Part One - Chapter Twenty-One: From Bad to Worse

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Luciana smirked as she looked at the gathering, she couldn’t believe that this was how it was all working out; she had waited for this day for many years and now the truth was out, she didn’t have to live a lie anymore.

“So the secret is finally out,” the blonde said bored as she looked between Cristiano and his brother, she knew there would be winning the footballer back now that he knew what she had done.

Instead she would now focus on destroying the relationship that Cristiano had with Felisa, the blonde knew that this would drive away the brunette for good.

“You know… I’ve been considering a career change, anyone know the going rate for a female escort?” Luciana asked innocently, her lips quirked slightly as she watched the confusion spread around the room; she knew that no one knew that Felisa wasn’t who she said she was and it was all about to change.

Cristiano glared at the woman before him, he had once been so in love with her and now he saw her for what she was; she was more of a cheap hooker than Felisa had ever been.

“Come on now Felisa… don’t be shy, you’ve been doing this for eleven years now,” Luciana said smugly as she stared at her love rival, she couldn’t believe it had been so easy to hack into the brunette’s laptop and get all the details that she needed to destroy Felisa like this.

The silence in the room worsened as everyone turned to look at the brunette, no one could believe what they were hearing as Dolores glared at the woman that had destroyed her family; Luciana had turned her two sons against each other and now there was no going back.

“Wait don’t tell me you didn’t know… Cristiano paid her £12,000 to come here and pretend to be his girlfriend for two weeks,” Luciana replied as she remembered her helpful little chat with Angelica Gomez who just so happened to be Felisa’s madame.

“Cristiano… tell me it’s not true,” Elma pleaded as she stepped closer to her younger brother, she didn’t want to believe a horrid word that Luciana said but suddenly everything seemed to make sense about the couple.

Cristiano closed his eyes as he nodded his head, he didn’t care anymore as his mind remained focused on what he had just learnt; he couldn’t believe that he had been betrayed in such a way.

Felisa glared at Luciana, she knew that the blonde had never liked her and she wasn’t about to let this go now since she claimed to know so much.

“And do you know why I do what I do? Go on since you seem to know everything,” Felisa said with an edge to her voice, she stepped closer to Luciana knowing that the woman was nothing but talk; she didn’t know what the brunette had gone through the last few years and she had no right to judge her.

The blonde snorted in disinterest, she didn’t care for what sob story that the escort had; she was nothing more than someone who sold herself.

“I lost my parents when I was fourteen, leaving me with two younger siblings and no family to turn to… I needed some way of putting food on the table so yes I’m an escort, yes I never had the chance to finish school… but I would rather rot in hell than listen to some stuck up blonde whose never had to sacrifice anything in her perfect little life,” Felisa ranted furiously making Dolores look at her sadly.

The Portuguese mother had known from the moment that she had seen the brunette that there was something that haunted her, she never expected Felisa to have such a heartbreaking past.


“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me… I’ve spent two weeks making a fool of myself with you for nothing,” Cristiano shouted as he slammed open his summer house door with the brunette following after him.

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