Part Two - Chapter Six: The New Apartment

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“So explain to me again how this will work?” Felisa asked as she handed Thalia to her boyfriend, she wasn’t exactly pleased with having Cristiano attached to another woman but she knew that he had a contract to complete.

The footballer sighed as he shifted his hold on his daughter and looked at his girlfriend, he knew this wasn’t easy for her and he wished that there was something that he could do but he was contractually obligated to finish it.

“You are my girlfriend just not publically,” Cristiano said hating the way it sounded, he really wished that he hadn’t entered into the contract with Irina but he owed his friend this and he knew that in just ten months it would end; then he could focus on his relationship with Felisa.

The brunette sighed as she crossed her arms, she really didn’t know why she was agreeing to this but it did give them time to make sure that no one came forward about her past; she didn’t want to destroy Cristiano’s career if it came out that she had been an escort.

“Sinto muito,” Cristiano murmured as he looked at his girlfriend, he really wished they didn’t have to go through all of this; his attention turned to his daughter knowing that he would do anything to protect her from the press for as long as possible.

Felisa nodded her head knowing that he didn’t mean to hurt her in anyway, this was just another thing that they had to overcome and she didn’t mind as long as he came home to her.

“It’s okay,” the brunette said as she leant forward and kissed Cristiano, she knew that she wasn’t going to walk away that easy this time; especially now that they had a daughter together.

Cristiano smiled as he shifted his hold on Thalia, he knew that this was only the beginning; it was time to say goodbye to her rundown apartment.


Climbing out of the Audi RS6, Felisa shouldered her tan flap-over slouch nag as she stared up at the apartment block before her; she swallowed wondering what her boyfriend had gone and done.

The brunette was all too aware that he didn’t like the location of her apartment in Carabanchel, however she hadn’t expected him to buy an apartment in Salamanca to replace it.

Felisa took a deep breath as she looked at her boyfriend who lifted Thalia from her car seat, she had a feeling that he was going to be doing a lot more to support then and she wasn’t used to it.

The brunette was wearing magenta checked shirt and super short shorts paired with navy lace up trainers, she wasn’t used to having someone look after her and she knew it was going to have to take some getting used to.

“Cris,” Felisa said softly as she moved towards him, her blue eyes glancing around wondering if they would be seen; she doubted that his contract with Irina if he was seen out publically with her.

Cristiano nodded his head reassuring her, he knew that she was nervous and he didn’t blame her; there was always going to be a danger when he was with her and their daughter but he was willing to take it.

“It’ll be fine Isa… I won’t let anything happen to you or Lia,” Cristiano said fondly as he led his girlfriend into the building, he knew that no one would be taking a picture of them anytime soon but he was sure that he would be able to protect them.

Felisa groaned under her breath, she wasn’t sure that her boyfriend knew completely how hard the next ten months would be even if he did spend most of his time with her and Thalia.

The trip up to the ninth floor was silent and Felisa was a little surprised when they stepped out of the lift she blinked knowing that this wasn’t going to be like her last apartment.

Cristiano chuckled as he produced a key and unlocked the front door, he looked at his girlfriend knowing that he would be putting his own home up on the market so that he could move in here without any questions about in and outing the apartment block.

“This is home,” Cristiano said as he allowed Felisa to step inside, he had already wasted a year without her and was more than willing to have a semi-private life with her; he didn’t care what happened as long as he had her to himself sometimes.

Thalia pouted making her father chuckle as he shifted his hold on her, he knew that he wouldn’t be missing another moment of her life; she was his little angel and no one would change that.

“This place is huge,” Felisa whispered as she followed after Cristiano, her blue eyes taking in the apartment and she knew that there was no way that she herself could afford a place like this.

Cristiano nodded his head, the four bedroom apartment had two seating areas, a large kitchen and dining room, laundry room, a den and two balconies; he had wanted somewhere big enough for their small family to live as well as room for Felisa’s siblings to have their own rooms.


Cristiano wrapped his arms around Felisa and kissed her softly, he had refused to allow her or Thalia to return to the old apartment and was sort of glad that she had agreed to stay at the new one.

“When will you move your stuff in?” Cristiano asked as he pulled back from his girlfriend and looked at their sleeping daughter, he smiled glad that he didn’t have to worry about anything happening to them; he couldn’t bear the thought of someone breaking into their old apartment if they still lived there.

Felisa smiled at Cristiano, she wasn’t surprised for a moment about how eager he was to have her move in, they had been apart for a year and now that they were back together things were bound to change.

“I texted Rhea and she’s boxing up what we have… through it isn’t much,” Felisa said as she moved to check on Thalia as the three month old made a small noise, she smiled watching her sleep knowing that with Cristiano for a father then the infant would want for nothing.

Cristiano took a deep breath as he stepped up behind his girlfriend and wrapped his arms around her waist, he rested his head on her shoulder and looked down at their daughter.

“It’ll get better,” Cristiano said knowing that he wasn’t going to allow anything to come between them, he knew that this thing with Irina wasn’t ideal but the Russian was nothing more than a close friend of his.

Felisa nodded her head as she turned to face him, her stomach knotted knowing that there was something that she was missing; she trusted her boyfriend completely however she didn’t know anything about Irina and it made her a little nervous.

“I love you,” the brunette said as she tried to ignore the negative feeling that troubled her stomach, she knew that she could easy lose him to someone else and her negative feelings that bubbled inside of her; they had reawaken from last year and seemed to be stronger than ever.

“I love you too,” Cristiano said dipping his head down to kiss his girlfriend before Thalia started crying, the footballer offered Felisa a smile as he pulled away from her to check on their daughter.

Felisa watched him wondering if she would ever be good enough for Cristiano, she knew that he deserved someone so much better than her.

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