Part Two - Chapter Twenty-One: Rhea's Return

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Felisa sighed as she made sure that everything was prepared for her sister’s arrival, she knew that Rhea still wasn’t speaking to her but she was coming home for the anniversary of their parents deaths and the brunette didn’t want any fighting.

“Amor relax,” Cristiano said as he moved to stop his girlfriend of five months from cleaning more, he knew she was nervous and he didn’t blame her.

Rhea hadn’t been friendly with her sister since she had been sent to live in Portugal with Dolores, she had been attending college and from what Dolores had told them, she had found herself a boyfriend that made her happy.

“It’ll be okay… Rhea’s probably missed you as much as you have missed her,” Cristiano whispered as he tried to reassure his girlfriend, he had spoken to his mother a lot since she had taken Rhea back to Portugal and he was pleased to hear that the brunette had changed for the better.

Felisa looked at her boyfriend as she nibbled on her lip and nodded her head, she knew that he was right but she couldn’t help but worry.

Dolores had given the couple a warning when Rhea had boarded her flight back to Madrid that she wasn’t alone and was traveling with her boyfriend of two months.

The teenager had also declined to be picked up from the airport since she wanted to travel to the house alone and didn’t want her sister freaking out when she met the boyfriend.

“I know but I can’t help but worry,” Felisa replied as she cuddled into Cristiano, she just hoped that he was right; she had no idea what to expect when her sister finally arrived home but it worried her.


Rhea took a shaky breath as she stepped off the plane, she chewed on her lip knowing that this trip wasn’t going to be easy.

The brunette was all too aware about why she had been invited back to Madrid, it was the anniversary of her parent’s death; she needed to come home to be with her family.

“Don’t look so worried Rhea,” her boyfriend said making the brunette turn to face him, she wouldn’t have come if it weren’t for him and she knew that he was taking a risk by coming with her.

André Gomes currently played for S.L. Benfica and was the brother of one of Rhea’s new friends at college; he had slowly helped the brunette work on her problems and had convinced her to come back to Madrid for the anniversary of her parents’ death.

“What if she hates me?” Rhea asked as they walked through the terminal, she knew that there was every chance that Felisa was still mad at her for what she had done.

Rhea was embarrassed and ashamed of what she had done to her sister, she knew now that she had been wrong and living with Dolores had given her a chance to move away from her life in Madrid.

André sighed as he wrapped an arm around his girlfriend, he knew that Rhea hadn’t spoken to her sister since she had gone to Portugal.

“She won’t,” André said knowing that Felisa wouldn’t have allowed her sister to come home if she was still mad at her; the footballer doubted that Felisa would be anything but as nervous as Rhea was right now.

Rhea sighed as she forced a smile hoping that her boyfriend was right, she had talked to him a lot about what had happened between them and realised just how hard her sister’s life was now that she was sort of living it herself.


“Rhea is nice to see you again,” Cristiano said as he opened the front door to her and her boyfriend, he eyed the footballer that stood nervously beside Rhea knowing that he would be keeping an extra eye on the younger man.

Cristiano felt protective over Rhea especially since he recalled how he had been when he had been the same age as André; he didn’t want to see his girlfriend’s sister hurt.

Rhea nodded her head awkwardly at Cristiano knowing that she owed him a big apology, she had put him in a difficult position and Irina could have sued him if she hadn’t been a close friend and dropped the case.

André reached forward and took his girlfriend’s hand knowing that he was only here to support her, he just hoped that he was right about Felisa and she would be welcoming after all that had happened.

Cristiano allowed the couple to come inside the apartment, he shifted his hold on Thalia as the seven month old looked curiously at her aunt.

“She’s gotten big,” Rhea murmured as she looked at her niece, she hadn’t had the guts to ask about her sister or niece; she had only really spoken to Fabio and she knew that he was currently at school.

Cristiano nodded his head with a smile knowing that it wouldn’t be long before she was walking and talking, he had already started to baby proof the apartment because she could now crawl.

“Felisa’s in the kitchen,” Cristiano said as he nodded towards the kitchen, he knew that she was nervous about seeing her sister again and he could see that Rhea was just as nervous.

Neither of the sisters had spoken in months and they were both sure that the other was still mad at them for what had happened.

“I’ll put our things in your room,” André said as he pecked Rhea’s lips as Cristiano signalled for him to follow since he was heading for Thalia’s bedroom to settle her down for her nap.

Rhea squeaked as she watched her boyfriend leave her alone, she knew that she had to do this but she wasn’t sure that she was ready to see Felisa again.

The brunette stood quietly for a moment as she wondered if she could really do this, she didn’t know how Felisa was going to react and it scared her.

Rhea understood why she had been sent off to Portugal and she was sort of glad that her sister had done it, she was living her own life and Dolores was a force to be reckoned with.

Slowly Rhea started for the kitchen, it was the middle of the afternoon and her sister would be preparing a late lunch; she chewed on her lip as she carefully entered the kitchen.

Felisa was working silent with the radio playing softly in the background, she paused for a moment as if sensing that Rhea was behind her before she continued on.

“How was your flight?” Felisa asked carefully as she worked, Cristiano hadn’t been home long from training and she was sure that Rhea and her boyfriend would be hungry as well.

Rhea blinked a little surprised at what her sister had asked her, she had been expecting there to be some anger or something but there was nothing like that.

“It was okay,” Rhea replied as she tried to not show how nervous she was to be home in Madrid, she had acted so poorly and it was only now that she understood how wrong she had been to meddle in her sister’s personal life.

Felisa nodded her head as she glanced back at Rhea, she knew that Cristiano wouldn’t be far away and Rhea’s boyfriend would also be hovering giving the two sisters a moment alone.

“Do you need any help?” Rhea asked knowing that she felt odd just standing around and that this weekend was going to be hard enough without them being awkward with one another.

Felisa nodded her head as she offered his sister a small smile, she was sure that they would be okay and maybe when this was over they would be on better terms.

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