Part Two - Chapter Ten: Consequences

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"What will you do?” Felisa asked softly as she looked at Cristiano as he dressed, it seemed a life time ago that everything was so easy for them when in fact it had only been twenty-four hours.

The footballer sighed as he leant over and kissed his girlfriend, he hated that this was how things were; he could have killed Rhea for her meddling and hadn’t been able to say a word to her after what had happened.

Felisa rested her head against his, she hadn’t said a word to her sister since the morning before and she knew that there would have to be consequences for what Rhea had done; she had done a lot of damage and didn’t seem to care.

“Jorge has organised a press conference… I’ll try and do some damage control, then I’ll have to speak with my lawyers,” Cristiano said knowing that Rhea had made a right mess of things; he brushed some hair from her face and kissed her again.

The footballer wasn’t going to allow anything to take his family away from him, he was determined to show everyone that he was happy; he glanced over at Thalia who was sleeping peacefully unaware of the storm outside that was brewing.

The media storm had alerted several members of Cristiano’s family that he no longer spoke with about what was going on; they had spent the day before trying to get in contact with him

. Katia had been furious to learn that her younger brother was back with the escort and that Felisa was claiming that he had fathered her child; she had demanded that a paternity test should be done and had insisted on coming to Madrid.

“My mãe is coming around to keep you company,” Cristiano said knowing that Felisa wouldn’t be able to leave the apartment without being mobbed; he knew everyone would be out to publically get her now.


Dolores pottered around the kitchen making some lunch as she glanced over at Felisa, she nibbled on her lip as she listened to the brunette try and pleaded her case with her work; they had called to speak with her about what was going on.

“I’m sorry that it had to come to that decision,” Felisa said as she ran a hand through her hair, she had been expecting this since she had seen the newspapers the day before; there was no way that she would be able to hold down a job with the massive backlash that she was now facing.

Cristiano had done his best the day before to keep her attention away from the internet and the news, he hadn’t wanted to upset his girlfriend especially with the horrible things that were being posted and said about her.

Disconnecting the call, Felisa looked at Thalia wondering when this would all blow over; she had never done anything wrong in her life and had always done what she had thought was right.

“Everything okay?” Dolores asked as she stepped towards Felisa, she knew that things had been so hard for her and now they only seemed to be getting worse; she hated to think what else could happen.

Felisa shook her head as she ignored her sister, she knew that she would have nothing to say to Rhea right now; she was furious at what she had done and still Rhea didn’t seem to understand the problems that she had caused.

“I just lost my job,” Felisa said as she set the phone down on the table, she closed her eyes hating that she would have to rely on Cristiano now for everything; she doubted that anyone would want to hire her now that it was out that she was a former female escort.

Rhea looked at her sister knowing that this silent treatment couldn’t last much longer; she was sure that Felisa would open up to her soon.

“What are you going to do?” Dolores asked as she glanced at her granddaughter, she knew that Felisa had to think of her daughter right now as well as herself; the brunette had always been able to pull herself out of places like this.

Felisa shrugged knowing that she had very limited options and the one that stood out was going back to her former madame and begging for her escort job back.

“You know he won’t let you do that,” Dolores said knowing what Felisa was thinking, becoming an escort again just wasn’t an option for her right now; Cristiano would never allow her to do that again, not when she was his girlfriend.

Rhea snorted as she got herself a bottle of water, she didn’t understand why her sister seemed to be catering to the footballer now; she was a strong independent woman and she deserved better.

“Just go to your room Rhea… I don’t have time to deal with you right now,” Felisa snapped as she looked at her sister, she knew that she had to do something about her but she wasn’t sure what just yet; Dolores looked at the teenager knowing that she was just going to cause more problems.

Rhea huffed before she stormed away, she had done something that Cristiano didn’t have the guts to do and she didn’t understand why she was being punished for that.

Dolores watched the teenager leave, she knew that Felisa had enough on her plate with Thalia and Fabio right now; she didn’t need to be dealing with the seventeen year old as well.

“I have an idea,” Dolores said as she moved to sit across from Felisa at the breakfast table, she knew that this could be the answer to the brunette’s problem.


Cristiano groaned under his breath as he sat in front of several journalists while his agent sat beside him; he had known this wasn’t going to be easy but this was starting to get tedious.

“Listen… my relationship with Felisa is private. Yes she used to be an escort and that is how we meet but she did it because she had no other choice,” Cristiano said through gritted teeth, he clenched his hands as he tried to calm himself knowing that he had to remain in control.

The reporters all seemed to be deliberately trying to get him to lash out, they had brought up several men that had been linked in the past to Felisa and he had nearly swung for them.

“Felisa hasn’t done anything wrong… she does not deserve to be treated like this and I would appreciate it if these nonsense stories stopped,” Cristiano said as he took a deep breath, he glanced at Jorge knowing that it was a long stop and he still had to sort things out with Irina’s lawyers.

Rhea had breached his contract by going public about him and her sister and he was now in a lot of trouble.

The footballer listened to some of the questions that his agent answered, he felt sick at what they were suggesting and knew that Felisa would never go behind his back and cheat on him.

“Felisa is more loyal than any of my past girlfriends, she no longer works as an escort and hasn’t since we got together last summer. Have you ever done something that was wrong to provide for your families?” Cristiano said as he looked around the room, he had long since gotten over what had happened with Luciana Abreu but he would never forgive his brother for what he had done.

Jorge smiled knowing that there was little that would sway Cristiano from breaking up with Felisa; the brunette was special to him and they had a small family together now. 

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