Part One - Chapter Six: The Ex-Fiancée

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Cristiano choked on his drink as he spotted his ex-fiancée walking into the restaurant where he was having a meal with his family; they were having a small party to celebrate the coming wedding and the last thing he expected was to see Luciana Abreu again.

The blonde smiled as she moved to greet his older sister making Cristiano groan as he wondered if this was Katia’s doing; he knew she was close friends with Luciana but he had hoped that she wouldn’t meddle in what had happened in the past.

The footballer watched as the two women chatted happily as he wondered what the hell was going on, he didn’t like the fact that Luciana was back in his life like this especially when she had been the one to break his heart.

“Cristiano… look who just happened to drop in,” Katia said innocently as she brought Luciana over to meet her brother, she smirked at the glare that her brother gave her while the blonde looked thrilled to see Cristiano again.

Katia knew that after the couples break up had hurt the both of them and while she didn’t understand why they had broken up; she wanted her brother to be happy again and she knew that his current girlfriend couldn’t make him as happy as Luciana.

“It’s nice to see you again,” the blonde said as she smiled at Cristiano, she glanced at Katia who quickly excused herself to leave the former couple alone; she sighed as she shifted nervously knowing that she owed the footballer an explanation for why she had left him at the altar the way that she had.

Cristiano glared at his sister, he couldn’t believe that she thought that this was a good idea after what had happened; he groaned wondering what to do now.

“There you are,” said a voice making the footballer sigh relieved as Felisa appeared and wrapped her arm around his waist; he couldn’t help but smile at the frown that formed on his ex-fiancée’s face.

Felisa looked at the blonde that Katia had left with Cristiano, she didn’t have to guess who she was and she couldn’t believe that the footballer’s sister had done something like this; she only knew what Cristiano had told her about the situation but she knew that he didn’t want to see Luciana again.

The brunette was wearing a purple peplum top with lace inserts and black high waisted skinny jeans paired with black leather ankle boots; it was a casual dinner for the family before everything started to get busy again for the wedding.

“Luciana this is my girlfriend Felisa,” Cristiano said as he wrapped an arm around the brunette’s waist, he could see the anger building in Luciana’s blue eyes as she stared at the couple; he couldn’t help but feel satisfied that he was hurting her like she had hurt him.

Felisa pressed a kiss to Cristiano’s lips, she knew that he wanted to drive the blonde away and she didn’t blame him especially since she sensed that Luciana wasn’t going to back down easily.


Luciana frowned as she watched Cristiano with his new girlfriend, she couldn’t believe that it had taken him four years to move on; she had hoped that he would take her back even if she hadn’t told him why she had left him at the altar.

“You okay?” Katia asked as she moved to stand next to the blonde, their eyes focused on the couple across the room who seemed very much in love; Katia had already faced her mother’s and sister’s wraths after what she had done and she knew that they wouldn’t be happy until Luciana had gone.

“I’m fine… so when did he meet that?” Luciana spat bitterly as she took another sip of her drink, she was stood by the bar watching her ex-fiancé getting close with the brunette that had replaced her; she couldn’t believe that he was with someone like that after he’d been with her.

Katia smirked as she realised that Luciana wasn’t going to leave, she hoped that this meant that it wouldn’t be long until she saw the back of Felisa; she didn’t trust the brunette with her brother and she never would.

“Four months apparently but we hadn’t heard anything about her until about a month ago… it’s like she appeared out of the blue,” Katia said as she recalled the call that her mother had received from her younger brother about bringing a date to the wedding; no one had known what to think when he had told them that he’d gotten himself a girlfriend after years of sulking.

Luciana furrowed her brow as she watched the brunette kiss Cristiano, she didn’t know what it was but she could see that there was something off with the couple and she didn’t know what it was.

“You don’t mind if I stick around do you?” Luciana said as she twirled her drink around in its glass, she raised a perfectly styled eyebrow at Katia who shook her head and smiled at her; she was going to get to the bottom of this even if she wasn’t welcome by the family.


“Obrigado,” Cristiano whispered into Felisa’s ear as he brushed his lips against her ear, he wrapped his arms around the brunette and drew her closer to his warm body; he didn’t know what it was but he couldn’t keep his hands to himself.

The family dinner had long since finished and everyone was starting to prepare to go home for the night; the footballer smiled at Elma as she waved him goodbye as she left with her husband, he knew that everyone was pleased that the night had gone well.

“We’ll see you both tomorrow for the dance class,” Hugo said as he patted his younger brother on his shoulder; the two brothers shared a look of annoyance as they looked over at their mother, she was insistent that they all knew how to dance for her wedding.

Felisa smiled at Hugo’s wife as they left, she was aware that everyone was still wary of her and she didn’t blame them especially since in a couple of weeks she would be gone any way; that was the agreement and she knew that it would be for the best.

“Are you ready to leave?” Cristiano asked making the brunette nod her head, she saw no reason that they shouldn’t unless they wished to have another run in with Luciana; Felisa couldn’t help but worry that the other woman was going to stick around for the wedding.

“We’ll see you tomorrow mãe,” Cristiano said as he pulled on his jacket, he looked at his mother who smiled and nodded her head as she approached the couple and hugged her son; she offered Felisa a warm smile pleased that her son had finally found someone that made him happy.

The footballer wrapped an arm around Felisa’s waist as they stepped out of the restaurant and into the cooling evening air, she moved closer to the forward as they headed for his car; she couldn’t help but feel more relaxed when they were alone and without anyone watching them.

“So dance classes?” Felisa asked as she looked up at Cristiano, who groaned and rolled his eyes as he thought about the class that his mother had signed the family up for; he really hoped that the press didn’t find out about this otherwise he would never hear the end of it. 

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