Part One - Chapter Five: Day of Bonding

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Cristiano wiped the water from his eyes as he completed doing lengths of the pool, he climbed out slightly and sat at the edge of the pool as he thought about the night before; everything had gone well and he was sure that his family suspected nothing.

“Last night went well,” Felisa mused as she stepped out of the house, Cristiano looked at her as she smiled at him and sat down on one of the loungers; she watched him knowing that he had a lot on his mind right now.

The footballer nodded as he turned away, she was wearing a red stripe padded bandeau bikini top and bottoms with contrast ties; he took a deep breath knowing that he had a long way to go before he was prepared for what was to come.

“Why do you do it?” Cristiano asked as he turned to face the brunette, he was curious about her and he wanted to know more about the female escort and he was a little surprised that he wanted to know so much about her; she wasn’t the type of person that he usually spent time with.

Felisa paused as she looked at him, she knew that he was curious about her but every time they were alone he asked her about her life; details that she did not wish to share with him.

The footballer got to his feet and walked over to her, he sat on the lounger next to her knowing that he needed some answers; she seemed so mysterious that he wanted to learn something about her.

“Come on you know so much about me… tell me something about you,” Cristiano said making the brunette nibble on her lip as she thought about something that she could tell him that would appease him; she knew that he wasn’t going to drop his questions any time soon until he got the answers that he wanted.

“We went to the same primary school,” Felisa said making the footballer look at her, she smiled at him knowing that she wasn’t going to give anything personal away; the brunette needed to protect herself if anything went wrong.

Cristiano blinked as he thought about what she had said, he had already found out that she was from Madeira but he never guessed that they had been living close to one another at some point in their lives.

“So you’re from Funchal as well?” Cristiano said making Felisa nod her head, she flashed him a smile as she moved away from his side; she took a deep breath as she allowed the warm sun rays warm her, her thoughts turning to the reason why she was doing this.

“Santo António,” Felisa confirmed with a nod of her head, she had a feeling that his mother had probably known hers since they hadn’t lived far from Cristiano when they had lived in Madeira; she had lived there for six years before her family had fled to live in Madrid.


Felisa rolled her eyes as Cristiano continued to ask her questions about her life, he couldn’t stop himself from wanting to get to know the brunette that was pretending to be his girlfriend for the two weeks.

“Okay what is the strangest place someone has asked you to go with them?” Cristiano asked as he watched Felisa, he didn’t know much about her but she had mentioned that a wedding wasn’t the strangest place she had been on a job; he watched as she thought for a moment.

“A funeral,” the brunette replied as she sipped on her drink, she was answering the questions that he had asked as best as she could without having to worry about him getting to close to her personal life.

The footballer choked on his own drink as he looked at her, he swallowed surprised as he tried to think of why someone would do that.

“An escort at a funeral? Somebody's dead,” Cristiano said outraged slightly, he couldn’t believe that someone would take an escort to a funeral; it didn’t seem right to do something like that when they were laying someone to rest.

“Sim imagine facing that alone,” Felisa said as she remember comforting people when she had gone to funerals; she had always wished she’d had someone to fall back on when her parents had died and had left her with so much responsibility, she had been forced to grow up so quickly because of that.

Cristiano stared at her for a moment, he remembered his father’s funeral so vividly and he had to admit that it had been a difficult time for him; he nodded his head knowing that he would have wanted someone to turn to if he had the chance again.

“I never thought of it like that,” the footballer admitted, he had just assumed that she slept with anyone that paid her; he didn’t think that she offered the girlfriend experience to anyone and he had been lucky that she did.

Felisa nodded her head as she watched him, she could tell that he thought nothing of her job and in all honest it wasn’t what she had saw herself doing when she was younger; however she didn’t have a choice now since she had bills to pay and two siblings that counted on her for everything.

“But why do it? I’m sure your parents aren’t pleased that you do this and could help you,” Cristiano said making Felisa flinch, she hated to think what her parents would say if they could see her now.

She had wanted to do so much with her life and now she spent her nights sleeping with different men and doing things like this to make ends meet.

The footballer suddenly felt guilty when he realised that he had touched on a tender subject, he often forgot that not everyone had a relationship with their families that he had with his.


Messing with her phone as Cristiano made dinner, Felisa swallowed back the lump in her throat as she stared at the picture that she had; it had been taken last Christmas and was of her with her siblings.

The brunette smiled softly as she looked at her younger sixteen year old sister, Rhea Pereira, she had done everything in her power to make sure that her sister didn’t end up like her; she wanted so much more for her little sister and didn’t want her working as an escort.

Then there was her younger twelve year old brother, Fabio Pereira, he was still in school and Felisa was doing her best to make sure that he didn’t miss out on anything; she wanted him to have the best and it was the reason that she had taken Cristiano’s offer, she needed the money.

“You okay?” the footballer asked as he set down a plate in front of Felisa, he could see the tears in her eyes as she quickly hide her phone and smiled at him; he wondered for a moment what she had been looking at that had upset her so.

“Fine…” the brunette said as he took a seat, she didn’t want him to know anything about her siblings especially since in about a week and a half’s time, she would never see him again; she was going to do whatever it took to make sure that she left with her payment.

Cristiano nodded his head, he eyed her for a moment wishing that she would open up to him even if she didn’t have a reason to; she was hurting and he wished to do something about it.

“So what’s going to happen next?” Felisa asked wondering about how this would play out, she needed to be prepared when it came to his family and what his mother had planned for her wedding day even if it was only to distract herself.

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