as he moved to sit down beside her at the table; the street lights were the only thing lighting the dark room but it was enough for the couple to see each other.

They sat in silence for a moment before Cristiano pulled Felisa gently into his arms, his hands running up and down the chilled skin of her arms which were exposed by her grey vest and PJ bottom set.

“I feel so confused right now,” Felisa whispered as she cuddled into Cristiano’s arms, she closed her eyes as he comforted her; she really didn’t know how she felt about what he had told her.

The brunette had been sat thinking about what he had told her and she wanted to meet the man that had killed her parents; Felisa wanted answers and she knew only Pascal could give them to her.

“It’s okay to be confused,” Cristiano whispered as he held Felisa close, he wished that he could give her the closure that she wanted but it just wasn’t possible right now.

Pascal hadn’t been arrested yet for what he had done and Cristiano was determined to make sure that the man went to prison for murdering his girlfriend’s family.

“I don’t feel angry, I just feel sorry for him,” Felisa said as she pulled back and looked at Cristiano, she knew she should be angry but she just wasn’t.

The brunette had thought about this for years and now that it was finally happening, she just didn’t feel angry about what the man had done to her family.

Cristiano brushed some hair from Felisa’s face and smiled at her, he was glad that she wasn’t going to blindly want revenge for what had happened; she was the bigger person here and the footballer was glad that she was.

“It’s okay not to be angry,” Cristiano whispered as he continued to watch his girlfriend, he had training in the morning and he couldn’t bring himself to leave Felisa alone while she needed comforting.

The footballer just wanted to ease her mind, it had been a long day and since Thalia was getting a lot more active it was going to take both of them to be on top form to look after her.

“You’ve moved on from that part of your life Isa, they’ll always be your parents but they’d want you to be happy,” Cristiano said as he smiled at her softly, she had come so far and the footballer knew he’d never would have been able to do what she had done.

Felisa had sacrificed her life for her siblings when she had been raising them and she had worked hard to give them everything that they could ever want in life.

The brunette was now working on her own book about her experiences and life while raising their beautiful daughter and Cristiano couldn’t have been more proud of her for what she was doing.

“I love you,” Felisa whispered as she felt tears fill her eyes, she still couldn’t believe that after everything that he still wanted her; they had been back together for five months now and she had never been so happy.

Cristiano smiled and leant forward, pressing his lips to hers as he drew her close to him; he wasn’t going to allow her to worry about anything that was going to happen.


Cristiano watched Felisa sleeping as he turned on the television quietly, he knew what was happening today and it would be splashed across the news soon.

The footballer leant back in bed as he stared at the morning news, he didn’t have to get up for training yet and the apartment was still silent since no one else was awake.

Felisa made a small noise in her sleep as she cuddled into her boyfriend’s side, she had fallen asleep in the early hours of the morning and Cristiano was relieved that she had.

The footballer had worried she’d be exhausted when Thalia woke up, the infant was due to start teething soon as well as crawling and it was amazing to watch her grow up.

Cristiano wrapped his arms around Felisa and held her close knowing that he wouldn’t change anything in his life and he knew that he was lucky to have Felisa back.

The footballer just couldn’t think about how close he had come to missing out on all of this; he knew he would never allow anyone to come between them again.

“What time is it?” Felisa mumbled as she cuddled into his arms, she didn’t open her eyes as she rested her head on his chest making Cristiano chuckle softly.

The footballer glanced over at the clock as he held her close, he really hadn’t been expecting her to wake up but he wasn’t surprised since they were used to waking up for Thalia.

“It’s seven o’clock,” Cristiano mused knowing that he enjoyed curling up in bed with his girlfriend, before they had gotten together he would have been out of bed by now and working out in some way.

However since Felisa and Thalia had become permanent parts of his life, Cristiano found herself more content at being home with them; sure he sometimes stayed back at training for a little more practice but he always came home and found time for his girlfriend.

“Go back to sleep amor,” Cristiano whispered pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he smiled as she made a small noise of agreement before he looked at the television.

The footballer couldn’t shake the feeling that the arrest of Pascal would change everything for them, it would shake up a lot of emotions and they were going to be in the lime-light again. Cristiano just hoped that they were prepared for what was coming next.

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