Part One - Chapter Twelve: This Loving Feeling

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Cristiano sipped on his glass of orange juice as he sat on the edge of his bed, it was still very early in the morning and the footballer couldn’t help but smile at the sight of a naked Felisa in his bed with him.

Cristiano set down his drink on the bed side table before he climbed back into bed and got under the covers; he didn’t even hesitate as he cuddled back up to the brunette, knowing that they didn’t have anything planned today for the wedding.

The Portuguese swallowed at the thought of the £1400 that now lay in an envelope in his draw, he wasn’t sure how to go about giving Felisa the money; he didn’t want to think that was why he had slept with her.

“Bom dia,” the brunette murmured as she felt Cristiano press up against her back, a smile formed on her face at the thought of finally having someone who cared about her was refreshing and she hoped that there was some way that they could make this work.

Cristiano smiled as he pressed a kiss to her neck, he wasn’t able to keep his hands off of her and he was glad that he had been a little drunk last night; he doubted he would have had the courage to seduce her if he hadn’t.

“Bom dia… how did you sleep?” the footballer breathed as he nibbled at her tanned neck, he smiled as she moaned softly as he bite down on her neck before he lapped gently at the mark that he was leaving; he certainly could get used to having her like this.

Felisa swallowed knowing that she had truly never felt like this before, she had never had time for love and now on an assignment she had found it; she didn’t know how she would keep a hold of it, she knew that she wasn’t going to allow anything to take it away from her.

“Better than I have in years,” Felisa whispered as she turned over and kissed Cristiano, she wrapped her arms around her neck knowing that for the first time in years she felt content.


Felisa ran a hand through her hair as she pushed it away from her face as Cristiano wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lips; he backed her into the wall of the swimming pool.

The brunette was wearing a copper fuller bust exclusive fringed plunge bikini top and hipster bikini pants; she wrapped her legs around Cristiano hips and pulled him closer as they kissed, she couldn’t believe that this was happening.

The footballer pulled back slightly and panted as he felt the contact between him and Felisa, they hadn’t been able to keep their hands off one another since they had woken up and had even shared a shower because of the passion between them.

“Cris,” Felisa panted as she felt him through his swimming shorts, she swallowed heavily as his fingers brushed against her toned stomach; he knew she had to stay in shape for her jump but she wasn’t like the models that he had dated in the past that took it to seriously.

“Bedroom,” Cristiano replied, the last thing he wanted was for anyone to catch them in the act and for the pictures to end up in the papers or online.

Felisa nodded her head breathlessly as she climbed out of the pool, she grinned as Cristiano eagerly followed after her; she nibbled on her lip wondering how she had been so lucky, it was clear that the footballer had strong feelings for her like she did for him.

The pair kissed as they headed back to Cristiano’s bedroom, they had barely left the room for longer than half an hour before they ended up back in bed together.

“Obrigado,” Felisa murmured making Cristiano pull back and look at her confused, his hands rested on her hips as they moved into his bedroom; he didn’t know what she was thanking him for.

“For treating me like an actual person… not just some escort,” Felisa said as she pushed herself up to kiss the footballer, she missed his hesitation as Cristiano kissed her back; the guilt suddenly weighing down at him at the thought of the money that was sat in his bedside draw.

“Don’t mention it,” Cristiano said as he felt his stomach clench, he was aware of how he felt about Felisa and he had only taken the money out since he hadn’t thought that she had felt the same; he had thought that the only way she would sleep with him was if he paid her.

The brunette smiled at Cristiano as he kissed her again, she didn’t know why she felt so happy but she knew that she didn’t care; she finally had someone to love her and not just because they were paying her to.

Cristiano knew that the last thing that he wanted now was for her to discover the money, there was no doubt in his mind that she wouldn’t be pleased if she knew that he had planned to pay her for sleeping with him.


Felisa grumbled as she woke up alone in Cristiano’s bed, she rubbed her eyes as she rolled over to his side of the bed; his phone’s ringing had woken her up and she was confused about why the footballer wasn’t with her.

The brunette sighed as she looked for Cristiano’s phone to answer it, she smiled softly knowing that they would be okay; she would have to call her boss soon to let her know that she was quitting but other than that she was content to live her life right now.

Felisa pulled open Cristiano’s top bedroom draw and frowned as she continued her search for the phone; she wondered for a moment where he had put it before she came across a thick envelope.

The brunette furrowed her brow as she pulled it from the draw, she glanced at the door as curiosity got the better of her and she carefully opened the envelope to discover £1400 inside of it.

Felisa stared as she counted the money, a horrible knot forming in her stomach as she realised what it could be; she blinked as she swallowed the horrible lump that was forming in her throat, she truly hoped that she was wrong.

The brunette had hoped that the footballer had feelings for her, however finding this money was a clear sign that he didn’t feel for her like she did for him.

“Desculpe… I had to call my mãe,” Cristiano said as he walked back into the bedroom, he stopped at the sight of the envelope in Felisa’s hands; he felt the colour drain from his face as the world collapsed around him.

“Tell me this isn’t what I think it is,” Felisa said as she looked up at Cristiano, she felt sick that she had thought that anyone could care for her more than the female escort that she was.

Cristiano swallowed knowing that there was no way that he could deny what the £1400 was for; he watched as Felisa threw down the money before she climbed out of bed and pulled back on her bikini, she couldn’t bring herself to stay in the same room as him.

“Felisa… I can explain,” Cristiano pleaded as the brunette stormed out of his bedroom and headed for her own, he followed after her hoping that he could get her to forgive him; he didn’t plan on hurting her not like this.

Felisa took a deep breath before she turned to face Cristiano, this was nothing more than a business deal again and she couldn’t wait for it to be over.

“And just so you know, you are 300 short,” Felisa spat before she turned and stormed into her bedroom and slammed the door behind her.

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