Part One - Chapter Two: Landing in Portugal

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Cristiano took a deep breath as he stepped off the private jet and walked down the stairs to the tarmac, he looked at Nuno who was waiting by the cars and wondered if maybe it was too late to turn back.

The footballer headed to collect his car keys for his Ferrari 599 GTO, he glanced back at Felisa knowing that he had to make this believable if it was going to work; the brunette was perfect for this and he hoped that his mother wouldn’t be to upset when they ‘broke up’ after the wedding.

“I’ll see you at dinner tomorrow night, don’t forget what we talked about,” Nuno said as he approached Cristiano, he knew that his cousin was really going to have to sell this if he wanted everyone to believe that he was dating Felisa; he just hoped that there wouldn’t be any trouble for either of them during the two weeks.

Cristiano nodded his head, he wouldn’t see any of his family until the following day and he was expected to bring Felisa with him to the family dinner; his mother was desperate to meet the brunette that her son had brought to her wedding with him.

Felisa hung back as the two cousins talk, she knew that the footballer was nervous about what they were doing; she had a feeling that this was the first time that he had dealt with anyone in her profession.

The brunette didn’t have to wait long before Cristiano approached the Ferrari and unlocked it, he looked at Felisa and offered her a small smile; she nodded her head at him before she climbed inside the car knowing that today was going to be interesting.


The drive to Cristiano’s house in Vilamoura was silent and Felisa knew that the footballer had a lot on his mind, she didn’t blame him since her own mind was a mess; she couldn’t understand why someone like him needed to hire someone like her.

The brunette jumped slightly as the car came to a stop, Cristiano raised an eyebrow at her as he moved to get out of the car; he was a little surprised that she hadn’t noticed that they had pulled up outside of the house.

“Sorry,” Felisa murmured as she climbed out of the car, she smoothed out her dress and took a deep breath as she wondered what was going to happen now; the two of them would be alone until they went to the family dinner the next day.

Cristiano sighed as he shouldered his bag and moved to open the front door while Felisa got her suitcase, she knew that there was no way that he would act like she was really his girlfriend unless he had to.

The pair stepped into the house and Felisa fought to keep her jaw from dropping, she had never seen a place like this before and it was so much nicer than the apartment that she had back in Madrid; she looked at Cristiano who set down his bag before he looked at Felisa.

“I guess I’ll show you to your room,” the footballer said making the brunette nod her head, her blue eyes watched him wondering what he was thinking about; she already knew they wouldn’t be sharing a bedroom since no one else was in the house.

Cristiano took a deep breath as he led her towards the large guest room, he swallowed as he paused outside the bedroom and glanced back at Felisa; he didn’t know much about her but he hoped that she would be comfortable in the guest room.

“You need to relax… someone’s going to notice if you continue to be stiff around me,” Felisa mused as she smirked, she knew that it could be taken two ways and she couldn’t help but be amused as Cristiano stared at her for a moment before he shook his head and showed her into the room.

The brunette watched him knowing that it would take time for him to get used to her being around, but it was time that they didn’t have and she wondered if there was a way to make him warm to her quickly that wouldn’t risk her job.

“Obrigado,” Felisa said as she stepped into the room, she glanced around quickly before she turned her attention back to the footballer; she stared at him as she watched him as an idea formed in her head on how she could make him more relaxed around her.


Cristiano choked as he looked up at Felisa as she walked into the living room, she was still dressed in her dress but her hair was pulled back and she wasn’t wearing any make-up as she moved to sit close to him; her blue eyes holding an emotion that the footballer didn’t recognise.

“We need to work something out… you can’t be tense all the time,” Felisa said as she watched Cristiano, she knew that even after her massage on the plane that she was going to have to do a little work on him before they were ready to meet his family; she had a feeling though that she was going to have her work cut out for her.

Cristiano swallowed as he nodded his head, he was surprised at how little make-up that the brunette had been wearing and he wondered what she had planned for them before she straddled his lap and settled on top of him.

Felisa knew that what she was doing was risky but she needed to make him relax and this was the only way that she could think of doing it; she wanted to get paid by the end of this and it wouldn’t happen if they were caught out.

“Okay… what do you need me to do?” Cristiano asked as he carefully moved to rest his hands on her hips, he bit his lip as he pulled her close to him; her warm body was draped delicately over his as she ran her fingers carefully through his hair while his body relaxed against hers.

Felisa carefully brushed her lips against Cristiano’s as she reminded herself that she was being paid to act like his girlfriend and help him through the next two weeks; she was going to have to act like she was in love with him before she walked back out of his life.

“Close your eyes. Close your eyes. You're safe. You can relax. I'm not going to kiss you. She's gonna be so sorry that she lost you, so stop worrying. Forget the past. Forget the pain. And remember what an incredible man you are. You do that and she'll realize what she has lost,” Felisa said softly as she stared at Cristiano, she watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed before he opened his eyes and looked at her.

The footballer stared at her speechlessly, he hadn’t told her why she had been hired and he was taken back that she had figured it out; the brunette had been difficult to get a hold of but she had come highly recommended by a couple of friends of his, friends that had sworn that she was the best that he could ask for.

“You are good,” Cristiano said when he found his voice again, he swallowed as he tried to control his breathing ignoring the still intimate pose that the two of them were still sat in; the brunette smiled at him before she carefully climbed off his lap and sat next to him.

“I’ve been doing this for eight years… of course I’m good at what I do,” Felisa said as she winked at him, she watched him for a moment before standing and heading for the kitchen; she knew that he was watching her go and it brought a smile to her face.

Cristiano watched her go before he frowned, he knew that she was twenty-six and if she started being an escort eight years before then she started being an escort straight out of high school.

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