Part Two - Chapter Twenty: Secret Investigation

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Pressing a tender kiss to the top of his girlfriend’s head, Cristiano watched her sleep as he climbed out of bed.

The footballer hadn’t been able to fall asleep as easily as Felisa had after she had told him what had happened to her parents; he couldn’t take the thought that the man that had killed her parents was still out there.

“Eu te amo,” Cristiano whispered as he pulled on a set of sweat pants, he watched his girlfriend sleeping for a moment knowing that he couldn’t just let this go.

Cristiano had done a lot of thinking as he lay awake and he couldn’t help but worry for his own daughter’s future; the footballer knew that there was nothing set up for her if something ever took him from her.

Cristiano didn’t want Felisa to struggle to raise their daughter and he knew that while his mother would try to help her but there would be family members that would do anything to make sure that she and Thalia would have no financial support if he were to pass away.

The footballer quietly left the bedroom and headed for the living room that sat just outside of the master suit, he ran a hand through his hair as he messed with his phone for a moment before taking a shaky breath.

Dialling the number for his lawyer, Cristiano sat down on the couch and leant back on it knowing that he didn’t want anyone to know what he was about to do.

The last thing Cristiano wanted was for greedy relatives to hear what he had planned, he didn’t want them anywhere near Felisa or Thalia and he was doing this for them.

“Jonathon… it’s Cristiano, I know it’s very early but there’s something that I need you to do for me,” the footballer said softly as he looked out over the city, it was still dark and Cristiano knew that he would have to get some sleep soon.

“I wish to amend my will… I want to exclude Hugo from it and include my girlfriend and our daughter,” Cristiano said knowing that he should have done this sooner, he had no wish to speak with his brother again and would never forgive him for what he had done to him.

Cristiano chewed on his lip as he listened to his lawyer, it was better late than never that he was changing his will; he wanted to ensure that Thalia would never suffer like her mother had.

“I also wish to set up a trust fund… €1000 a month until Thalia turns twenty-one when she gets it,” Cristiano said as he closed his eyes and ran a hand through his hair stressed, he knew that it would leave her a small amount that she could do what she wanted with.

However he did hope that she would use it to go to university or something, he wanted her to do well in life and not become one of those spoilt rich kids that were on the covers of all the magazines.

“By the time Thalia turns twenty-one, the trust fund will amount to €24,7000,” the lawyer informed Cristiano making the footballer nod his head, he was glad that it would leave Thalia with quite a bit of money that hopefully Felisa would be able to guide her with if anything ever happened to him.


The next person that Cristiano called was his agent, he knew it was still early but he wanted to do this while Felisa was asleep.

The footballer didn’t want his girlfriend to know what he was doing and he knew that it might upset her to learn that he was troubled by her parents’ deaths.

“You want me to do what?” Jorge asked as Cristiano explained what he wanted the sports agent to do, he didn’t want anyone knowing that he was seeking answers for Felisa.

The brunette deserved closure on her parent’s deaths and Cristiano wanted the man that had murdered them to face the law for what he had done; he wanted justice for Felisa, Rhea and Fabio who’d had their parents stolen from them in a drunken accident.

“I want you to hire a private investigator for me,” the footballer said as if it was the easiest thing in the world, he knew what he wanted and he was determined for it to happen.

Jorge was the only way that he could do this without the press finding out, he needed these answers for Felisa, he needed to do this for her after all that had happened.

“I need to find out who caused the accident that killed José and Nia Pereira,” Cristiano said as he spotted the first signs of dawn, he swallowed knowing he had training at nine o’clock and he hadn’t gotten any sleep yet.

The footballer heard his agent grumbled as he moved around, Cristiano guessed that he was making notes or something and he didn’t blame him.

Cristiano yawned as Jorge told him that he would get right on it in the morning before he ended the call, leaving the footballer to his thoughts.


Felisa blinked confused a little as she felt Cristiano climbing back into bed, she heard him moving around as he got comfortable and she knew he’d been gone a while.

The brunette had felt him climb out of bed and hadn’t thought anything of it, she had put a lot on his mind when she had told him about her parents’ deaths.

Felisa turned over and wrapped her arms around Cristiano making him smile, she cuddled into him feeling how cool he was compared to the bed’s natural warmth.

“Everything okay?” the brunette murmured tiredly as she felt Cristiano wrap his arms around her, she closed her eyes as she felt her boyfriend relax at having her in his arms.

Cristiano rested his head against Felisa’s, he wasn’t even surprised that she had woken up when he had climbed back into bed; he had been expecting it.

“Everything is fine… sorry if I woke you,” the footballer whispered as he closed his eyes, he held her close as he wondered what the private investigator would find.

Cristiano did worry that Felisa wasn’t going to be happy about what he was doing, it was the reason that he had decided not to tell her yet.

“You didn’t,” Felisa reassured him as she felt herself starting to fall back asleep, she closed her blue eyes as Cristiano smiled and held her close to him.

The footballer knew that he would tell her about what he had done when the right time came but for now, she didn’t need to know what he had just organised.

“Eu te amo,” Cristiano said as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, he closed his own eyes hoping that he would get a couple of hours sleep.

The footballer doubted that he wouldn’t be exhausted in a few hours when he had training but he felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders now that he had sorted things out.

“Eu te amo,” Felisa whispered as she fell asleep, she knew that whatever had bothered Cristiano was still on his mind and she hoped that he would tell her what it was soon.

The couple had promised that there would be no important secrets between them since they didn’t want anyone coming between them in anyway.

Cristiano opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling at her words, he swallowed knowing that he would never allow anything to happen to her; she was important to him and he would rather Thalia had her mother than him if the choice ever needed to be made in anyway.

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