Part One - Chapter Seventeen: A Mother's Acceptance

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Felisa jumped in surprise as Dolores walked into the bathroom, the brunette focused on washing her hands as she shifted nervously; she had never been truly alone with her boyfriend’s mother and it un-nerved her slightly.

Turning to dry her hands, Felisa swallowed as she spotted Dolores staring at her, she had a look on her face that the brunette didn’t recognise; she wiped her hands dry as she wondered what Dolores wanted to say to her.

“In all my years I have never seen Cristiano so happy,” the older woman said finally as Felisa moved to drop the tissue in the bin, she stopped and looked at Dolores was doing; she suddenly cursed herself for leaving Cristiano’s side.

The brunette should have suspected that Dolores would want to talk to her in private, it was something that she generally avoided and it made her even more nervous especially since she had never done this before.

“I have always known that he would find love, not that lust he shared with Luciana, he’s always deserved someone better,” Dolores said proudly as she looked at Felisa, she could see that the brunette was nervous and she didn’t blame her; she had wanted to talk to her alone for some time but things kept happening to stop her.

The brunette nodded her head, she herself doubted that Cristiano had loved Luciana; there was something about the two of them that didn’t add up to her and the blonde clearly like his fame more than she liked him.

“That someone is you Felisa,” Dolores said as she smiled brightly at the brunette, she knew that Felisa was the first woman that her youngest son had dated that she approved of; the others only seemed to like him because he was Cristiano Ronaldo.

Felisa swallowed as she felt guilt form in her stomach, the woman before her had no idea that she was an escort and she knew it would come back to haunt her; she shifted nervously knowing that Dolores would hate her if she knew the truth.

“You make him so happy and he is so in love with you,” Dolores said shaking her head, it was all a mother could ask for especially when their son was famous; she wanted someone who looked at Cristiano like Felisa did for him.

The brunette didn’t see the footballer that everyone knew, she saw the man that he had become; the man that used to be Dolores’s little boy and now he was all grown up.

“Welcome to the family Felisa,” Dolores said as she smiled at the brunette, she could see that the younger woman was surprised; she hoped that Felisa was going to be sticking around for a long time, especially since she made her son so happy.

Felisa stared at her, she couldn’t swallow the guilt that seemed to now control her as Dolores patted her on the shoulder and made to leave; she couldn’t believe how nice the woman was being to her.

“You’re not so bad for an escort, you have my blessing,” Dolores said thoughtfully as she smiled back at Felisa, the brunette’s mouth dropped open as she stared speechlessly as Dolores smiled at her and walked out of the room knowing that nothing would stop her son from being happy now.


Cristiano pulled his girlfriend out of sight as he swallowed the lump that formed in his throat, her words ringing in his ears; he wasn’t sure what had happened but he knew that it couldn’t be a good thing.

“What do you mean my mãe knows?” the footballer demanded as he backed his girlfriend into a wall, his hands shook knowing that she would never be okay with him dating Felisa if she knew that the brunette was a female escort; she would be appalled at him for stooping so low.

Felisa watched him knowing that this was distressing for him, he never expecting anyone to learn what she did; it was sort of important that no one knew.

“She knows that I’m an escort…” Felisa said making Cristiano curse as he pulled away from her, he couldn’t believe that this was happening; he ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to figure out what he was going to do now.

Felisa sighed as she moved to stop him from pacing, her hands taking his making him look at her; she offered him a small smile as she leant forward and kissed him knowing that they would be okay.

“She’s given her blessing,” Felisa whispered as she pulled back from Cristiano, her blue eyes staring up at him as her words sunk in; a smile formed on his face as he realised what she had said.

“She’s okay with this?” Cristiano asked as he held Felisa close, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing as weight lifted from his shoulders; his life was so much easier if his mother knew about Felisa being an escort.

The footballer didn’t care that it was for only for a little while longer, he was going to get her a proper job and he didn’t want his girlfriend selling her body when she was with him; he kissed her as he wrapped his arms around her body and held her close.

“I love you,” Cristiano said thrilled that everything was going to be okay, he wasn’t going to waste a moment with her and as soon as they were back in Madrid then he would fix everything.

Felisa smiled as she wrapped her arms around him, she drew him closer knowing that this was the start of a whole new life for her; she wouldn’t have to hide herself completely.

Luciana pursed her lips as she watched her ex-fiancé, she couldn’t believe what she had heard; it was just the thing that she was looking for and now she just needed the proof.


Hugo grinned to himself as he staggered down the corridor, he’d had a little too much to drink and his wife had stormed off since she didn’t like it when he was like this; he got a little too touchy with other women.

“Hugo?” Felisa asked as she walked back into the restaurant, she had stepped outside for some fresh air after her make-out session with Cristiano and was surprised to see the Portuguese walking around.

Hugo smiled drunkenly as his eyes looked over Felisa’s beautiful body, he had to admit that his younger brother had a wonderful taste in women; he staggered forward and tripped making Felisa move to help him.

“Let’s get you a glass of water and sober you up,” the brunette muttered as she held the man up by his waist, she was used to dealing with drunks even if she didn’t like it; however Hugo was having none of it and grabbed a tight hold of Felisa.

The brunette looked at him confused as he smiled at her, she didn’t know what had gotten into him and she hoped that he wasn’t going to do anything stupid; she was dating his younger brother.

“You are so bonita,” Hugo mumbled as he drew her closer, he smiled as Felisa struggling against his suddenly strong grip; the brunette really didn’t like where this was going and she hoped he wasn’t about to do what she thought he was going to do.

“Maybe just a kiss,” Hugo said making Felisa stare at him, she struggled against his hold before he slammed his lips into hers; his hands leaving bruises on her arms as he held her tightly to him.

The two were completely unaware that Katia was watching them, she smirked knowing that this would get rid of the brunette for good.

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